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Combustion powered airsoft guns - a revolution?



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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:34   #1
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Combustion powered airsoft guns - a revolution?

While reading "Popular Mechanics Dec 05" during my period two spare, I couldn't help but notice a writeup on the tippmann C-3. Of course who cares about a paintball gun? Exactly! What I do care about is the possible application of combustion in airsoft. Yes I just said combustion.

"Unlike C02 or compressed air, a tiny amount of propane is ignited by a spark plug creating a combustion that propels the paintball out the barrel."

"...and it gets 50,000 shots from one $3 propane tank."

The rest can be found here:

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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:37   #2
Bob the Angry Potato
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Well, if they can send a bunch of liquid paint trapped by a thin membrane, they can send a small, solid plastic ball.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:38   #3
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My thoughts exactly.

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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:40   #4
Bob the Angry Potato
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Personally, it'll be difficult. Downsizing the mechanism so much, and retaining the realism would be a bit of a chore... plus, it'd have to be pretty well built, in case of any 'mishaps' happening to the less intelligent players, or the more intelligent but too curious ones.
However, sounds like a great concept. Time to put MadMax's work even furthur.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:42   #5
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i got to play around with the c-3 a couple of months ago. pretty cool. it makes a big BANG when fired. and 50,000 shots on a propane bottle isn't bad either. it would be interesting to see if someone can make a full-auto ignition system that could be used without flame shooting out of the barrel (cool nonetheless) or without any timing/premature ignition problems, etc. as the c-3 is a pump-action, only sinlge shot so no timing issues there. but he applications for airsoft with a loud and powerful and cheap-to-run gas automatic rifle would have my vote.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:44   #6
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Yeah I don't think I would be interested in using some cheap CGBB (C=combustion - yes I first coined the phrase) considering the potential for destruction. If this technology were to be used it would need to be high quality or nothing.


...and yes the potential seems awesome
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:45   #7
Bob the Angry Potato
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Maruzen M500's my first bet. There's at least some space, a giant resevoir, full-metal and lots of rounds to shoot.
Damn, that'd be great...
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:49   #8
Mike the great
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for those who dont know how a C3 works...

credit goes to "Meph" @ PbN
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:50   #9
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Hahahaha! I like the nuke bit, really...
Anyways, it's a great idea. I want to see it tried out... I'd go with Maruzen M500, still. Looks like it'd work.
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:52   #10
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Okay so when do we blow up...erm "test" our first M500?

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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:53   #11
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Want nearly free GBB gas?

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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:53   #12
Bob the Angry Potato
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As soon as someone's crazy enough to rip apart theirs, add one of these and pray it won't explode.
Give me an M500, and I'll do it
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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:54   #13
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Full auto might not be too doable becaue of the heat generated from rapid fire. thats why this un is pump action and not even semi. Although think of the aplication for snipers and shotguns. you could have the easy of use of a gas bolt action sniper without having to worry about temperature and your velocity should be allot more stable. I this this could be a huge step forward for bolt action sniper rifles


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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:57   #14
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To combat the heating issue there would need to be multiple smaller chambers which empty into each other, and possibly some Cu or Al cooling fins.

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Old December 20th, 2005, 23:59   #15
Bob the Angry Potato
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Hmm... sounds difficult, but doable. It'd take time, though, and I'd expect these to run at about 700 dollars for a full mechanism...
However, if someone could get this done and sell it to a company...
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