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Airsoft Calc on the iPhone


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Old February 2nd, 2009, 21:03   #1
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Mobile Device Airsoft Calculators

* Updated content as my original post could be misleading as things have changed!

I have updated the original AirsoftCalc and made an AirsoftApp. It's not free anymore but iphone development is my only source of income.

Calculates Joules based off FPS/BB Weight and lets you also input "Field Limits" for AEG, GBB and Sniper guns.

So, lets say you put in 400 fps with .20G's as your field limit. Chrony a gun at 300 fps with .36s, it'll tell you you are over the limit by 2.49 FPS.

Useful for field admins who don't want to supply .20s to players just for chrony, and means players don't have to dump rounds for the pre game test.

I've added a gear/weapons inventory section as well. It's now called AirsoftApp instead of AirsoftCalc.

Other Devices
Will have to see about some sort of update for these (android?) in the future.

Last edited by smith; January 25th, 2010 at 09:42..
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 21:05   #2
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I want one....for my crackberry. Nice stuff Smithy!!!
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 21:13   #3
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Originally Posted by ex-royal View Post
I want one....for my crackberry. Nice stuff Smithy!!!
As soon as I can get a halfway decent Blackberry Dev environment, i'll have one for ya. RIM has a plugin for VS2008 but its got issues, i'm gonna try a few other environments like Eclipse.

OH, that reminds me! I will have the Windows Mobile (HTC Touch, etc) version of this app out shortly and the .CAB file will be made available for free download.

The WM version of the calc is being written for WM5 with .NET 2.0 which is what most HTC touches i've managed to get my hands on seem to run. WM6/NET3.5 should be backwards compatible but that can be tested.
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Old February 2nd, 2009, 21:52   #4
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Originally Posted by smith View Post
Okay, don't know if this should be in accessories, general, off topic or what. So it can sit in accessories like that ballistics iphone app

There's an Airsoft FPS calculator available for the iPhone/Touch. Calculates Joules based off FPS/BB Weight and lets you also input "Field Limits" for AEG, GBB and Sniper guns.

So, lets say you put in 400 fps with .20G's as your field limit. Chrony a gun at 300 fps with .36s, it'll tell you you are over the limit by 2.49 FPS.

Useful for field admins who don't want to supply .20s to players just for chrony, and means players don't have to dump rounds for the pre game test.

Has a "distance calc" too which is just simple physics based off the height of the gun (adjustable) and the speed of the BB. No, humidity and such are NOT calculated.

Now, here's the fun part! It's my app, and i made it as a test to see how long deployment takes from submission to final approval in the AppStore.

So, that being said I can make changes or additions as people request them! First order of business, someone make me a pretty icon cuz mines ugly as sin and i knew that from the start. I think it took me longer to write up the store text than it did to make the icon and write the app

Upcoming changes include "auto-reselect" of the previously selected BB Weight, as well as a convert to Meters per second. If anyone wants to supply me with the equations on how humidity, altitude, windspeed/direction affect a BB in flight, i'll throw that in too but otherwise the math makes my brain hurt.

App is being deployed now (i just got the email) so it may take a day or two to show up when you search.
cool. let us know when it is released. I'd be happy to try it out.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 02:44   #5
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i would like to play with the app too, lol.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:20   #6
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My Internet is actually down right now and I'm stuck browsing on my iPhone; this EvDO network I'm on is really slow so I don't have the patience to look for it, but I seem to recall something called Airsoft Trajectory Project. I remember there being a downloadeable .PDF and something about how my brain hurt a lot after reading it. If I recall correctly, it went into a good bit of detail about airsoft ballistics, range, temp, humidity, etc. There was lots of math. Lots of theory was explained and scientifically proven to be reliable. I don't know how much that'll help, but this seems like an interesting app, I'll definetly be checking it out.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:30   #7
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Would be handy for my crackberry too!
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:30   #8
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I'll be downloading this as soon as it's available on the iTunes store. Very nice indeed.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 12:35   #9
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Definately interested. I have an HTC.

Good Job
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 13:08   #10
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I gotta get this for my iphone great job, can't wait to see it up on the appstore, are you looking to release for free or some $?
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 13:16   #11
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Originally Posted by spl01t77 View Post
I gotta get this for my iphone great job, can't wait to see it up on the appstore, are you looking to release for free or some $?
Quote from his other thread;
Originally Posted by smith View Post

Yes, the app will always be free, and yes I'll pretty up the interface next update. As i said, it was a quickly put together app. Additionally, small icons for the "Field Limits" and "Quick Calc" sections would be useful but aren't essential.

App Details:
I will be watching app store for this. I can also test on WM 6.1 non-touchscreen phone and WM6 treo with touchscreen if you need smith.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 13:54   #12
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The AppStore is being a bit wonky from the back end, the app is approved for release by Apple into the store but hasn't started seeding yet.

Their help system and online documentation sucks so i'm trying to find out who's dropped the ball so i'll know who to kick to get the ball rolling.

Oh, on a side note the numbers may be slightly off (after the decimal point) compared to some online calcs due to differences in rounding.

Actually, that might REALLY throw off the math on the HTC and other Windows Mobile devices as MS has serious math issues when it comes to rounding... well, it's free so if it doesn't work, complain here and i'll fix it

edit: HAHAHA Ya this might explain things:

"Http/1.1 Service Unavailable" <- response from my AppStore management account portal.

Ahhh apple, you're so much fun.
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 13:59   #13
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Originally Posted by DrChi View Post
My Internet is actually down right now and I'm stuck browsing on my iPhone; this EvDO network I'm on is really slow so I don't have the patience to look for it, but I seem to recall something called Airsoft Trajectory Project. I remember there being a downloadeable .PDF and something about how my brain hurt a lot after reading it. If I recall correctly, it went into a good bit of detail about airsoft ballistics, range, temp, humidity, etc. There was lots of math. Lots of theory was explained and scientifically proven to be reliable. I don't know how much that'll help, but this seems like an interesting app, I'll definetly be checking it out.
I'll have to take a peek at it and see what they've got.

Humidity and temp would be interesting to have but i'm thinking for the average range of a BB it can't make THAT much of a distance (over a shoulder->ground flight distance of lets say 200 ft).
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Old February 3rd, 2009, 14:02   #14
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hmm ! so only iphone and blackberry that got lucky, how about NOKIA user like me ?

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Old February 3rd, 2009, 14:16   #15
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Actually, it's only iphone and Windows Mobile that got lucky, blackberry has to wait a bit longer. And by the looks of it WM will be out first because Apples having a seizure of some sort.

What model Nokia?
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