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Kraken Gearbox Problem


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Old March 23rd, 2009, 16:57   #1
Majestic Mornings rocking it like a Queen
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Kraken Gearbox Problem

Alright, a little while back, the gearbox was removed from the receiver, it was never taken apart, just simply removed, so the receiver could be modified to fit an MTK-83 mount.

When the gearbox was put back into the receiver, the selector gears on the outside were placed improperly, which didn't allow for the gun to switch to safety, upon taking it out and fixing this, it was then unable to use semi-auto. (Using semi-auto was the same as using full-auto)

Over time I did finally fix that, except now the problem just seems to have gotten worse, and moderately confusing.

When you go from safety to full-auto, it fires in full-auto. When you go from full-auto, to semi-auto, it fires in semi-auto. If you go from semi-auto to full-auto, you get a plink noise, the gun does not fire, as if the gearbox is jammed. Going back to safety, and then to full-auto, lets you fire full-auto normally.
I've removed the gearbox to check the selector gears on the outside, but they're fine, and the problem seems a little worse than not being able to go from semi to full, as during a game I was taking a cute level of protection by a wall, and when I went to fire, I got the plink noise, and the non-function of the gearbox in both full-auto and semi-auto. I forfiet myself counting as hit, and shortly after walking away, the gearbox began functioning fine, aside from the problem listed above.

I have a game on the 29th that's a good hour or so from here, I don't want to travel that far for my gun to jam up. So any help is appreciated.
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Old March 23rd, 2009, 17:02   #2
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Take it to a gun doctor, that's probably your best bet.

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Old March 23rd, 2009, 17:06   #3
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I just got a kraken and upgraded the body to a metal one and had sorta the same problem i found when i put the selector gears back on they were in the wrong position i took it back out realigned and now no problems. try that if you havnt already.
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Old March 23rd, 2009, 17:28   #4
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Sounds like a misalignment of the selector assembly or something as ROAR said. But at worse, if it works in full auto, then you can still easily game it anyway. So if you can't get it fixed by game day, it's really not a huge issue.
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Old March 24th, 2009, 02:16   #5
a.k.a. greenpunk_182
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Similar situation arose when my buddy and I removed the mechbox of my kraken to re-shimmed and re-greased. We found that the wires connecting the motor to the trigger were not sitting properly in the rear of the body impeding the fire selector to move the selector assembly into position.

Double check that when you slide the mechbox into the body, the wires are remaining in the groove near the back.

Hope this provides you with any help
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Old March 24th, 2009, 18:29   #6
Majestic Mornings rocking it like a Queen
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I've done or checked most of whats been suggested, to no real avail. It's actually become clear that when going from semi to full, it isn't strong enough to go back to shooting full-auto, but if you repeatedly go from semi to full, and keep attempting to fire, eventually it is able to shot once.
As it is right now, for some.. bewildered reason is that going from semi to full, instead of firing it full auto, it remains able to shoot in semi. The reason I find this bewildering is because I actually haven't done anything to it, lol.

(This isnt a battery problem though, as the battery is full charged and works in all other guns)

Last edited by IceTray; March 24th, 2009 at 18:44..
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Old March 24th, 2009, 19:01   #7
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It doesn't seem to be something you can fix (you're not taking it apart right, or don't have much experience with the workings?) so have a gundoctor look at it.

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Old March 24th, 2009, 19:14   #8
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Yea, I normally don't tinker with the inside of the gearbox much, so I'm not particularly familiar with it. Being unemployed, and without a car, is initially a problem, because the nearest gun doctor isn't actually in my city from what I've been told - city transit doesn't support my traveling with it either.

On a side note though, when the gearbox is outside of the receiver, it functions without the flaws listed above. Once placed in the receiver, is when it turns wonky.
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Old March 24th, 2009, 21:50   #9
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Originally Posted by IceTray View Post
On a side note though, when the gearbox is outside of the receiver, it functions without the flaws listed above. Once placed in the receiver, is when it turns wonky.
You sure a screw head or something from mounting the side mount (I'm assuming a MTK-83 mount is one of those side rails) isn't interfering with the action?

A side mount is pretty much right in line with the operational bits of the fire selector (the ones on the outside of the mechbox). Putting pressure on those bits (or obstructing them with a screw head poking where there used to be empty space) would probably cause problems related to the selector.

If it works fine outside the receiver that suggests it's something with the receiver - perhaps something that recently changed with the receiver since the last time it worked fine, like the mount.

Last edited by DonP; March 24th, 2009 at 21:54..
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Old March 24th, 2009, 23:30   #10
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Originally Posted by DonP View Post
You sure a screw head or something from mounting the side mount (I'm assuming a MTK-83 mount is one of those side rails) isn't interfering with the action?

A side mount is pretty much right in line with the operational bits of the fire selector (the ones on the outside of the mechbox). Putting pressure on those bits (or obstructing them with a screw head poking where there used to be empty space) would probably cause problems related to the selector.

If it works fine outside the receiver that suggests it's something with the receiver - perhaps something that recently changed with the receiver since the last time it worked fine, like the mount.
I actually read that and thought it could be correct, because although none of the screws are even long enough, the bits left from when the holes were made was still there, so I sanded the inside completely down, so the entire inside of the receiver is completely smooth. The problem persisted unfortunately.

Although (was just told this now) another guy from our last small game, has a complete stock kraken, still has a clear receiver, even the selection switch screw has never been tightened, and his is the same way - ..I wanna say bad batch of krakens, but mine is quite dated, whereas his was bought recently, but both have the same problem.
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Old March 25th, 2009, 14:55   #11
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Did you upgrade the receiver? I found that when i upgraded my receiver from the plastic one to the metal one i hade to file down the selector switch on the back side cause the contacts wernt making on the screw. to test this take the handle off the gun and move your selector switch back and forth from full to semi to safe and you should be able to watch the selector gears moving inside the receiver with the handle off and see if they are binding on you or not.
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Old March 26th, 2009, 22:43   #12
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i have the same problem

as far as i can tell the selector lever is sliping on the part that connets to the Selector arm
i think the brass thing might be too long and is not letting the screw hold the selector lever down

thing with slots i dont know the name of: 5.7mm
brass thing: 6.85mm

i tryed fileing the selector lever and it helped a bit but not much
and there was some air space between the halfgear and Selector Plate that i fix by adding electrical tape to the halfgears teeth
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