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Old April 18th, 2009, 19:01   #16
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Tromsø, Norway
TK make barrels even longer than that. UNcompany has a few, WGC a lot more of. WGC have some barrels without it's length in the description, but just look here, and you'll find the right one. Haven't checked out any other webshops for it yet, but I'm sure more ones have it.

SIG 550 is 534mm

That hop-up thing sounds iffy! You might wanna see if you can order a JG 552, and get it sent entirely dissembled, of course not including the gearbox. Will prolly be a lot cheaper than buying a new one inside of Canada, even if you pay some1 for the job of taking it apart. Funny thing is that the Sig doesn't really have a distinct part that can be called a lower or upper receiver, at least that's my opinion of it

As for the spring, the china-clones have springs that weaken very fast. It's a good investment to get a higher quality one. Just remember that a M140 spring is in theory 466FPS, but check ILLusion's spring chart to make sure first. Many ppl tell me to get a Prometheus spring.

For aluminium pistons, not only will there be friction, but also the thought about having a jam sounds terrifying!

A Mosfet is one of the smarter upgrades you do! I consider it a good investment, not because of the increased ROF, but for the lessened wear on the electrical trigger assembly (and I hear the trigger can burn down fast on the 552s!). That alone had me going for a Mosfet, but higher ROF is a nice bonus too ;D If you know what to order, a Mosfet will cost you +- $10. Check that guide I gave you.

Just in this small town alone, we've had two ppl get their teeth shot out in 2009! One of them were probably hit with a high FPS gun, but the other guy was only short with a 300FPS gun!!
"Everything will be OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end."

Last edited by Corleone; April 18th, 2009 at 19:04..
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 01:22   #17
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Tromsø, Norway
Originally Posted by Corleone View Post
You might wanna see if you can order a JG 552, and get it sent entirely dissembled, of course not including the gearbox. Will prolly be a lot cheaper than buying a new one inside of Canada, even if you pay some1 for the job of taking it apart. Funny thing is that the Sig doesn't really have a distinct part that can be called a lower or upper receiver, at least that's my opinion of it
Revision: There's still a part of the gun with trademarks and "serial numbers" on, and that's supposedly the illegal part to import into Canada. You can guy the entire gun without that part (which seller can keep), and buy that part inside of Canada (TM or JG spare part). It might still not be as cheap as just buying the JG 552 from a store, but that's research I simply cannot do
"Everything will be OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end."
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