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Old September 20th, 2008, 22:35   #46
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Oh yeah, forgot to say, when I play milsim games and want to actually get into it I still run my high ROF guns but only use semi and 30rnd mags. I get crazy good trigger response without any hosing.

As far as I know not many in Canada if any use true high ROF setups. I'm talking where you grind teeth off the sector gears to make it a shorter piston stroke, cut out massive parts of your piston to lighten it, get all pure silver wiring for maximum current, etc. etc. Talking 40-50 rps here. I have heard of people in Japan and other countries with 1J limits doing it a lot though. Cutting holes in the handguards so the motor can cool faster, having loadouts of 10-15 hicaps that are all prewound, needing to carry 3-4 batteries for a game that only lasts a couple hours, and other hideous abominations.
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Old September 20th, 2008, 22:40   #47
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That's not human... or milsim. :P
If I want a BB hose I'll get THIS

That way I could always do a Ghostbusters load out for shits n' giggles... Aww come on, who wouldn't laugh at a Ghostbusters load out?!
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Last edited by Gigaknight; September 20th, 2008 at 22:43..
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Old September 20th, 2008, 22:41   #48
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
As for internals, yeah, its hell on everything inside the mechbox. Thats why I never bring fewer than 2 main guns to a game and usually have my bone stock TM MP5k as my "oh shit" gun. I have already stripped 3 pistons, 2 sets of gears (one was a SystemA all helical highspeed set), melted one selector plate with the heat from the current, and currently I think I blew the contacts in my trigger switch apart again from the current. I run dual 9.6V batteries to maximum the current that the wires inside the mechbox can support (that is the limiting factor once you get enough battery juice) and it seems that stock contacts are not designed for it. Most motors on the other hand can draw quite a bit more amperage than the wires can handle. So far the only thing that has blown in a game is my trigger switch, everything else has broken while testing on my work desk.
Just for reference, I only bring my AUG to a game, and it's never broken down at a game. Just once at home when I was dry firing it I took the first tooth (big one) off the stock TM piston, which has been in there for god knows how long (I bought the gun used and had used it for a ~year and a half before that happened).

Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
As far as I know not many in Canada if any use true high ROF setups. I'm talking where you grind teeth off the sector gears to make it a shorter piston stroke, cut out massive parts of your piston to lighten it, get all pure silver wiring for maximum current, etc. etc. Talking 40-50 rps here. I have heard of people in Japan and other countries with 1J limits doing it a lot though. Cutting holes in the handguards so the motor can cool faster, having loadouts of 10-15 hicaps that are all prewound, needing to carry 3-4 batteries for a game that only lasts a couple hours, and other hideous abominations.
Oh my.

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Old September 20th, 2008, 22:52   #49
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LOL I can see it in the wtb...
Tac vest with 4 X 2 9.6v 4000 mHa pouches
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Old September 20th, 2008, 22:54   #50
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Old September 20th, 2008, 22:56   #51
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Yup... one could saw we're Master Debat... That's painfully corny, this thread needs to be cleaned.
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Old September 20th, 2008, 23:13   #52
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Just for reference, I only bring my AUG to a game, and it's never broken down at a game. Just once at home when I was dry firing it I took the first tooth (big one) off the stock TM piston, which has been in there for god knows how long (I bought the gun used and had used it for a ~year and a half before that happened).
Yeah, so far now that I have worked out a LOT of kinks and parts incompatibilities and have something that lasts a few thousand rounds. Only problem was firing 2000rnds in about 2 minutes and melted my trigger contacts. Me and a couple others where trying to bore a hole in a car door. We managed to make a dent that went in almost 2 inches and removed lots of paint but no split metal..........yet.
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Old September 21st, 2008, 00:17   #53
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Keep in mind as well having both high FPS and high ROF adds alot of strain/wear or prone-to-breakage-ness to AEGs, especially V2's.
Exactly. I could turn my CA into a beast but i choose to stick with a 8.4v to keep the repair man away as long as I can.
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Old September 21st, 2008, 01:08   #54
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Originally Posted by Gigaknight View Post
Well there we go then bud, that statement just proves all; airsoft is entirely about personal preference. Again, I strive for realism, so I go with a lower ROF and a higher FPS; I'm not made out of money so I can't afford to be replacing parts every few games.

I say, to each his own... Though this just made me think that maybe there should be ROF caps at MILSIM games? Not every game, but milsim games; where people aim for realism. :P *I'm putting on my flame retardant suit now...*
How far will you go for milsim?

Will you rate WHAT FPS a gun should be based on its real steel counterpart? 7.62 and 5.56 don't fly the same speeds, yet we have AEG's of both rounds firing at 400FPS. Do we limit all guns to their real steal counterpart? IE. start DOWNgrading stock guns to fire slower? Are you going to start capping BB weights to milsim round impact based on the real steel IE. 7.62 get .28's and 5.56 get .25's so that the bigger round is slower but hits harder?

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Old September 21st, 2008, 01:25   #55
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
How far will you go for milsim?

Will you rate WHAT FPS a gun should be based on its real steel counterpart? 7.62 and 5.56 don't fly the same speeds, yet we have AEG's of both rounds firing at 400FPS. Do we limit all guns to their real steal counterpart? IE. start DOWNgrading stock guns to fire slower? Are you going to start capping BB weights to milsim round impact based on the real steel IE. 7.62 get .28's and 5.56 get .25's so that the bigger round is slower but hits harder?
No, by a ROF cap, I'm talking about a general area for ROF. If someone is going to be using a high ROF set up on a gun that usually doesn't have a high ROF, then that's not truly milsim. I don't want EXACT specs for guns because that's impossible; you know how hard it would be for everyone? Imagine if you weren't allowed to use heavier BB's because the RS of your gun fires 5.56... That's lame and I don't want that. :P
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Old September 21st, 2008, 01:38   #56
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Originally Posted by Gigaknight View Post
No, by a ROF cap, I'm talking about a general area for ROF. If someone is going to be using a high ROF set up on a gun that usually doesn't have a high ROF, then that's not truly milsim. I don't want EXACT specs for guns because that's impossible; you know how hard it would be for everyone? Imagine if you weren't allowed to use heavier BB's because the RS of your gun fires 5.56... That's lame and I don't want that. :P
But that WOULD be milsim, basing ammunition, FPS rates, ROF and ammo capacities to a player BASED on their REAL steel counterpart. By limiting one player to upgrade his gun for a tactical advantage he wants because you want milsim, but then don't want to limit what BB's you can use because he wants milsim is not a two way street and THAT is lame.

And then when you talk ROF cap's would you have it set so that MG's could fire faster? Or would you account for the real world high ROF guns? Even though out the box most AEG's are on par with the big ones that come to mind when people thing LMG or SMG high ROF guns. And some are still too fast!

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Old September 21st, 2008, 01:42   #57
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Originally Posted by Dracheous View Post
But that WOULD be milsim, basing ammunition, FPS rates, ROF and ammo capacities to a player BASED on their REAL steel counterpart. By limiting one player to upgrade his gun for a tactical advantage he wants because you want milsim, but then don't want to limit what BB's you can use because he wants milsim is not a two way street and THAT is lame.

And then when you talk ROF cap's would you have it set so that MG's could fire faster? Or would you account for the real world high ROF guns? Even though out the box most AEG's are on par with the big ones that come to mind when people thing LMG or SMG high ROF guns. And some are still too fast!
Nothing wrong with a LMG with a high ROF, its meant to pin people down. The problem is people with SMG that have crazy hi-caps and mid caps with a stupidly high ROF. Those guys have mobility + high ROF, and thats wrong. You won't see the guy with a SAW running around, jumping up and down, rolling on the ground like a guy with a MP5 can.

Whats next? Robots with grenade launchers that can't call their hits?
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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Old September 21st, 2008, 01:52   #58
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It shouldn't be too hard to chart out the different calibre's.. for their comparitive speeds, and what normal ranges of rates of fire for the different gun families would be. And to adjust accordingly, so weapons would be more realistic as to what role they would perform in a real world situation.
C'mon math wizards ... there's a good project for someone.
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Old September 21st, 2008, 01:53   #59
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Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Nothing wrong with a LMG with a high ROF, its meant to pin people down. The problem is people with SMG that have crazy hi-caps and mid caps with a stupidly high ROF. Those guys have mobility + high ROF, and thats wrong. You won't see the guy with a SAW running around, jumping up and down, rolling on the ground like a guy with a MP5 can.

Whats next? Robots with grenade launchers that can't call their hits?
SMG's have HIGH ROF actually more often than not you will find an SMG with a higher ROF than most LMG's.

MP5k 900/min = 15/sec
P90 900/min = 15/sec

M249 750-850/min = 12.5-14.2/sec
M60 550/min = 9.2/sec

Those are stats from base model off the factory line models of those weapons. Clearly, SMG's have a higher ROF, so your argument is completely false to suggest that LMG's should have the higher ROF to SMG's based on MILSIM.

LMG's are not intended for higher rates of fire, they are intended for SUSTAINED bursts of fire and larger ammo capacity, that is their function that is there role.

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Old September 21st, 2008, 01:57   #60
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Then take mid and hi cap out of guys with crazy SMG ROF.
Originally Posted by Mr.Shiney View Post
Yes it is hard to find an Instructor that teaches how to Finger, Suck, Squeeze and Blow all at the same time.
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