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G&G RK104 (AK104) Initial review



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Old January 18th, 2006, 17:04   #16
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Originally Posted by Shlappy
Originally Posted by Gish
Glad to hear that Shlappy. Guess it was a minor problem. Does your top reciever also look a little weird too?
Yes it does, like they painted the top reciever as an after thought or something. In fact, the quality is alot different then the rest of the rifle. Oh well, maybe a guarder ribbed top reciever will be in order some where down the line.

Also, you better post some pictures when you get the kobra RDS mounted. I wonder, can you use a real steak AK mount on airsoft guns?? Would be nice if I could buy the sight and mount at the same time!
Just to comment on that, Yes you can buy the Real Steel AK side mount, and it will work exactly the same..

Need Parts/Accessories?
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Old January 18th, 2006, 17:07   #17
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Originally Posted by Red Ghost
I'm curious as to where you got your PBS-1 Silencer, as i have a friend looking for one to slap on his TM AK-47
Working on getting a few in i will pm you with details as things progress if you would like.

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Old January 18th, 2006, 17:29   #18
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The PBS-1 Was one of the original's put out by Russiancombatgear. Theres a lad in the UK doing a run of them with baffles. He produced a PBS-5 which I have on my AKSU and it looks fantastic. Theres also some being sold from someone in the states. Check over on the boards for info on both of those.
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Old January 18th, 2006, 21:14   #19
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Originally Posted by Berkut
Here is another RK-104 review, looks good, has some advice for "out of a box" guns...
Me wants it...
Looks like his AK also has spots of rust on the selector switch.
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Old January 22nd, 2006, 01:39   #20
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Got my copy of this G&G RK-104 from Tru last week.
Here is the description from WGC about the rust and the aged look on the receiver and the selector plate: 'Special coating on selector plate ,easy to create realistic scrated and aged look'.
My selector plate has a bit of rust...but overall I love the look of the gun. Great value for the money plus if you are the owner of a TM full stock Ak, you know for fact that they are not all so perfect as well. For example- bute plate will come off during game playing,front sight tends to wrobble and the pistol hand grip on the G&G AK has a much better feel to it.
I will have more to say about this gun at a later time...once I get to fire off a couple thousand rounds of BBs.
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Old January 22nd, 2006, 02:10   #21
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Originally Posted by longshot
'Special coating on selector plate ,easy to create realistic scrated and aged look'.
I think G&G is just saying that to save their ass. Little Johnny the slave- worker probably forgot to put a second layer of paint on the switches. a few more months there wont be any RUST... :nod:

We shall see, lol.
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Old January 28th, 2006, 20:47   #22
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Arnie's Airsoft Review of this baby...
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Old September 29th, 2006, 23:25   #23
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This is a follow up of Gish’s excellent review on the G&G AK-104.
Here is my AK-104 story –
After spending a lot of money to upgrade the internal of this gun and finally I had a chance to go to a game with it early in July. On second thought I think I have tries too hard to make this a ‘super’ AK. The internal upgrades included the following parts:
• Mauri EG1000 motor
• Systema tight bore inner barrel, cut to fit the length of the outer barrel.
• Guarder tappet plate
• Guarder metal brushing
• Guarder transparent hope up buckling- more to say about this later.
• Win Well piston
• Guarder metal piston head
• Retained the stock gun spring

On my first game at the Flag Raider with this gun it performed flawlessly at the beginning…got six confirmed kills before lunch time. Than the gun had a serious BB jam and was unable to fix it on the field. Altogether I fired over 1100rd of BB when it happened. I went to see my local gun doctor to have a look at this gun and discovered the followings: a crack on the hope up buckling ( I should have leave the stock gun hope up alone to begin with), one tooth on the spur gear striped, one third of the piston striped. Sounds like a hopeless situation at that time…but the gun doctor was able to get it back to shoot and replaced the striped gear with my old TM AK-47 gears. Piston and piston head was replaced with stock Mauri parts. Also added on a Prometheus SP110 spring.
After further testing of this gun I decided replaced the spring with an Airsoft Surgeon stage two spring and a Systema red piston. Other issues such as feeding problems of the stock gun mag were ‘fixed’ by using the TM AK high cap mag instead as the fit is much better than the G&G mag. Also no one mentioned that this gun did not come with a gun fuse, the stock gun trigger spring a bit lose and I will replace it with an after market one soon.
Back to another game at Wasaga beach two week ago…this gun turned out the be a very solid gun on the field and the handling is better than my TM AK-47 I must say. The GE1000 motor performs better than the stock gun motor. I fired over 2500rds of BB on that day with no issue at all. I venture to say I can match my AK-104 with any upgraded gun on the field with no reservations. I look forward to have this gun to be my primary weapon for many games to come.
People had paid a lot of attention on the ISC AK, so is about time I give my G&G AK some ‘publicity”.
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Old October 10th, 2006, 00:32   #24
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Thought i'd update this review a little bit.
Because of someone messing me over I didn't get a chance to use this much this summer (Was supposed to rethread the silencer for me, still has my frontend after 5 months)
I've resolved the issue by buying a new front end and the new G&G PBS they put out specifically for there AK's.

So far I haven't had a single problem. The gun shoots amazingly well and i've put around 10,000 rounds thru it. Unlike many of the reviews i've seen so far i haven't stripped/broken anything on it.
There still is a bit of a feeding issue, this is due to the large rubber pad that G&G uses in the mag well, and it seems that the mag catch was ground down at the factory a little bit (TM mag catch won't work) so it was necassary to shave down this rubber pad for it to feed better (With star lowcaps)

I'm still very pleased with the weapon and it serves my outdoor needs very well.
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Old October 23rd, 2006, 20:37   #25
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I have dropped the gun with the hicap in it and, sure enough, the tab snapped off. I did also encounter feeding problems, and I noticed that it would feed if i applied upward pressure so i decided to put a little epoxy on the mag right where it meets the mag release, and it fed fine even thought it was a bit tough to get in.

I have chronoed it at 330-335fps with excels, and about 325-330fps with A.E. blacks, I say that because the elites were rumored to be more powerful(they did a study on

I did not encounter any rust on the gun when I received it although the selector switch, and bolt cover did eventually accumulate a bunch of small dots, all I did was wipe the cover, and switch down and I havent had any problems since then
P.S. How did you get your flashider off? there is a small tab (you can see it in your picture) that is at the base of the front sights and it blocks the flashider from coming off
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