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Injured by minor recklessly shooting airsoft pistol



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Old July 12th, 2008, 20:16   #1
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bathurst, NB
Unhappy Careless use of airsoft guns

Today, I had an unfortunate introduction to airsoft guns. My husband and I went for a drive to Caraquet, NB - it was a beautiful day and I was sitting in the passenger seat with my window down, looking out the window.

All of a sudden I felt something hit me hard, right above my right eye. I yelled and my husband who was driving, asked me what was wrong. I told him I was hit by something and he pulled the car over to the side of the road. He said he felt something hit him too.

Sure enough, we looked around and found this green round pellet on the floor near his feet. Someone had shot a bb at our car. We decided to call the RCMP and pulled into a flower shop just a bit down the road from where it had happened.

My husband waited for the police to arrive and I walked back to the spot where I had been hit. There were a couple of houses there, with open windows. I noticed on the road three similar green pellets - this moron was shooting at the cars as they drove by.

Long story - short version. Police came, took a report and our contact info. They followed us to the spot, and I showed them the other pellets on the ground. They said they'd investigate and call us later if they found the culprit.

Got a call a couple of hours later. They arrested a 15 year old boy who admitted to firing his airsoft pistol at some targets inside the house. He did not admit to intentionally firing at the car. It was a replica airsoft pistol, so the RCMP confiscated it and charged the youth with illegal discharge of a firearm within city limits. They wanted to know if I wanted to file assault charges against the boy.

I was not injured (other than a bruise and a headache), but if that pellet would have hit me an inch lower, it would have went right into my right eye. I have little vision with my left eye - it could have been a life changing moment for me.

I'm writing this message to let you all know that these airsoft guns are not harmless toys and should be used under a controlled environment - NOT fired off where innocent people could get hurt. What if that pellet would have hit a driver in the head, causing him to lose control of the car and to have an accident????

I'm interested to see what airsoft enthusiasts have to say about this incident.

PS: I decided not to file the assault charges. The RCMP officer said the youth's mother had to come and get him and she was angry and promised them that he would have other punishment. I didn't want to file a criminal charge that could follow him around or possibly affect his opportunities for employment later on. Hopefully he got a good scare by being arrested on the weapons charge and he no longer has the gun so won't pull something like this again.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:23   #2
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I am sorry to hear about your negative experience today and am glad you were not badly hurt.

The careless use of any projective device, from a sling shot on up, is completely unacceptable, especially around a road with traffic travelling on it. While this incident may have involved an airsoft gun, it was not really an airsoft focused incident and could have happened with any kind of projectile device.

This community has always advocated for the consiencious and safe use of airsoft devices, and that is one of the reasons why we maintain an internal 18+ rule.

This is probably not the right thread for this topic, perhaps one of the mods could move it for us.

When the elephants fight, it is bad for the grass. When the elephants make love, it is also bad for the grass.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:36   #3
Ministry of Peace
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Originally Posted by Lawdog View Post
This is probably not the right thread for this topic, perhaps one of the mods could move it for us.


It's very unfortunate that you happened to cross paths with this young delinquent. Rest assured the airsoft enthusiast community at large here in Canada is almost entirely responsible adults. Occasionally a minor or other irresponsible person manages to get ahold of an airsoft/softair rifle/pistol and does something stupid - but the same could be said for pellet guns, alcohol or cars.

Lawdog mentioned the 18+ internal rule. Basically as a community nation wide we've come together to try and police ourselves and limit the sale of airsoft to those above the age of 18. Works pretty well, however we have no control over foreign or fly-by-night online retailers who are just out to make a buck. As well, big brand stores like walmart and Canadian Tire carry "soft-air" spring loaded replicas that they seldom age-check on when selling.

Glad to hear the parent in this case fully intends to punish her child, so many parents these days are "checked out" when it comes to raising/parenting their kids.

Originally Posted by Bathurstian View Post

I'm writing this message to let you all know that these airsoft guns are not harmless toys and should be used under a controlled environment - NOT fired off where innocent people could get hurt. What if that pellet would have hit a driver in the head, causing him to lose control of the car and to have an accident????
Respectfully, 99% of airsoft enthusiasts do use our equipment in a safe and responsible manner, well away from public areas and prying eyes. However your account does serve as a reminder for all.

Last edited by Kokanee; July 12th, 2008 at 22:50..
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:41   #4
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Originally Posted by Bathurstian View Post
Today, I had an unfortunate introduction to airsoft guns. My husband and I went for a drive to Caraquet, NB - it was a beautiful day and I was sitting in the passenger seat with my window down, looking out the window.

All of a sudden I felt something hit me hard, right above my right eye. I yelled and my husband who was driving, asked me what was wrong. I told him I was hit by something and he pulled the car over to the side of the road. He said he felt something hit him too.

Sure enough, we looked around and found this green round pellet on the floor near his feet. Someone had shot a bb at our car. We decided to call the RCMP and pulled into a flower shop just a bit down the road from where it had happened.

My husband waited for the police to arrive and I walked back to the spot where I had been hit. There were a couple of houses there, with open windows. I noticed on the road three similar green pellets - this moron was shooting at the cars as they drove by.

Long story - short version. Police came, took a report and our contact info. They followed us to the spot, and I showed them the other pellets on the ground. They said they'd investigate and call us later if they found the culprit.

Got a call a couple of hours later. They arrested a 15 year old boy who admitted to firing his airsoft pistol at some targets inside the house. He did not admit to intentionally firing at the car. It was a replica airsoft pistol, so the RCMP confiscated it and charged the youth with illegal discharge of a firearm within city limits. They wanted to know if I wanted to file assault charges against the boy.

I was not injured (other than a bruise and a headache), but if that pellet would have hit me an inch lower, it would have went right into my right eye. I have little vision with my left eye - it could have been a life changing moment for me.

I'm writing this message to let you all know that these airsoft guns are not harmless toys and should be used under a controlled environment - NOT fired off where innocent people could get hurt. What if that pellet would have hit a driver in the head, causing him to lose control of the car and to have an accident????

I'm interested to see what airsoft enthusiasts have to say about this incident.

PS: I decided not to file the assault charges. The RCMP officer said the youth's mother had to come and get him and she was angry and promised them that he would have other punishment. I didn't want to file a criminal charge that could follow him around or possibly affect his opportunities for employment later on. Hopefully he got a good scare by being arrested on the weapons charge and he no longer has the gun so won't pull something like this again.
talk about being stupid
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:41   #5
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I'm writing this message to let you all know that these airsoft guns are not harmless toys and should be used under a controlled environment - NOT fired off where innocent people could get hurt. What if that pellet would have hit a driver in the head, causing him to lose control of the car and to have an accident????

thanks..never would have thought of that..lock this before it gets into a 30 page kiss ass fest.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:46   #6
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We all know that airsoft can't be treated as toys that is why we have a rule that only permits 18+ to use and purchase airsoft guns. I think that you should be blaming the kid's parents for purchasing the airsoft gun for their 15 year old not the airsoft gun itself. Retailers such as Canadian Tire and Wallmart only sell airsoft guns to people who are 18+.
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:47   #7
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after reading that, i just wonder why... whats so fun about shooting other people while they're driving? its just ridiculous...

and yeah, this'll probably become an extremely long thread...
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:47   #8
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Originally Posted by SINN View Post
lock this before it gets into a 30 page kiss ass fest.
+1, I second that motion
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:49   #9
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This is why ASC is so hard on minors and uses strict age verification policies to try and ensure airsoft guns do not get into the wrong hands. Unfortunately this community can only police those who are involved with it. We cannot control things such as minors using websites with less strict policies to purchase airsoft or minors purchasing cheaper airsoft from retailers such as Canadian Tire through an adult. Without exception, safety is the first concern of anyone in this community.

In any case, I'm glad no one was seriously hurt. As serious airsoft players we are quite aware of the dangers involved.
JG HK416
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:49   #10
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Originally Posted by SINN View Post
thanks..never would have thought of that..lock this before it gets into a 30 page kiss ass fest.

The airsoft guns we use are always fired in a controlled environment, and transported in locked cases.

There's no need for any more bad press. The airsoft community's mindset is light years away from your average 13 year old.

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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:50   #11
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Originally Posted by spartan117 View Post
We all know that airsoft can't be treated as toys that is why we have a rule that only permits 18+ to use and purchase airsoft guns. I think that you should be blaming the kid's parents for purchasing the airsoft gun for their 15 year old not the airsoft gun itself. Retailers such as Canadian Tire and Wallmart only sell airsoft guns to people who are 18+.
Nah, at Canadian Tire and Walmart, they don't really care either... even though they lock them up behind glass, if you ask for it, they will just give it to you, and the cashiers don't even know about needing to be 18+... there really is nothing stopping 12 or 13 year old kids from getting airsoft guns... I even saw a CO2 powered 400 fps crosman airsoft pistol there one time... scary to think that a kid would have something like that...
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Old July 12th, 2008, 22:51   #12
Ministry of Peace
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Originally Posted by spartan117 View Post
....Retailers such as Canadian Tire and Wallmart only sell airsoft guns to people who are 18+.
Those rules are seldom enforced by the average minimum-wage earning employees of said establishments.

Originally Posted by SINN View Post
thanks..never would have thought of that..lock this before it gets into a 30 page kiss ass fest.
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