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Old December 8th, 2006, 13:23   #31
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The difference here is that I prefer to answer the questions in person, where I can also demonstrate what I'm talking about. Many others are the same, I just say so. I also find no reason to re-type what has already been said in great detail in most of the FAQ section. A lot of us, myself included, have contributed time and effort to that FAQ.

What I was too nice to ask (yes, I am nice) was to wonder why it matters in the first place wether you can break glass or not? That is the kind of question that raises all kinds of red flags.

You should not be shooting an airsoft gun at glass, and you should not be playing in an area where you are likely to be in the presence of shattered glass or behind a pane of glass while gaming. One BB from a decent sniper rifle will put you at risk to get severe cuts.

If the question was to ask if airsoft can be used indoors with no risk to anything, the answer is no.

If you want to ask something that is not in the FAQ, then by all means go ahead. It would be nice if you would not force us to read minds by stating that a search produced no results. You can even qualify the statement by saying the answer may be there, but you still could not locate it.

We dont know who you are, for all I know you could be 16 and looking for a cheap way to smash your neighbour's windows.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 14:34   #32
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i can understand everyones curiosity but to me and my firned if it can break something as solid as glass..then we have some what an idea how it feels on the skin..i know glass was a bad example and i admire your concern because i too would be questioning someones intentions with the question at hand but i can assure you was only for comparison purposes..the problem is many people in this forum like to make jokes to ..i like the first couple laughs at my own expense but when it comes down to everythin is considered a joke and know one is answering the question the thread was meant to be answerd then it is a problem......i really am intrested in this friends are equally intrigued but having people who wanna be king shit and r like find out for yourself..well somethigns wrong...grey i can understand how you would like to be shown first hand...i my self would like to be shown first hand..but sumtimes under certain circumstances people wanna be told b4 they waste the time and money to see it or experiance....word of mouth is the best advertising of all...and if its always negativity then airsoft will only die with this generation...i feel bad for some of the underagers in here and how some people treat them...they ask good questions and cuz i'm 24 its okay but some 17yr old asks the question you guys are all like "get out of here your too young no one wants to play with you!" i can understnad the concern but you guys should be a little nice even if someone does muster up the courage to ask you somethign even thot it makes them look stupid to u.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 14:57   #33
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I can't measure my sig so I got this stupid tag line instead.

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Old December 8th, 2006, 15:20   #34
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Thought Id throw my experience in here. I was shooting out the glass door of my walkout basement, into the backyard, with a .177, 500 fps pellet gun, with pointed pellets! At one point I closed the window, and forgot all about it, and shot it almost point blank. The pellet flattened out, and was polished to a mirror finish... that was pretty much it, thank god.

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Old December 8th, 2006, 15:24   #35
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From what I gather you're reason for the glass breaking question is to gauge if it is going to hurt you when you get hit, and get an idea of what it will feel like.
If you want to know what it feels like (how much it hurts or doesn't) to be hit with a BB you really just have to be shot with one. Everyone has a different thresh-hold for pain what may be nothing for one person may feel very painful to someone else. There are just to many factors involved, fps of the gun, BB weight, distance, angle, where you're hit etc.

Honestly and I'm not trying to be a smartass here, if you and your friends are that concerned about it perhaps airsoft is not for you and you should look at something like laser tag.

Last edited by sarcastro; December 8th, 2006 at 15:34..
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Old December 8th, 2006, 15:26   #36
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The guy who sold me my shell ejecting winchester shotty told me he broke his doghouse window with it. From what i understand shell ejecting shotguns are among the weaker gas rifles (being in the 200-300 fps range) then again this one also happens to be 8mm, not 6.
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
you are going to die..

maybe not from this .. and probably not today... but I assure you, you will die
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Old December 8th, 2006, 15:35   #37
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Then I will answer from my point of view.
By the time it can break the average modern glass, an airsoft gun would be over the limits set by most places.
What may not have cropped up in your reading is that most areas require an upper limit of 400 to 450 FPS for outdoors, and as close to stock power for indoors.
As you can see from my SIG picture, I just wear a T-shirt, goggles, hat or scarf, and sometimes a BDU jacket if I need more pockets than those already on my pants.

Does it hurt? Yeah, some. You dont really want to be hosed down. But there are field rules about that too.

Damage? Expect that you will have scrapes and welts, maybe a bleeder if you get hit in the scalp, the face or the hands.

I suspect that paintball would hurt far more.

I am glad you understood how all this looked, because I am not mean on purpose. Just blunt as a brick. What I point you to really is a good way to learn more in the shortest possible time, plus it's a lot more fun.

Last edited by Greylocks; December 8th, 2006 at 23:45..
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:09   #38
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Originally Posted by Greylocks View Post
I suspect that paintball would hurt far more.
Personal experence speaking here. Airsoft hurts more. Alot of the best paint guns out there maybe acheave 280 fps. Thats gassing in with 300 psi 300fps 315 fps at 300psi on a super expencive gun(1 grand or more)

I been hit with a paint ball from a 2 grand gun pushing the limits leagly with their pb gun and a bb from a dieing famas hurt more.

Coming into airsoft I didnt flinch when a paint ball hit me I could ignore it. When I got lit up with that dieing famas I was on the ground in pain. Now from what I am told it takes an avrage of 2 bbs for me to register them in(feel them). I prefer paint ball in this respect cause it left a mark and I know I was hit for sure.

I have only been airsofting for less then 4 months. Pain tolerence can build up quick. But its the pain that makes it fun.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:30   #39
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Originally Posted by shadow1911 View Post
Personal experence speaking here. Airsoft hurts more. Alot of the best paint guns out there maybe acheave 280 fps. Thats gassing in with 300 psi 300fps 315 fps at 300psi on a super expencive gun(1 grand or more)

I been hit with a paint ball from a 2 grand gun pushing the limits leagly with their pb gun and a bb from a dieing famas hurt more.

Coming into airsoft I didnt flinch when a paint ball hit me I could ignore it. When I got lit up with that dieing famas I was on the ground in pain. Now from what I am told it takes an avrage of 2 bbs for me to register them in(feel them). I prefer paint ball in this respect cause it left a mark and I know I was hit for sure.

I have only been airsofting for less then 4 months. Pain tolerence can build up quick. But its the pain that makes it fun.
Uhhh, I played competative paintball for years and couldn't count the number of serious bloodied welts I had gotten during speedball. Paintball can draw a lot of blood. Although paintball guns shoot at a lower velocity, their projectile is much larger and much heavier which equates to a much harder impact. Paintball markers can also run on lower PSI than you mentioned ... again, that does not make 280 FPS feel any harder or softer. The cost of a paintball marker also has nothing to do with FPS.

As for airsoft. Battery drain on an AEG also does not affect FPS. It will only affect ROF.

When people say they didn't know they were hit in airsoft ... 99% of the time they are bullshitting, the other 1% would be players wearing those stupid ghillies (which should be outlawed in airsoft since it apparently makes people totally unhittable) or complete inexperience (I don't really buy this excuse though). If you can't feel it, you can hear it. Even with fake armour you can generally feel the impact ...
Few individuals would view themselves as barbarous, no, instead they view themselves in a different light, a distorted reality that justifies who they are and what they have done.

Last edited by Freedom Fighter; December 8th, 2006 at 17:32..
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:35   #40
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Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter View Post
When people say they didn't know they were hit in airsoft ... 99% of the time they are bullshitting, the other 1% would be players wearing those stupid ghillies (which should be outlawed in airsoft since it apparently makes people totally unhittable) or complete inexperience (I don't really buy this excuse though). If you can't feel it, you can hear it. Even with fake armour you can generally feel the impact ...
I guess thats the expense people pay working on an "honor" system, but from what everyone is tellin me i can imagine it wud be hard not to feel or hear once it bounces off you...another thing whats a ghillies"
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:42   #41
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Originally Posted by Godfath3r View Post
I guess thats the expense people pay working on an "honor" system, but from what everyone is tellin me i can imagine it wud be hard not to feel or hear once it bounces off you...another thing whats a ghillies"
These are ghille

And these are ghilles

Google is your friend (I think FF is referring to ghille, not ghilles, or at least I hope no one plays with ghilles on)
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:44   #42
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Thanx man,

i can't believe people actually wear that stuff ...that is hardcore..!! those should definately not be allowed...i can se why being shot while wearin those the person can easily say that they did not feel it
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:48   #43
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The only people who use ghillies in my area are hardcore stalking snipers.

Usually they only get shot at very close range, as the better ones tend to get stepped on before they get spotted.
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:53   #44
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Originally Posted by vatek View Post
The only people who use ghillies in my area are hardcore stalking snipers.

Usually they only get shot at very close range, as the better ones tend to get stepped on before they get spotted.
hahah thats pretty friggin sweet!
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Old December 8th, 2006, 17:56   #45
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Originally Posted by Kid View Post
A bear bottle?

mmm bear bottles...
Insane, did you just totally try to shoot me?
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