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Your stupidest (harmless) airsoft mistake



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Old February 20th, 2006, 11:00   #121
Join Date: Mar 2004
Stupidity + spring = blood

I did something so stupid I wrote a whole story about it. Too big to repost here in my opinion. The short version is..

German Cammo 30 dollars
TM AUG aeg 300 dollars
bb's 15 dollars

Spontaneous body piercing involving AUG foregrip retention spring...priceless (and a bit bloody).

Ummm...yeah I meant to say that. Didn't I?
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Old February 20th, 2006, 18:51   #122
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i was exchanging BBs with one enemy. my mag emptied so i pressed release button, while concentrating on his movement. without taking my sight off him, i take another mag and put it in, and realize it won't catch in. i keep trying to put the mag in for like 20 seconds, still watching him move and shoot at me. my next thoughts are "something broke. oh &#*#@ " . so i take a look and realize my finger was STILL holding the release button.
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Old February 23rd, 2006, 14:14   #123
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Luckly not me, but were at a field waiting for the game to start, everyone talking about previous games, and just wondering around. This field had recently been visited by a bunch of cattle, buddy laughs and starts shooting semi auto into a pile of cow shat, eventually one of the small pieces fly'n away from the pile-o-shat manages to attach itself to his FACE. LOL all he can say is 'DUDE it's on my FACE'.

I was playin a game of indoor at our local indoor facility. as a veteran i was working with the new guys setting up this elaborate breach. After about 5 mins of planning and coordinating all the new guys, i shift my weight to take my first step towards the hallway, and the enemy by fluke happen to be flash shooting right at that moment and i was killed. lol didn't go according to plan,

Another great indoor story. our indoor arena has 5 ramps leading to two seperate upper areas. the ramps are lined with a rubber mat for traction. Prior to this game, (usually i prefer to go first up the ramp) one of my teammates tells me he wants to go first on this assault, i say sure, only to have him trip over his feet on the way up the ramp. Now back to the later game. We are brutelly harrassing him for falling earlier, unbenonced to me, the door leading outside of the building (it is currently raining outside) has been leaking water onto the carpet. by now wet rubber boots on the wet rubber ramp are creating a tragic moment. 3 - 2 - 1 the game starts i shift weight, and boom down i go. Only to be laughed at by the entire team still to this day.

Last story, this is just bad show on my part. Big mil-sim. my squad gets the shat end of the stick, and gets our sleep time taken away, and have to pull base defence (during a cease fire i might add) for the next 8 hrs. We sat in a cold sand bunker all night with no firefights me and my teammate taking turns sleeping 30mins in the cold sand with my ranger blanket. Sun starts to rise and the other squads get out of bed, and we think sweet finally we will get to see some action (14 hrs into the sim, and our squad has yet to be givin a active role in the game, other than move peoples shat from a-b) but alas, no we are stuck on base defence even longer. I stand up, tired not thinking clearly, and say F**k this S**t, i'm done. and i took my stuff and left. not reolizing i took the blanket, only to have my teammate freeze to death for the remaining 3 hours of the sim. they will never let me live that down
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Old February 24th, 2006, 12:20   #124
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Originally Posted by mirage13
Originally Posted by Mafioso_Grande
Who knows, maybe some new guy will read this and it'll stop him from doing something dumb.
Flanked with my ***** hanging out (accident)
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Old February 24th, 2006, 16:31   #125
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Originally Posted by m0rp
I did something so stupid I wrote a whole story about it. Too big to repost here in my opinion. The short version is..

German Cammo 30 dollars
TM AUG aeg 300 dollars
bb's 15 dollars

Spontaneous body piercing involving AUG foregrip retention spring...priceless (and a bit bloody).

Just another BRIGHT IDEA to avoid if springs cause random piercings= Having gotten a fish hook stuck in my palm I realized I had two options- rip it out or carefully makign small incisions (or get someone else to do it for me) therby creating less damage. I didn't really have a knife though. And besides- just like a band-aid, rip it off/quick and painless. NEVER AGAIN. EVER. Lesson- avoid ANY fish hook analagies when something is stuck into you.

Originally Posted by Grim Fandango View Post
Ok, so let me get this straight here Megan.

- You wish to buy your boyfriend some airsoft stuff and/or video games for christmas
- You enjoy playing airsoft
- You enjoy playing video games
- You like to drink beer
- You seem to have a reasonably healthy obsession with sex

Do you happen to have like, a sister, who is like you in all these ways and is single, and lives in Toronto
~ Lady *Lucky* *Lass* Sparks~
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Old February 27th, 2006, 22:32   #126
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Was playing an indoor game at xtreme tactics here in winnipeg, during the game I felt the need to scratch the top of my head, took off my helmut not realizing the chin strap was attached to my earring and proceeded to rip it out. Ouch.
kids in the back seat cause accidents...accidents in the back seat cause kids

I don't know what I've been told, But Eskimo pussy is mighty cold. :salute:
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Old February 27th, 2006, 23:32   #127
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i was near a little lagoon/river thing and it was a hill going up. so i was there with a buddies MC51 and i was shooting a bit. i did a sumersault to dodge some fire and get to a new location fast and didnt notice the clip falling out... so then when i went to shoot i noticed the map had fallen out. i then noticed that it had fell into the swamp/lagoon thing and was upset. when i got my first gun, first thing i did was give him my new locap as a repay. now all i got is an old hicap that is rusty. damnit ! lol
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Old February 28th, 2006, 00:32   #128
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Long time ago when I just started, my team was rushing the tire fort and I was just setting up behind them readying myself for a charge. All of a sudden I see most if not all my team members running back to me, and I saw xTu_StAn running towards me and I had no idea if he was on my team or not, just that he was running towards me with a neutral expression on his face. So I thought "oh, hes on my team, hes just running away"
then the funniest thing he was running towards me, and we were both looking at each other in a funny way, he started slowly raising his gun but with uncertainty and I'm just standing there wondering WTF hes doing, so just imagine both of us with raised guns....just staring at each other...until all of a sudden he said MERCY LOL .... I'm like "aw crap..." :x:

we had a good laugh afterwards
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Old March 25th, 2006, 05:54   #129
PsHycho Giraffe
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I guess I have to include this one. Here I am, first AEG, an uber-expensive ICS SD6 to boot, and I eagerly yank off the battery cover and the whole front of the muzzle and the silencer comes with it. Upper receiver broke.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 14:08   #130
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I was defending an upper level along a hallway, hiding just around the corner from the hall itself, while two other guys were shooting at me from the other side. We exchanged fire for a while before they decided to rush me while reloading. By the time the make it the whole way down the hallway and around the corner I have already finished reloading. However, one has a GBB glock 18c, which unbeknownst to it's handler had ran out of ammo, and the other had a TM P90 which chose that exact moment to jam. needless to say it was the easiest two kills I have ever gotten.

Another one that Anduril reminded me of is that there is a guy who plays with our club who has a bad habit during one of our games. The game is touch-the-wall, and basically each team has a small portion of wall that the opposing team must touch to win. However in this game we usually have all the new people defend the wall. Unfortunately new people aren't really good at learning what everyone looks like right away. So this guy will walk backwards towards the enemy's wall, and then start talking to the defenders, "have they seen any action?", "don't worry it get's more exciting when you attack", "how do you like the gun?", "and by the lose!" as he touches the wall. I wanted to kick myself for that one my first game.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 18:55   #131
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Originally Posted by mr.ptrap
I got 2 "events"

It wasnt airsoft but 1 of those 4.5 mm pellet air-rifles.
My air rifle is a Beeman 1041 at 490FPS.
Both times I was shooting at paper target, with a wooden wall in the back behind it.
The first time the round ricoched and hit me in the ankle (not serious damage)
The second time a round again ricoched but this time it whiiiiized by my ear.
I was lucky. The sound it made was awsome though (ziiiiiiiip)
Same here, I was loadin' up my crosman .177s (410 fps 8-Shot) for akimbo at all the blackbirds at the lake house. My cousin walked up behind me and shot me in the back wiht one at point blank and I hopped the rail into the lake with new shoes, a new watch, and no extra clothes left. 8O

Then there was the time I was playin paintball, and I was shootin around a corner and a girl in my youthgroup FFed me point blank in the back of the head, and these guns were shootin' 330 fps, so yeah.. I was ketchin' stars on the sideline for half an hour. :smack:

and when I was tryin to unjam an old springer of mine I had cocked it and shot it at the wall an it ricocheted of the wall and squared me in the head of my pecker, and I was wearin' just boxers, cause if was late... it's still sensitive to this day. ops:

Oh and a real steel: didn't hold the old M1911A1 tight enough... got bad hammer bite...REEEAAALLL BBBAAADDD!!! Lesson learned: dont shoot a .45 with one hand unless you are a champion bodybuilder.
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Old March 31st, 2006, 21:54   #132
Millions Knives
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A while back I shot myself in the foot with an upgraded MP5 that I owned - with no shoes on.

But my first time out, at the first Newbie Camp game at FR (in January), I tried to run out from behind cover only to slip on some snow-covered ice, fall backwards and take a BB up the nose from across the enclosed area of the field. I didn't even believe it myself until I got back to the safe area and sneezed it onto the table.
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 17:25   #133
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My first game, the rest of the guys hadn't showed up yet (they got lost) so we had a 3 vs sniper, the sniper had a while to get hidden then we all split up and tried to find him.

I was sneaking around and I saw him standing next to a collapsed roof. I snuck up behind him and shouted MERCY! , but he chose not to surrender and tried to dive for cover, so I spray at him with my rented Mp5-K (but the high-cap wasn't wound) so I'm dry firing at him and he's reloading him Bolt-action SR as fast as he can, until eventually I got a bit to close and he got me to surrender.

Was quite embarrassing. ops:
Com on wanre niht scriðan sceadugenga
From out of the wan night slides the shadow walker
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 18:26   #134
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Unplugging the battery charger.

The plus was under a couch, which wasn't too much of a squeeze, but I had difficulty getting it out. As soon as I got it out a little, I thought I'd put my fingers under it for the final pull. My fingers made contact with the actual plug while it was still electrified, and I got quite a zap.

Major laughs all around.
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Old April 2nd, 2006, 18:39   #135
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Originally Posted by Gerkraz
Unplugging the battery charger.

The plus was under a couch, which wasn't too much of a squeeze, but I had difficulty getting it out. As soon as I got it out a little, I thought I'd put my fingers under it for the final pull. My fingers made contact with the actual plug while it was still electrified, and I got quite a zap.

Major laughs all around.
The NPT Charger, from or like the ones from BB Bastard?

The plugs on those are horrible for sticking....

Anyway, worst mistake I ever made was taking a 9.6v crap-ass RC battery, cutting out a cell and taping it all up.

I mean, it worked OK and gave me about 8 BB/second, which is very low, but it shot....

...until I got out for the first time. I likely shot 50 shots before it just died.

Though, I did get a kick-ass springer kill! That was the highlight of the night.

Lesson learned, buy a good battery.

The Springer Story

I was behind a shed of some sort at the beginning of the game... when it started I peaked out and raised my rifle to shoot...
The battery went bad again, I decocked it (ICS) and tried again, it would not turn over. I set the gun against a tree and take out a clear springer, the Walmart kind, then I look out again... I see the guy I was shooting at was hit.
I slowly peak out from behind the shed and see the remaining guy left, with a TM AK behind a tree not far away, I was in his sites.
After going around the shed to try and find a good place, I see a small plastic box type thing, maybe a breaker box... it was about 3 feet tall and 2.5 feet wide... but it was between the him and me.
I slowly crept towards it, knowing well that he knew where I was.
Ping Ping! Shots bounced off the shed and I ducked my head, moving slowly towards it, then as I come nearer... he moves to the left and I move to the right to again block his shot. Then as I approch the box it shakes and I hit the ground as a rain of fire falls apon it.
It stopped, I popped my head up and shot, he was no more than 25 feet from me, I missed. I ducked down again after shots rang out.
It stopped again and I stuck my gun up, 'Pop!'

He called his hit and I stood... I had beaten him... though I was using a Walmart springer and only had 5 shots, I took two and hit him... he was standing there shocked, as was the other that had went down before. He had an TM AEG, I a Daisy springer, the bastard child of Crosman, yet I had won....
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