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Review: Jing Gong/Echo-1 MP5K PDW



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Old October 10th, 2007, 20:07   #1
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Review: Jing Gong/Echo-1 MP5K PDW

Over the weekend, a friend brought over his newly acquired Echo-1 MP5K PDW for me to check out. We both own TM MP5Ks and was wondering how the Echo-1 would stack up. Externally besides triangle E1 trades, it looks identical to a TM MP5K. About the only thing I noticed was that the bullets for the fire selector don’t look quite as well defined as on a TM but I know I’m being picky there. Some of the pictures are clickable for higher res versions.

Anyway the gun comes with a wall battery charger, an 8.4V 1100mAh NiMH battery, a low profile metal scope mount (installed backwards from the factory), some BBs, manuals, a short 20rd low cap mag and a long metal hi cap mag so you’re ready to go if you’re a novice or new player. The QD flash hider and smaller flash hider are painted neon orange as required by US law but not necessary here in Canada.

I forgot to weigh the gun but it’s approximately the same weight as my TM MP5K and size wise the gun is the same. The PDW stock fit my TM just fine, it looked so good I didn’t want to give it back. Parts from my TM MP5K and the Echo-1 MP5K PDW were cross compatible, from mags to batteries and that awesome stock. Note, with the Echo-1 it was quite difficult to install the 8.4V stick battery because the stopper rail on top of the mechbox was bent awkwardly and brushing/scraping against the battery.

The gun is extremely loud when firing but I’ll be honest I had my doubts in terms of what the BB velocity would be after all the difficulty I had when trying to upgrade my TM MP5K. I loaded a low cap full of 0.2g BBs and let err rip. To my surprise according to my Guarder Speeder 2000 chrony, the gun was firing 340 fps out of the box! Shots varied a bit more than I would have liked between 330-340 on average but that’s rather impressive from a gun that’s so inexpensive.

Of course I can’t leave well enough alone so I decided to take the gun apart and take a peek inside. Tear down is exactly the same as with a TM MP5K and after removing the motor, I was greeted by this thick sticky paste that was plastered all over the motor. The mechbox at least from the outside looks like well a MP5K ver 3 mechbox.

Like with the JG G36C I reviewed earlier, the Echo-1 MP5K is full of sharp edges everywhere and if you’re not careful you can cut yourself quite easily. Definitely use caution when working inside this gun.

Here is how the mechbox looks when opened up and here’s a breakdown of all the major internal components. Echo-1 uses metal bushings, metal gears (which are not marked CA but weight wise are heavier than TM gears), plastic spring guide, plastic piston, plastic ventilated piston head. Echo-1 is suppose to have regreased the internals (and cleaned up the mess JG makes) however the gears had the smallest film of sticky green substance on it. I won’t call it a grease because at room temperature anyway the residue was almost a semisolid. I don’t know if other Echo-1 guns are like this, the MP5K PDW is the first of this brand that I’ve seen.

Unlike with the JG G36C there were no major problems internally with the electrical system or externally with the Echo-1 MP5K PDW. I cannot comment on its durability because it’s a brand new gun. Hopefully the thing will be as problem free as the JG G36C that I looked at earlier in the year. My friend who bought this gun is hard on his toys and always gives me the most “interesting” problems to diagnose. If there are any failures, I will update the review accordingly.

Team GHOSTS - Fides et Amicitia

Last edited by Colin_S; October 10th, 2007 at 20:19..
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Old October 10th, 2007, 20:47   #2
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where'd u get it?

oh, and how is the accuracy?
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Old October 10th, 2007, 21:18   #3
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Haven't gamed it yet, but so far for the price and what it comes with I love it. Really like how the folding stock comes right off and can be put on a TM mp5k without and mods.

It also comes with a regular but plate.

Team GHOSTS - Fides et Amicitia

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Old October 10th, 2007, 21:39   #4
Mr. G36!
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Is this the same as the Galaxy MP5 PDW?
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Old October 16th, 2007, 21:37   #5
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I just got one too and used it a bit at border wars. ROF is not very fast but not bad, Hopup needs adjusted but I'm not at all surprised that amano's chronied 340.Little sucker is loud and hits way harder than a marui mp7(say the plates at ttaccc). Coma used it for the afternoon and was impressed. My scope mount was backward as well.
Unbelievable price for such a well-equipped little gun.
One small problem though-the ring on the swivel mount is not that strong. Use both the front and the back sling mounts to avoid losing your gun.

(Former)Grand Poobah of T.W.A.T.
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Old October 17th, 2007, 00:39   #6
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price anyone?
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Old October 17th, 2007, 11:45   #7
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Believe Schwag usually sells them from time to time for under $400 in the AEG classifieds. he may have to correct me on this.
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Old October 17th, 2007, 12:52   #8
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U.S, cost is anywhere from$170-$200.
If I get more in canada, they'll be around $350.
Best equipped gun I've ever seen. Can't stop playing with it.

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Old October 17th, 2007, 15:18   #9
Bob the Angry Potato
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That's a rebrand of the Galaxy MP5K PDW, apparently. Folks love them, was thinking of getting one but decided against it.

Seems that an MP7's next on the list, to be released soon.

If these guys clone the TMP when it comes out, I'm getting one (if not two).
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Old October 18th, 2007, 03:50   #10
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Originally Posted by Schwag View Post
I just got one too and used it a bit at border wars. ROF is not very fast but not bad, Hopup needs adjusted but I'm not at all surprised that amano's chronied 340.Little sucker is loud and hits way harder than a marui mp7(say the plates at ttaccc). Coma used it for the afternoon and was impressed. My scope mount was backward as well.
Unbelievable price for such a well-equipped little gun.
One small problem though-the ring on the swivel mount is not that strong. Use both the front and the back sling mounts to avoid losing your gun.
Are you the guy that I met at TTAC when we were comparying my MP7 to your MP5PDW?
Current: M4 R.I.S.
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Old October 20th, 2007, 03:26   #11
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Hay there guys.

Just signed up here from Arnies.

I am not too sure on Canada customs but can you guys order from the US? I found an awsome site that sells Galaxy MP5k PDWs for right around $70-$80 USD shipped. I can get a link if wanted

Sir Colin_S, is there any way you could get a video?

I am actually getting this gun Very soon and I would like the good video review and take down guide for this gun. Do you know what guage the stocked wireing is? So, is the Cylinder ported on both sides?

Also, has anyone seen this mod?

(Look under Tutorials)
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Old October 20th, 2007, 03:33   #12
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AHAHAHAHAHA. Nope. Not sure if you know this but the reason we can not bring stuff in is because of customs, For example a 200 dollar gun in the states will cost us around 550 or so, Your average tokyo marui will cost 600-700 dollars. i would kill for american pricing

Originally Posted by .Andrew. View Post
turns out i had to take the battey out of the stock and charge it right from the battery wire..not the wire that connects to the gun
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Old October 20th, 2007, 04:48   #13
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Ah, I see. Well, that sucks.

Not to offend anyone though please keep in mind.
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Old October 20th, 2007, 19:18   #14
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Like Schwag said, I tested this little beast out for the afternoon at Border Wars. It was light, powerful, and fairly accurate. I don't think I even touched the hop-up all day. Scored a couple kills with it firing .25s through the thick brush too, so power is not lacking. I would say that Colin's claim of 340 is not too far from the truth.

The only downside that I found was a fairly slow rate of fire, especially when compared to the TM model.
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Old October 20th, 2007, 21:29   #15
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Just gamed mine today. Performs pretty good for such a small gun. Had a few double feeds and the shots do spread a bit since the barrel is so short.

Over all tho a nice litte gun and you can't beat the price. Plus the folding stock is compatable with the mp5k which looks sweet with a stock. For those who have tried to get a folding stock on they will know how nice it is to have one that goes on without moding the body.

Stock the gun comes with.

Cheap wall charger
Small speed loader
High cap mag
Shorty mag
Extra butt plate if you want to take the stock off
Lower profile mount
Shoots 340 fps out of the box.

Team GHOSTS - Fides et Amicitia

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