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Replicas siezed in York Region



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Old March 2nd, 2007, 11:56   #106
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Originally Posted by thephenom View Post
It's a media event, what outcome are you looking for? It's just a show for media to take pictures of what's confiscated, and details on the arrest, etc.
Well, usually media asks questions as to how they came in to the country... future perspectives, etc.

I am not looking for an outcome as much as I am looking for answers from the PR event.

"It is better to be hated for something you do, then to be hated for something you don't do".

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Old March 2nd, 2007, 12:22   #107
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Originally Posted by KaOz View Post
Well, usually media asks questions as to how they came in to the country... future perspectives, etc.

I am not looking for an outcome as much as I am looking for answers from the PR event.

One thing I do see positive though.

The police could fan the story as much as they wanted to make this into a big story. However, only a few smaller station did a brief section on it. So this could be just another CBSA crackdown like we saw in the west.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 13:26   #108
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Originally Posted by thephenom View Post
One thing I do see positive though.

The police could fan the story as much as they wanted to make this into a big story. However, only a few smaller station did a brief section on it. So this could be just another CBSA crackdown like we saw in the west.
See... that is something that I am looking for - something positive. Like I said, if I were back home in Toronto I could take it all in, but being in Boston it is not possible for me to view the PR.

Okay, thanks for the brief report/feedback.

"It is better to be hated for something you do, then to be hated for something you don't do".

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Old March 2nd, 2007, 14:12   #109
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Possession of a Prohibited Device
Thats the only thing that irks me.

I agree with droc... and when a thread doesnt get "droc'd" with his usual sense of humor... were all in big trouble. I now understand why ASCA stopped imporing airsoft guns, and they were smart to do so ahead of the game, as unfortunate as it may be for us. Ive talked to several brokers about the laws pertaining to airsoft and import. I wanted an answer once and for all, and i hold in my hand a copy of "Memorandum D19-13-2" from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Which pertains to the import and trafficing airsoft guns. Airsoft is officially Declared as a "replica firearm" and as such you require a business firearms license to be able to import airsoft guns.

It states "Most Airsoft Guns are considered replica firearms as defined in subsection 84(1) of the criminal code. They are clearly designed not only to resemble a firearm with near precision but also to resemble a specific and readily identifiable make and model of firearm. Due to their strong resemblance to real firearms and their lack of a capacity to cause serious bodily injury, air soft guns are replica firearms."

Under the Replica Firearms Section, it states that
"9. A replica firearm is a prohibited device under both the Firearms Act and tariff item 9898.00.00 of the Customs Tariff and may not be imported by residents or non residents.
10. Replica firearms may lawfully be imported into Canada only with a Firearms Business Licence issued by a Cheif Firearms Officer that clearly states the named business may import prohibited devices, e.g., bu the movie industry for use as props, and import permit issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)."

Nowhere does it state that it is illegal to own or operate airsoft guns on private property, Theoretically, you could shoot your airsoft guns in your backyard (ONLY if you own the property and are not renting, And dont be surprised if the neighbors call the police to pay you a visit with guns drawn... usually after something like that, they would demand that you hand it over to be destroyed... legal or not.) As long as the people in the community are mature enough to lockup their guns when not in use, keep it away from public eyes. There is NO reason why we cant continue this sport.

1) Keep Your Guns in a locked case (when not in use, or transporting)
2) It has to be transported in the trunk of your car (Cant bring on public transportation)
3) Do not let the public see it
4) Only take it out of the case when at a game, or on private property that you own (or have permission to use from the owner)

If you follow the simple + obvious rules (youd think it was common knowledge), you should have NO problems with the police seizing your guns.

The reason the police seize from private owners is because through their actions, they have deemed themselves not responsible enough to own/operate replica firearms and therefore, why they are usually destroyed.

The media will have a field day over this every time, because irrisponsible players give the paranoid people what they want to hear. They look real to the public, and to their eyes, it IS real. You cannot educate the public, if the players are not educated enough. Educate the players, and you show responsibility to the public that we are responsible enough to play airsoft. Only then, will the public understand.

If you people have questions about airsoft or dont know how to properly handle it, Ask... thats why we are here. That is the Responsible thing to do.

Moral of the story: If you arnt mature/responsible enough to play airsoft... DONT

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Sentinel Arms Customs - Specializing In Unique, One of a kind guns

Last edited by DarkAngel; March 2nd, 2007 at 16:30..
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 14:52   #110
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Damn well said, agree 199%.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 16:31   #111
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If all else fails, and hopefully we can work something out with the government. I'm wondering since it was determined the 407 FPS was the magic number for serious injury. Could retailers bring in 3rd party gun ( UNcompany custom, WGC custom. ect.) that have been pre upgraded to 410+ FPS. I remember when TMs out west we found to not cause serious injury so every gun from TM was suddenly no available. If a retailer were to bring in only 3rd party 410+ fps gun with documentation from the company about it's specs could we get those in?


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Old March 2nd, 2007, 16:55   #112
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Originally Posted by trufret View Post
If all else fails, and hopefully we can work something out with the government. I'm wondering since it was determined the 407 FPS was the magic number for serious injury. Could retailers bring in 3rd party gun ( UNcompany custom, WGC custom. ect.) that have been pre upgraded to 410+ FPS. I remember when TMs out west we found to not cause serious injury so every gun from TM was suddenly no available. If a retailer were to bring in only 3rd party 410+ fps gun with documentation from the company about it's specs could we get those in?
I think the problem there is that responsibility to prove that is on the importer, which means the guns would probably have to be tested, etc. etc. The other problem is once imported, would the higher springs not have to be taken out and replaced with lower power springs? I could only forsee this increasing the cost of airsoft guns, either that or everyone plays with a 410+ fps gun... which seems a little unsafe to me.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 17:08   #113
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
I think the problem there is that responsibility to prove that is on the importer, which means the guns would probably have to be tested, etc. etc. The other problem is once imported, would the higher springs not have to be taken out and replaced with lower power springs? I could only forsee this increasing the cost of airsoft guns, either that or everyone plays with a 410+ fps gun... which seems a little unsafe to me.
I've thought of that in the past, and wondered how cost effective it would be. I came to the conclusion that doing so would be comparable to ASCA prices at the time (maybe a tad higher), which didn't warrant any kind of experiment. Now, desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm sure it will be done, if it hasn't been already. Just curious how long Customs will hold the AEG. My guess would be... well, you'd get your tax return faster.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 17:28   #114
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I'm sure customs would be very skeptical at first but hopefully if they test a whole bunch of the guns coming in and they all pass they may relax a bit on that retailer and stuff will go through faster.

once it's in you hands if you change out the spring thats up to you. and as far as cost it's either a bit more or no new gear at all if the trend continues plus your getting pre upgraded internals so it's not like nothing is coming from the extra money.

to make this effective at all it would have to be done by volume retailers because if individuals ordered 1 gun at a time it's going to get tested for sure.

I'd much rather get my PAL myself but this is another option if the need should arise


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Old March 2nd, 2007, 17:40   #115
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Originally Posted by frankiet View Post
I've thought of that in the past, and wondered how cost effective it would be. I came to the conclusion that doing so would be comparable to ASCA prices at the time (maybe a tad higher), which didn't warrant any kind of experiment. Now, desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm sure it will be done, if it hasn't been already. Just curious how long Customs will hold the AEG. My guess would be... well, you'd get your tax return faster.
Well, if someone has an assload of money and can get a foreign retailer to swap out the spring it could be worth experimenting with...

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 17:50   #116
screw this shit, we need Oprah.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 17:56   #117
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Well, if someone has an assload of money and can get a foreign retailer to swap out the spring it could be worth experimenting with...
Go to UNCompany website. They have a service. Let's do the math. I'll teach...

M4A1 $222
Upgrade to 450 fps $90
Shipping $50 (ranges anywhere between $45-$75)

This comes to $362 US or about $415 CDN. Add about $85 for duties and taxes, and you've got a $500 AEG. Plus you've got some spare parts (sell them to recoup your cost. That's about the price you would have paid at A&A or ASCA.

It might work. Care to try. If I were indepentantly wealthy, without a second thought, I would have already done it.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 18:28   #118
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Originally Posted by Droc View Post
screw this shit, we need Oprah.
My darling Droc; the world NEEDS me. It's essential.
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 18:28   #119
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Originally Posted by frankiet View Post
Go to UNCompany website. They have a service. Let's do the math. I'll teach...

M4A1 $222
Upgrade to 450 fps $90
Shipping $50 (ranges anywhere between $45-$75)

This comes to $362 US or about $415 CDN. Add about $85 for duties and taxes, and you've got a $500 AEG. Plus you've got some spare parts (sell them to recoup your cost. That's about the price you would have paid at A&A or ASCA.

It might work. Care to try. If I were indepentantly wealthy, without a second thought, I would have already done it.
Yea, well, being a poor college kid and having just blown 700 on a new gun, I haven't the funds to gamble with.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 19:36   #120
Originally Posted by Oprah View Post
My darling Droc; the world NEEDS me. It's essential.
baby, you so sexy. Dr.Dre may have called you an Oreo -> Black on the outside but white inside, but Ill bet your pink like the rest.

I sex you up....better then last time.
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