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Old July 30th, 2008, 15:42   #1
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
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I did a post about this in the Kingston thread under Teams but no one seems to go there anymore lol. Theres an airsoft retailer in the little strip mall on the corner of Gardiners and Princess by the Cat centre called Bronson and Bronson. I ordered a gun from there today. It's by no means a good quality gun and it has an orange tip that I'm hoping to hide via flash hider(I'm just breaking into the sport) but the guy said he can get in Tokyo Marui stuff too (a bit pricey though). Limited selection of tac vests (Digi ACU and Woodland MARPAT), though they looked like they were more suited for paintball, I didn't really look though. Worth taking a look at. You vets to the sport would know how to rate the store a lot better than this FNG. Figured I'd give K-town players a heads up.
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Old July 30th, 2008, 16:01   #2
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ORLY? ordered from them? they have a website? pics?

Crunchmeister you been holding out on us? lol
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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:18   #3
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
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As far as I know they don't have a website. I did order a gun from them (a Firepower F4 I believe it was called). Firepower definently isnt the greatest quality from what I've read and heard but I'm hoping it'll be good enough for my first rifle. It at least has metal gears, not sure about the gear box. I'm going to replace the grip (if I can, not sure whats compatable) cause it looks awful, as does the orange flash hider (I'm going to try and modify the barrel with some kind of bracket to mount a metal one). Order goes in this Friday, should be in in a week or two he said. I'll have to go through a few mags and let you know.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:25   #4
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They bassically smuggle there guns across the boarder. I've talked to them and they have some of the boarder guards convinced that they're guns aren't replicas if they have a different sight or a laser pointer on them. They'll be caught soon and NOBODY should pay them to bring the guns in but rather wait then pay or else your risking your money.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:30   #5
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Originally Posted by Sepulcrum View Post
They bassically smuggle there guns across the boarder. I've talked to them and they have some of the boarder guards convinced that they're guns aren't replicas if they have a different sight or a laser pointer on them. They'll be caught soon and NOBODY should pay them to bring the guns in but rather wait then pay or else your risking your money.
As long as they don't take the money up front A&A-style then leave you high and dry if their shit gets seized, then it's ok.

Now, on the "smuggling" thing. I've spoken to several people who have brought back guns and declared them. Sometimes, as long as the guns don't have "real" trademarks, they'll let them in as they don't consider them replicas. But that's really dependent on the customs officer in question, I'm sure.

As for Firepower, you used to be able to get those at the surplus store downtown as well. They stopped selling them because everyone was bringing back their AEGs within days of buying them because they were broken. Firepower is a REALLY bad choice for an AEG. They make ok pistols for the price, but the AEGs are crap.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:44   #6
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
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I had to put like 20 down, he said it would come to like 200 probably. Yeah I've heard the the gears all just snapping apart and stuff like that. Worse comes to worse I'll just return it saying I'm not satisfied (if it doesnt break first). I just figured I'd try it seeing as how its my first gun. I gotta get Mantelope to verify me!
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Old July 31st, 2008, 10:59   #7
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As for that local retailer, 20 dollars down isnt terrible. I honestly wouldnt give them anymore till the item was infront of me on the counter.

Just be wary when it comes to situations like that.
This websites buy and sell forums are a fair bit more reliable, and although prices in Canada are a good amount higher than that of those around the world unfortunetly its all we have right now. If you are 18 years or older your best bet would be to follow through with this websites age verifacation process. However thats just a recommendation.

If I remember correctly the firepower M4 is not the greatest, as I believe the charging handle actually doesnt do anything, It will not reveal the hopup. However that could be another brand I am thinking of. However if it is there will be a few other small incompatabilities with those of TM models. The mechbox is metal atleast, however once again thats only if its the same gun that I am thinking of.

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; July 31st, 2008 at 11:04..
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Old July 31st, 2008, 11:05   #8
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post

Not really, it's from a song.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 11:12   #9
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Well in that case.


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Old July 31st, 2008, 11:17   #10
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If I remember correctly the firepower M4 is not the greatest, as I believe the charging handle actually doesnt do anything, It will not reveal the hopup. However that could be another brand I am thinking of. However if it is there will be a few other small incompatabilities with those of TM models. The mechbox is metal atleast, however once again thats only if its the same gun that I am thinking of.

Welcome to ASC.
The charging handle works and reveals the hopup. The gun feels solid and heavy, but doesn't work very well. The body / stock / barrel attachment are not TM compatible. The body separates into 2 half shells held with screws instead of splitting into the upper and lower like TM-compatible models. And magazines aren't 100% to the same dimensions as TM modelled mags. You have to really jam them in and pull them out hard and they'll have feed issues (so I've been told). Apparently, TM-compatible hi-cap mags work, but mid, low and real-cap don't.
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Old July 31st, 2008, 12:04   #11
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Thanks Crunch, for 200 then the OP shouldnt be to bad off.
Now what the hell was that gob shite AEG I was thinking of. Oh well.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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Old July 31st, 2008, 12:15   #12
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
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haha I wish I could take credit for my name but like sep said, its from a bloodhound gang song, i recommend you give it a listen, funny...crude but girlfriend hates it

P.S Thanks for all the info Crunch I've been looking everywhere for info on that gun but all any site has is what is says right on the box
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Old August 1st, 2008, 20:07   #13
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bronson and bronson does have a website. But all you will be able to see is the swords and paintball guns they have. If you are looking to get a Marui or anything else they can get it for you on a special order. There are no good airsoft guns in the store. Anything you want relating to airsoft will have to be special ordered.
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