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Old April 6th, 2009, 01:40   #16
Danke's Avatar
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Think of a silencer as more like a muffler on a car. Sure all the real noise is in the engine, but there is still some sound comming out the tailpipe. Even a hollow can on the end will catch and change the tone of the sound coming out the muzzle end (the end in theory you have pointed at your target).

Foam filled or baffled will swallow a bit more of the report.

Is it worth it? Maybe, a good one will cost you $50-100, add weight so your weapon becomes muzzle heavy and length so you'll have issues if you've already got a long gat like a M16 or a FAL it's going to be a hassle, maybe not so much on a MP5 or AKSU-74.

Suppressors on GBB pistols? Why not, you'll have sound bleeding out as the slide recoils, and the muzzle heavy effect is more noticable but if it's the look you're after then go for it.

And last, call them "suppressors".
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Old April 6th, 2009, 02:21   #17
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Fire a P90 with and without a supressor, then tell me they make no difference.

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Old April 6th, 2009, 02:38   #18
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With my vsr i have a longer barrel hidden in my silencer, and it still makes a very noticable difference. aeg it would muffle the barrel noise, and maybe lay on the rest of the gun to muffle the motor sound?
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Old April 6th, 2009, 02:46   #19
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People always talk about gear and motor noise, but what do you hear when someone is shooting at you? If you have actually played a a game of airsoft in your life you will realize that past 10-20 feet you CANNOT HEAR GEAR OR MOTOR NOISE. All you hear is the thump of the piston inside the gun. This is of course assuming your motor and gears are properly adjusted and shimmed, I'd say 40-60% of guns ARE NOT PROPERLY SHIMMED OR ADJUSTED SO MAKE A LOT MORE MECHBOX NOISE THAN THEY SHOULD. Once everything is properly adjusted all you can hear is the thwap of the piston when you are beyond the minimum engagement range. You might hear some motor wine but that is because the gun has a motor or battery that do not have enough torque/amperage for that spring, it is not normal in a good gun. Add on a Sorbo pad or silent head set and the gun will be a lot quieter than a normal gun. Add on a silencer with a proper baffle system in the silencer and you can make a dead quiet gun.

To baffle a silencer, remove all the foam rings and place several cardboard washers in between each, this creates gaps inside the silencer for the air (noise) to move into which causes turbulence (which is BEHIND the BB so does not effect its trajectory.)

Silencer have no effect if all you listen to is the gun from the firers perspective. My SPR sounds exactly the same with or without the Sorbo pad and with or without the silencer when your head is beside it but when you listen to it pointed at you from 20 or so feet away, it goes "pfft" instead of "POP!" Even just pointing the gun past your head and dry firing it point blank will show a huge difference. When firing my SPR beside my head all I can hear is spinning gears and "pop" "pop" "pop" from the piston, when firing it towards myself (well, my room mate was firing it to the side of my head from 20' away) all I can hear is "pfft" "pfft" "pfft"

Standard airsoft silencers are made from aluminum so any weight it adds is negligible from an overall stand point. For a silencer to turn a balanced gun into a front heavy gun it would have to be full of lead. Anyone who says properly setup silencers make no different in noise report either have never played a game of airsoft in their life or only test muzzle report sitting at a work bench with the gun beside their head. FROM ANY SORT OF MINIMUM ENGAGEMENT DISTANCE A SILENCER MAKES A HUGE IMPACT ON THE AUDIBLE REPORT OF AN AEG FIRING, THIS IS A FACT.

There is a player in Ottawa, Frog I believe, with a dead quiet SPR, quieter than any other gun I have ever listened to. I have no idea what internals he runs but from 40-50' away your own breathing can cover up the sound report from the piston, it is just insane.

Last edited by LUTNIT; April 6th, 2009 at 02:53..
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Old April 6th, 2009, 12:10   #20
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heres the ones i seen, cheap.
heres the ones im comparing them to
a bit of a difference if none of them work.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 12:13   #21
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Yeah the only gun I've ever seen a silencer actually have any effect is on the TM MK23. Don't have a ton of experience hearing them fire with and without the silencer though.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 12:14   #22
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Originally Posted by Tugg View Post
heres the ones i seen, cheap.
heres the ones im comparing them to
a bit of a difference if none of them work.
Considering you can't import silencers...

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 6th, 2009, 12:15   #23
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
People always talk about gear and motor noise, but what do you
I agree completely. Almost every airsoft gun I've heard with a proper silencer on it, it really dulls the report from 20-30+ feet out. Like I said, take a P90, wrap the battery in a sock and stick on a supressor, and the thing is nearly silent from 50+ feet away.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 6th, 2009, 12:16   #24
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Well... the ops gear ones are cheap crap ones coming from the states, and the ones are high end ones that come from Asia.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 12:17   #25
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It wont silence it but it will change the "tack tack tack" noise to "bup bup bup" but you can still hear it as it is still quite loud. But in real life supressors dont silence a weapon either it's still quite loud with one on.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 13:10   #26
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Originally Posted by sushicake View Post
It wont silence it but it will change the "tack tack tack" noise to "bup bup bup" but you can still hear it as it is still quite loud. But in real life supressors dont silence a weapon either it's still quite loud with one on.
That's a good point too. IIRC, even the MP5SD (real one) still has a report somewhere in the 50 decibal range with a supressor. The purpose of one isn't to make the gun silent -it's to change the sound so it doesn't a) sound like a firearm, and b) make it difficult to tell where the report is coming from. Airsoft supressors are actually quite good at accomplishing those.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 6th, 2009, 13:19   #27
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crunchmeisters echo 1 p90 is just as loud as a regular aeg. when he throws the silencer on it you can't even hear it beyond..... well unless your shooting and have your head rested on the gun... a properly configured gun is DEAD silent with a silencer.
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Old April 6th, 2009, 15:16   #28
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Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Considering you can't import silencers...
i dont see why that is. its not like a silencer can hurt anyone. wtf?
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Old April 6th, 2009, 15:18   #29
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Originally Posted by Tugg View Post
i dont see why that is. its not like a silencer can hurt anyone. wtf?
The purpose of a supressor is to modify the report of a firearm so it no longer sounds like a firearm... I can see exactly why they're illegal to import. CBSA says no. Hence we can't import them.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 6th, 2009, 15:24   #30
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I have a foam filled supressor on my Echo 1 P90, and it actually muffles the report significantly. It comes equipped with an aluminum piston head, and has a very loud crack. With the supressor, the muzzle report is deadened significantly making the motor / gears really the only thing you can hear at a distance. This has been witnessed by many surprised observers at the Mill on my 2 occasions there, and again this past weekend at a game where I compared it to a couple of TM P90s. The supressor makes a huge difference. It certainly won't make one stealthy, as the motor sound will give away the fact someone is shooting, but will kill muzzle report.
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