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Newbie AEG Questions


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Old May 27th, 2007, 15:09   #1
Join Date: May 2007
Newbie AEG Questions

Hey guys,

First up, please excuse my ignorance. I just recently purchased my first AEG -- an AGM MP40 (MP007).

My problem is I can't even get as far as test firing it. Because I'm new to this, I'm not sure exactly where the problems lies, but I've got it narrowed down to either the obvious -- the battery -- or a problem with the motor.

When I switch on the battery and pull the trigger I can physically feel the motor in the gun jerk and then stop immediately, as if it were seizing up.

I've got a couple questions:

1) Do AEGs typically ship with charged batteries?

I noticed in the manual for the AGM MP40 that it states that you are supposed to discharge the battery fully before charging it for the first time. To me this implies that it should be somewhat charged, at least enough to dry fire it a few times.

2) If there is not a sufficient charge in the battery would that account for the problems I described above?

I would think that if the battery was low that the motor would still cycle, albeit more slowly, or not at all.

3) Here's where the ignorance comes in... The charger that came with the gun runs on chinese voltage (220v@50hz), with C plugs (the european style). I knew this when I ordered the gun, but I figured I could pick up something at radio shack or a hobbyist store to easily get around this (in lieu of waiting for the canadian airsoft retailers to get shipments of battery chargers). i feel silly knowing that a drained battery could be the simple explaination for my problem, but I currently have no way to troubleshoot by charging the battery.

Do you guys have any recommendations for charger solutions that dont involve having to order something online? ie. something I can purchase at a local electronics store?

Anyway, thanks for your time!

PS. If anybody can tell me how to take down the stock on an MP40 (I can fully strip the gun otherwise) so I can get an the inside and see if I can tighten it a little, I'd welcome any tips!!
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Old May 27th, 2007, 15:16   #2
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I just picked one up and the battery
with mine had little to no charge ,so after I
charged it up it worked fine.
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Old May 27th, 2007, 15:54   #3
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they usually have like 20-25 cycles wroth of battery power in them when they get shipped so yes, you need a charger.
TLP 4000 or pirahna digital peak charger, look on ebay
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Old May 27th, 2007, 16:17   #4
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i've got Universal Smarter Chargers as well as simple chargers in stock. Im located in Toronto

If you have any questions about these, feel free to pm me
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Old May 27th, 2007, 23:12   #5
Join Date: May 2007
thanks for the responses guys -- I picked up a ni-mh peak charger from a local hobbyist shop. It didn't have the mini-tamiya connection I needed, but it had some aligator clips that I was able to use with the stripped wires from the original chinese charger.

I've got another question, though... smart peak chargers are supposed to sense the correct voltage and charge time, correct?

my only confusion is that the voltmeter on the charger went up to ~9.6 volts which alarmed me so I stopped the charger before it was finished.

The battery is marked as only 8.4 volts. Is it possible that the battery is now outputting at 9.6 (and maybe putting a bit more wear on the aeg motors and gears), or would a more likely explanation be that the voltmeter reading was only displaying the output voltage from the charger?

In any event, the gun is in working order, so I'm happy!

Now if I could just get this stock tightened up!
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Old May 28th, 2007, 00:19   #6
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It's not possible for your battery to output 9.6V if it's not rated to do so.

But i'm not sure if the incorrect voltage reading may be an indicator of possible damage done to the battery by the charger.
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Old May 28th, 2007, 17:07   #7
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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the charger will put in more voltage to charge a battery, I could BS you a reason for it, but thats just how it works lol
as for battery settings, Mah is obvious, the current is the Mah divided by 100 (3600Mah battery, 3.6A current), and i use 6mV peak
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Old May 28th, 2007, 17:25   #8
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Trematode View Post
Now if I could just get this stock tightened up!
Most airsoft fitment issues can be fixed with tape.

If you're worried about charging the battery, just buy a BB Bastard charger. You'll never have to worry about it again and $60 ain't bad for peace of mind.
"The Bird of Hermes is My Name, Eating My Wings to Make Me Tame."
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