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Old July 24th, 2008, 15:03   #1
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Are You Doing Your Bit?

Hey guys are you doing your bit to help the Airsoft Community grow?

Lets hear your stories of trying to get Airsoft out of the grey zone and into the light.

Ever since I played my first game of Airsoft last month for the first time, I was hooked like I was on paintball, and having a JG MP5 and a CM 030 being sent in.

Now since I still play paintball once in awhile at Sgt. Splatters and you get a lot of mil-sim'ers there and I have a lot of honest buddies who go there and whenever I hear them say "This is Bullsh-- cheaters are everywhere" I tell my friends like a preacher of god (No not religious) and tell my friends the wonders of Airsoft and how cheap ammo is and with cheap ammo you don't have to worry about pelting people like no tomorrow. And that ASC is your key to getting your Airsoft gun.

80% of the time the people I talk to don't even know airsoft still exist in Canada. (Unless you ASC'ers wanted ASC to be a small community) And the people I talk to are all over 18, even for the teenagers I tell them when they are 18 they can move on to Airsoft, drop those Tippmanns, and come pick up the real mil-sim experience.

A lot of people are already spending so much on Mil-Sim Paintball that they can just get a good Airsoft gun and join in with us. I told ASC is the place to go and that game host have more power over their games than paintball. And that the host have the power to ban you from their games and blacklist you from other games for constant cheating. So I tell them if you want to escape the cheating come to Airsoft.

I assume you ASC'ers do police each other better than paintball right?
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; July 25th, 2008 at 00:15..
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Old July 24th, 2008, 15:15   #2
Ktown Militia
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From what ive read on the forums from teams across the country, there seems to always be some guy at a game that doesnt call their hits. But for the most part we all want to get out and have a game free from bullshit. Now you have to understand that sometimes you will get hit but you cant feel it beacause of all the gear. I happen to play with people in my community that are all good guys, and the honour code comes into play. You get hit, your out. So yes, i think we do police ourselves better than paintball. As for helping the airsoft world out, ive tried to introduce friends to come play, and inform family members of the aspects of the game.
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Old July 24th, 2008, 15:27   #3
The Saint
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Actually, there was a recent thread on this very topic. I think Krusty started the thread.
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Old July 24th, 2008, 15:33   #4
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Brandon is too submerged into paintball to be introduced to Airsoft. Plus, everyone I talk to are misguided by the Walmart shit being sold everywhere here. To them, Our guns dont shoot far or hard as a paintball gun does. And for some reason, to the paintballers here, Pain is what makes the game.
I dont understand, do these people have a blast at the end of the day by cutting themselves?
Other than that, Theres not many people that are interested in milsim, Just hurting eachother I guess.
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Old July 24th, 2008, 15:37   #5
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Originally Posted by Thatotherguy View Post
Brandon is too submerged into paintball to be introduced to Airsoft. Plus, everyone I talk to are misguided by the Walmart shit being sold everywhere here. To them, Our guns dont shoot far or hard as a paintball gun does. And for some reason, to the paintballers here, Pain is what makes the game.
I dont understand, do these people have a blast at the end of the day by cutting themselves?
Other than that, Theres not many people that are interested in milsim, Just hurting eachother I guess.

thats the SAME argument i get "paintballs better cuz it hurts more" does paintball attract emo kids or something?
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Old July 24th, 2008, 15:38   #6
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I do the same thing to represent airsoft that I do to represent anything else.

I conduct myself on the field, and off the field, in a respectful manner. The rest is just details.

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Old July 24th, 2008, 16:50   #7
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Well, there are alot of underage members on this site (including myself) who found out about airsoft and are dying to play at an event when they hit 18. Most of the underage kids who join this forum are quickly shot down in flames, due to there immaturity and lack of simple knowldege (Read the FAQ's)

I came up with an idea for the underage members but it wasn't favoured by many because of the Atreyu incident and other flaws.

Although there are mature members, (Bowers, Thatotherguy...etc),
In order to to get Airsoft out of the grey zone and into the light, we need to do something with the overwhelming amount of underage members who wish to play, other than "Wait until you hit 18...Airsoft doesn't exsist until then."

My 2 cents...

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Last edited by Armandhammer; July 24th, 2008 at 16:56..
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Old July 24th, 2008, 17:49   #8
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Armandhammer View Post
Well, there are alot of underage members on this site (including myself) who found out about airsoft and are dying to play at an event when they hit 18. Most of the underage kids who join this forum are quickly shot down in flames, due to there immaturity and lack of simple knowldege (Read the FAQ's)

I came up with an idea for the underage members but it wasn't favoured by many because of the Atreyu incident and other flaws.

Although there are mature members, (Bowers, Thatotherguy...etc),
In order to to get Airsoft out of the grey zone and into the light, we need to do something with the overwhelming amount of underage members who wish to play, other than "Wait until you hit 18...Airsoft doesn't exsist until then."

My 2 cents...
I know its frustrating to be "too young" to do something.. but trust me it is way better than being "too old"

The under age issue has nothing to do with the "underground" nature of this activity. Its "underground" because so few people do it as to not impinge on the public consciousnes. which at the end of the day is likely the only reason it still exists at all.

The tiny fraction of the society that owns and enjoys "airsoft" is easily overlooked by society and by law enforcement.. as we are "mostly harmless"

Military simulation is not and will not ever be a publically acceptable passtime in Canada.. it goes against the general morality of Canadian Society.. This is not to say that such activities are immoral.. any more than the study and practice of any martial art is, but for the most part people in general can not fathom why anyone would want to pretend to be a lifetaker.

The Soldier is a archtype.. all young men are attracted to its mystique.. most grow out of it.. or submerge the interest in daily life... Some exercise it.. by becoming soldiers in fact.. others in fantasy.

98% of the young ones who come here and become infatuated with "airsoft" will forget it as soon as some chick digs them.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old July 24th, 2008, 18:01   #9
The Saint
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I do think that Armandhammer has a point in bringing up Atreyu. I think we've become a lot less willing to accept and mentor minors, even the responsible ones, as a result of that incident.

I'm not saying we should have wholesale acceptance for minors, but we do need to come to terms with the fact that the demographics of airsoft in Canada is something of an aberration. We can exclude minors because of our legal circumstances, whereas places where airsoft are legal involve a lot of minors playing. Whether one agrees with that or not, that's the truth of it.
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Old July 24th, 2008, 21:30   #10
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Well its best to be careful when mentoring minors, best to play paintball with them and go mil-sim for awhile until they hit 18 then sell off their gun and grab a Airsoft gun. But of course always tell them that Airsoft is a mature sport when I was a younger and wanted to play pool but my bro would not let me unless he told me to be cool and that the place he was going to was where older dudes hang out and they can get annoyed if you can act too childish. I behaved well and they even let me play pool even though that place I went to did not really allow youngsters to play. Anyway moral of the story is choose who you want to help wisely but also mention to them a lot that this is a mature sport but do it in a non-lecturing way, cause once you lecture, one word goes in one ear and out the other.

Excluding and flaming them works in the short-run but there are certain honest ones that don't deserve it and they just need a "big brother" figure to help them out. I was fortunate to have a older brother to look out for me and tell me whats right and wrong. Of course I made a few mistakes doing a couple wrong things he told me not to do to finally realize he was right. Long story short either be brotherly figure or be a total ass, most of the time being an ass and flamer is fun but every action has a consequence.
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old July 24th, 2008, 22:02   #11
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Originally Posted by Thatotherguy View Post
Brandon is too submerged into paintball to be introduced to Airsoft. Plus, everyone I talk to are misguided by the Walmart shit being sold everywhere here. To them, Our guns dont shoot far or hard as a paintball gun does. And for some reason, to the paintballers here, Pain is what makes the game.
I dont understand, do these people have a blast at the end of the day by cutting themselves?
Other than that, Theres not many people that are interested in milsim, Just hurting eachother I guess.
Paintballs may hit harder, but airsoft guns shoot WAY farther than paintball guns. Like 3x or more.

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Old July 24th, 2008, 22:24   #12
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
Lets hear your stories of trying to get Airsoft out of the grey zone and into the light....
The prevailing attitude seems to be slow, steady controlled "word of mouth" growth...Which I agree with.

"Preaching" to every disgruntled 16yo paintballer you may happen to encounter at sgt. splatters is in my view, horribly irresponsible.

I prefer to try to bring people into the community who I know have a good record of not being an ass hat, as I find they generally end up as more responsible members of the airsofting community.

But different strokes for different folks etc...
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Old July 24th, 2008, 22:48   #13
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What is the Atreyu incident?
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Old July 25th, 2008, 00:14   #14
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Oh the "preaching" is only for the people I know, cause I know that random preaching to unknown people is gonna bring in ass hats as you say

But yes word of mouth to my good friends who are disgruntled from paintball at how they play honourable and call out their shots while other little shits yell "ouch" or "aah oww" and they stay bunkered and wipe off the paint

Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
The prevailing attitude seems to be slow, steady controlled "word of mouth" growth...Which I agree with.

"Preaching" to every disgruntled 16yo paintballer you may happen to encounter at sgt. splatters is in my view, horribly irresponsible.

I prefer to try to bring people into the community who I know have a good record of not being an ass hat, as I find they generally end up as more responsible members of the airsofting community.

But different strokes for different folks etc...
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old July 25th, 2008, 02:25   #15
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Originally Posted by Chuco View Post
What is the N.O.Y.B. incident?
fixed that for you...

playing with my kid!
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