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SiG552 Rebuild Help


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Old April 17th, 2009, 18:11   #1
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SiG552 Rebuild Help

A while ago I made a similar thread and just to clarify, this is not asking for help with a high speed mechbox rebuild. After finding out that would be useless for my playstyle, I decided to go to more high torque.

The mechbox I have no clue about what to upgrade with for high torque. I know for high speed you need a lot of reinforcement, but for high torque, I don't know what's needed. The inside of the mechbox is practically all plastic, right down to the shims. So I'm basically asking for a list of appropriate upgrades to apply for a high torque style gun.

My next question is about silencers. (inb4uncoolremarks) I plan to put a 590mm barrel inside my sig552 and obviously apply a silencer. I've heard that adding a 24-ish centimeter long causes risks, such as a higher risk of the silencer snapping. Just wondering if this is just bullshit from the people trying to convince me to get an m4/m16, or if it's something I should actually take to heart when doing this upgrade.

I'd also like to know if anyone has any experience with the tactical rail handguard for the SiG552. I know Proud makes one, but the one on doesn't say it's Proud, but still, just would like some input on it. Mainly since I'm not sure if it has a larger battery holding ability than the stock handguard set, and if it can hold a larger battery, I can add that into my massive list of goodies

As always, thanks for the help ASC.

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Old April 17th, 2009, 18:16   #2
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I'd say forget the 590 barrel in the 552, that's just enormous lol. G&P/UFC makes a railed handguard for the 552, but it's kind of hard to find. I'd suggest taking your gearbox to a gun doc to figure out just what needs to be reinforced for a high torque setup. That's my (n00bish) two cents.
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Old April 17th, 2009, 18:20   #3
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590mm is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. The barrel in my sg550 is only 534. What kind of silencer were you going to put over that?

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Old April 17th, 2009, 18:20   #4
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The 590mm barrel stays. Just for further people, it stays.

I went to a gun doc, he basically told me everything needs to be replaced, lol. Now I'm just confused as to what parts to actually get, heh.

That one, lol. And yes, I know the barrel is huge.

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Old April 17th, 2009, 18:23   #5
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Modify is an amazing brand...

You pretty much can't go wrong with any of their parts (well.. except if you buy 7mm bushings for your 6mm gearbox..)
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Old April 17th, 2009, 18:26   #6
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basically ur gearbox is gonna need pretty much all metal internals:

I'd install metal bushings, metal gears/torque up gears, metal antireversal latch (if it isn't already), stainless piston head, maybe upgrade the cyllinder if u think it needs it, ballbearing spring guide. Im not sure from ur description if its a metal gearbox itself but if it isn't ur probs gonna crack it within the first few shots if ur upgrading to a heavier duty spring.

ALSO: having installed any new gear upgrades make absolutely sure it is properly lubed and shimmed or ur gun is in for explosive decompression lol - or at least ur gonna cause some major damage :S

I'm not an expert at this so feel free to correct me if anything i said was wrong but thats how I'd do things
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Old April 17th, 2009, 18:28   #7
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Speaking of gearboxes, what would be desirabel gearbox? I know i need tog eta V3 gearbox, but I have no clue where to get one. doesn't seem to show anything I could use

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Old April 17th, 2009, 19:46   #8
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I just finished up Disco's JG Sig550.

It needed a spring guide, 7mm metal bushings (at least for this mechbox).

The rest of the parts were ok.

Greasing was horrible and it was almost solidified. I actually had to scrape some of it off.

Shimming was horrible...ignore at your own peril.

This rifle is just begging for a bigger battery.

Friggin long enough as is...

Have fun...make sure you watch the mag area cover plate as you pull it apart.

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Old April 17th, 2009, 20:47   #9
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Yea, a lot of the grease on the gearbox was horribly thick, I could have used it for butter. That stupid little plate in the mag area actually hangs loose on my SiG552 because it's using a G3 hop-up unit and the mag area plate has nothing to attach to (except like.. tape?).

The length actually seems undersized to me. The SiG552, that is. The stock just seems disproportionately big compared to the handguards. I think that the massive length increase will make it look a bit more stable, or at least here's hoping, heh.

This isn't a JG though, it's a CyberGun (Yes, I know, JG rebrand). I might be wrong but all the stock parts look like they could use a good replacing.

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Old April 17th, 2009, 21:01   #10
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Roko, is it a TM or JG 552? Just to make sure: The 552 has a 247mm inner barrel, and with a 590mm inner barrel your silencer will have to stick out 343mm in front of your barrel to cover it. Maybe you were thinking about a 509 barrel? It will of course be easy to break, since the silencer's only attached to the outer barrel. For such a length I'm skeptical at best. For airsoft I don't think you really need such a long barrel for such a weapon anyway. Maybe get 247-400mm Tanio Koba twisted barrel instead? Of course this is just me thinking out loud, and you must of course do what you want Just make sure to get a less vented, or maybe even unvented cylinder for your gun if you're going with such a long barrel!

As for rails you can get a china-made one for 1/4th of the price of the Proud one. eBayBanned seems to be selling one in the near future, and you can already get one at ehobby asia for about $50+shipping. If you look at pictures of 552s with the rail mounted, you will see that it's very close to the same height as the stock handguard. You might be able to get some more vertical space by removing the battery holder. As far as I see, it's not a part of the "outer barrel" and thus only works for positioning the battery. Maybe you're lucky enough to get some more room, but you will not be able to fit a longer battery, as it's still limited by the upper receiver and not the handguard (if it's a TM style SIG anyways). My suggestion would be a 7.4v mini-size lipo battery. In the normal handguard it's a very tight fit, but not impossible when you remove the battery holder. A 7.4 lipo will provide you with a performance close to a 9.6 NI-CD/NI-MH convetional battery due to it's superior discharge rate.

PS. I wonder if the china-made ones are clones of the Proud rail.
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Last edited by Corleone; April 17th, 2009 at 23:07..
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Old April 17th, 2009, 21:18   #11
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Originally Posted by Roko View Post
That stupid little plate in the mag area actually hangs loose on my SiG552 because it's using a G3 hop-up unit and the mag area plate has nothing to attach to (except like.. tape?).
If it's a rebranded JG, it should be screwed to the hop-up unit. My JG has it at least. Check for a screw hole.

Some ppl on a random forum I read also claimed it's only similar to a G3 hop-up, and can't be replaced by one. Uncomfirmed info though, and not really related to what you were talking about :P

PS. It's called a magwell. I just found out myself

Originally Posted by Roko View Post
The length actually seems undersized to me. The SiG552, that is. The stock just seems disproportionately big compared to the handguards. I think that the massive length increase will make it look a bit more stable, or at least here's hoping, heh.
I think the SIG 552 is teh sexiest of them all! It looks perfect with it's beautiful handguard and short, but perfect body. Compare it to the other SIGs in the family though, and it'll look a tad short. I actually feel the 550 looks a bit silly because of it's long barrel, and short stock.

I'm not 100% sure what you mean by stable, but a longer barrel might not make a whole lot of differnce in the game of airsoft.

Originally Posted by Roko View Post
This isn't a JG though, it's a CyberGun (Yes, I know, JG rebrand). I might be wrong but all the stock parts look like they could use a good replacing.
If it's a rebranded JG you should have metal gears (that're good enough for normal FPS), metal anti reversal latch and a reinforced gearbox that doesn't need replacing. For upgrades I'd Recommend:
- Metal bushings, or metal bearings if you want a higher ROF. Sometimes the price will be pretty close, so you might just as well get bearings. Bushings will take a lot more stress tho, and will probably never fail like bearings can.
- Metal bearing spring guide
- Keep a spare piston. Mine broke way early, and I had even downgraded my spring o.0
- Silent piston head/cylinder head set. sell some cheap (with bearings too!), but I won't guarantee the quality till I've tried it myself.
- closely related to the gearbox, get a mosfet upgrade. It doesn't have to be expensive, and you won't regret it!

I'd also recommend something like a 1J spring, or a M100 one.

Parts that should be plastic IMO includes tappet plate, selector plate, nozzle, piston and pistonhead.
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Last edited by Corleone; April 17th, 2009 at 23:08..
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Old April 17th, 2009, 23:08   #12
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The 590mm inner barrel is correct, the PSG1 sized barrel. It'd stick out approximately 1cm beyond the silencer, that would be something I'd fix myself by learning how to shave the barrel down just a bit (Of course practicing this method on the stock 247mm that I already have and don't field, just in the spare parts bin, heh). I looked into the Tanio Koba twist barrels, but apparently they are only effective at 330FPS. Going any higher can start to shake the reliability of them. Generally speaking, I'm aiming for a 350-400fps goal. I'm not sure what a less venteded or unvented cylinder is, that'd be something I'd have to look into as well, heh.

The larger battery debunk doesn't entirely destroy my dreams. The 7.4v lipo battery would be a good alternative, since I hear some people who swear by them, but at the same time people who swear at them. Still coming to my own resolution as to whether a lipo battery would be effective or not, heh. Would take some upgrading, I suppose, as I hear lipo batteries can more or less tear your gun to pieces if not properly, or at least adequately upgraded for it. I can't seem to find a sig552 tactical handguard set on ehobbyasia, though. If I manage to find one for cheaper, it'll definitely make it's way on my next bank-breaker order, heh.

The screw hole, yes, you're right on that. My stock hop-up unit has it, but this one doesn't. It's the full-metal CA G3 Hop-Up unit. I may switch back to my stock one since this G3 one is giving me some feeding issues every now and then, heh. That or I'll fine a way to bind that plate in the magwell. Hopefully not with tape, though.

I agree with you that the handguards on the SiG550 look kind of odd because it's so massive, but I find the SiG551 has a perfect length, heh. I still think it looks odd that the stock is longer than the handguards on the SiG552, but the main reason for the longer barrel is the increased accuracy. The type of playstyle I'm trying to get to is a bit scout-styled. Being far away and communicating back to my own team to let them know of the enemy's location and movements. Every so often being it necessary for me to take a shot, and with a 247mm barrel, I can't quite achieve a sustained shot at that distance. Tried it, didn't work, where-as one of the other guys I play with has a 590mm barrel in there (May have been a 509mm, not sure) was making extremely precise hits. With that increased accuracy, I'd be more capable of the gamestyle I want to achieve. I'm not much of a frontlinesmen, more along the lines of the guy spying on you and completely screwing up your plans of attack

The gears are metal from what I remember (I don't want to really crack the solder on my motor just to look inside it, heh), but as far as a reinforced gearbox, I don't think it has that. It may just be a standard 6mm gearbox. ROF isn't quite my concern, and because bushing are more durable than bearings from what I know, I'll probably be going with bushings. The rest I know needs upgrading, heh. The piston inside this thing looks like I could bite through it. As far as a MOSFET upgrade, I'm not even sure what that is, heh. I'm not sure what the spring is, but I'm about 85% positive it's a M100 or equivalent, but I plan to upgrade that to about an M120-M160, provided I can without busting the gun.

Oh, and about the stability comment, I have no clue what I was thinking when I wrote that. I've been on painkillers for a while so half the things I say aren't 100% accurate of my thoughts, heh. I think I meant that the length increase will give it more of what I'm looking for, mainly being an increase in accuracy, and a tiny bit more range. Aesthically, I also think it'll make it look more intimidating

Overall, this massive upgrade will be to have a kit purely set up for a mock auto-sniping ability. Range, with some ROF, but not a whole lot, and superior accuracy than a frontlinesmen. Also understanding that with any AEG, I can't match the range or potential accuracy of a bolt action, but rather get myself in the gap between, nearing closer to the ability of a sniper than that of an AEG.

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Old April 17th, 2009, 23:37   #13
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I have the Cybergun Sig 552- redone all the internals. If you game it in cold weather, expect the cheap piston head to break and ruin the cylinder head.

Also if you lengthen the barrel, remember you will need to get the correct ported cylinder to match the barrel length. If you're not sure which cylinder to get, ask Jugglez ( before you order.

I did the longer barrel thing with my MP5- what a great improvement. But I would suggest keeping any lengthening of the barrel to a maximum of about six inches.
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Old April 18th, 2009, 00:02   #14
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I would NOT recommend cutting the barrel unless you have good a way of smoothing out the exit hole on the barrel.

As for Tanio Koba barrels, have a read at ILLusion's thread here on the forums. You might actually be able to get close to the same range as 400FPS, with a 247m TK barrel and 330FPS (and maybe also with higher precision). I won't swear it'll be like that, but at least you won't shoot out other ppls teeth by accident The thing is that in airsoft, precision over a long distance is hard to achieve, especially outdoors with wind and all. Going too high on FPS might not really get you more distance, but might probably give you a straighter and more accurate shot, but it WILL hurt ppl a lot more! I'm not sure if you guys have FPS limits in Canda, but I'm guessing you do

For useful info on matching cylinder porting with barrel length, look here.

It's not the lipo battery itself, that tear ppls weapons apart, but rather that they provide a higher discharge rate than conventional batteries. Simply using lower voltages will be enough, but sadly there are only jumps of 3.7 volts per cell, meaning you can get 3.7v, 7.4v, 11.1v etc. Getting a 7.4v would be more than enough for most ppl! Also make sure you have a monitoring chip, so to know when to swap battery (if not it'll break). For more understanding, read this Lipo guide.

EA RIS Handguard for SIG 552 Series AEG

Gotta agree with you on the SIG 551 too! It's like the perfect length, and the 552 is it's sexy younger sister ;D

Tips for more accuracy includes getting a H-nub (they're cheap at RSOV and WGC) and a guarder clear hop-up rubber. RSOV also sell some nice, and WAY cheap precision barrels. You could try a 6.03 247mm barrel first, just to see. It's only $12 anyway I still think you won't need a 590mm long barrel, but you could get a 550 one. Check out the lengths they have and decide for yourself You can still have that silencer with a shorter barrel, and of course use the front tip of the silencer for it's intended purpose - silencing ;D
Oh btw, about cutting the barrel. check out the tip of the Vanaras barrels at RSOV. It's shaped that way to reduce the turbulence at the tip of the barrel.

If you have a rebranded JG, then you should have prolly have the black reinforced gearbox they put in all their guns nowdays. It has 7mm bushings btw. I bough 6mm the first time around... />.<\
My SIG was peaking at 407 FPS out of the box, and the gears did really good. You can most probably manage with the ones you have if you're going 350-400 FPS, and just replace them if they really do break in the future.
Oh and don't open the motor!
For the piston, I would recommend sticking with polycarbonate ones. Aluminium ones might get you into more trouble than you want. Just get a good one, and remember that pistons will always break at one point.

M120 will get you pretty spot on 400FPS.

For info on Mosfets, have a read here. It's prolly a project you should focus on in the future, but it'll save your electrical terminals tremendously.

PS. Be careful with the painkillers
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Last edited by Corleone; April 22nd, 2009 at 00:36..
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Old April 18th, 2009, 14:45   #15
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The 590mm barrel extension was scrapped. I actually picked up a ruler and looked at what the length would be. I'd basically not be able to walk around with it, unless I like dirt on the end of my gun, heh. It's now looking like it will either be a 455mm barrel, or a 363mm barrel with an appropriate silencer on the end, as well as goind high-torque build for better accuracy. I'll have to check out to see if Tanio Koba sells a 455 or 363 barrel.

The 363mm upgrade is a 5.9inch increase, with the 455mm being a 9inch increase (give or take a little bit). I believe the 455mm is a SiG550 barrel, could be wrong, though. I knwo the 363mm is a SiG551 barrel. As always, tightbore. The first upgrade I did was get a 247mm 6.03mm tightbore upgrade, heh. Can't live without it now. That'll also bring down the size of the silencer needed drastically, which in turn I guess generates less risk of the silencer breaking.

Out of the box I think I was shooting 370-ish, but now it seems to be going down. I think it might be a hop-up problem. I've been having trouble with this G3 hop-up since I got it (I even had to file down a part of the mechbox to fit the damned thing in, now I'm concerned that may have caused an issue), might switch back to the stock one and see if I get any improvement. Might also be an air-seal problem from when it was taken apart. For the spring, I want to try to go for an S140 (or M140, whichever) and see how well that goes. All else fails, I'll drop to a 120, or if I think it can handle more, jump to a 160.

Definitely going for a polycarbonate piston, though. I don't like metal+metal friction. Causes too much heat, don't want something to fuck up due to that.

MOSFET upgrade might be something I consider down the line. From what I know, it's a bit of a ROF upgrade. It may be something that makes it's way into my CQB kit with my 6.03mm 247mm tightbore. I like the SiG552 too much to buy a second gun to field, so I'll end up slapping together a second high-speed mechbox made completely for CQB and that's it. It'd never get fielded outside in a CQB loadout, tried that, failed horribly. Strictly for in-building or CQB-Outdoor matches.

PS. Been hit in the teeth before by a 400FPS, I still have all my teeth, mind you a small scar on my upper lip, but still all my teeth

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Last edited by Rotting; April 18th, 2009 at 14:47..
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