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Old April 19th, 2009, 19:35   #1
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Prince Edward Island.
General Questions.

Hey Airsoft Canada! First post! I am really wanting to get into airsoft, I am looking to get age verified around my birthday (May) and looking to invest in a decent gun, first off I have a few questions.

1. I live on Prince Edward Island. Is it worth it? Are there any airsoft games on prince edward Island?

2. What is a good starter gun?

I was looking into an aftermath kraken, the reviews are good, worth it?

3. How hard will it be to get age verified here, I see that there is an age verifier for pei, is he an active member?

4. Hi-Caps, Low-caps : Whats the difference and what should I get?

and last but not least, Some tips that I can do to not be a pain at an airsoft battle...
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Old April 19th, 2009, 20:00   #2
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The Kraken is a good choice, but if you are willing to spend more money, get age verified and buy a Classic Army or a Tokyo Marui that will totally be worth the money. You could also buy a Kraken or a Jing Gong, upgrade it and you will have a cheaper gun, better than a Tokyo Marui.

A Low caps is a mag that contain 50 rounds or less and don't have a little wheel to turn.

A high cap is a mag that contain 200 rounds or more, rattle when running and has a little wheel to turn every 30-50 bb you shot.

The best in my opinion are mid caps, they generally contains around 100 bb, don't rattle and don't have a little wheel to turn.
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Old April 19th, 2009, 20:07   #3
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Prince Edward Island.
Originally Posted by DrZooker View Post
The Kraken is a good choice, but if you are willing to spend more money, get age verified and buy a Classic Army or a Tokyo Marui that will totally be worth the money. You could also buy a Kraken or a Jing Gong, upgrade it and you will have a cheaper gun, better than a Tokyo Marui.
So I take it AfterMath and Jing Gong are the lowest guns on the list?
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Old April 19th, 2009, 20:28   #4
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Originally Posted by indee View Post
So I take it AfterMath and Jing Gong are the lowest guns on the list?
Aftermaths are good for upgrade platforms, meaning the base gun itself is going to need preventative maintenance or be used to create something totally different. JG guns are supposed to be pretty good, some even great straight out of the box but again, the risk of a lemon is higher than some companies and preventative maintenance is a good idea.
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Old April 19th, 2009, 20:37   #5
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Location: Prince Edward Island.
Aah, I assume there are plenty of tutorials on maintenance.
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Old April 19th, 2009, 20:45   #6
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yeap, Check out

You will see dis-assembly and re-assembly of most gun, and V2+V3 mechboxs
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Old April 19th, 2009, 20:47   #7
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For most aftermatch gun like AK-47 need to have some upgrade for it shot right.

First, you might consider to change the spring to lower fps to legal use in game, indooe 350 fps and outdoor 400 fps.

Second, you might consider to change the bushing of the gun to keep it last for long.

Third, you might consider to get a good charger and a new battery since those battery and charger on this gun are crap.

Fourth, you might consider to get some low or mid-cap ( recommend ) since I hate people carry hi-cap and act as LMG.

Fifth, you might consider to redo some internal if you want to use for long time but still I wouldn't bother, might use until it's break.

Sixth, you might consider to change upgrade external to full metal or at least, paint the gun. I really hate people carry clearsoft with gangster style.

Seventh, you might consider ask the gun doc close to your area do the job on internal upgrade for you since you are noob. So I don't want to see you make another thread asking for help repair the gun.

Ninth, you might consider to this website, to get along what inside of the gun work and somehow could do by yourself.

Tenth, you should consider to get AV to get high end gun that won't break like two or three ( I'm not talking about people who use kraken for whole season ) they might lucky but it's still hit or miss.


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Old April 20th, 2009, 01:05   #8
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Don't know what the community out there is like so you'll have to wait for others to chime in on how many/often games are.

Most NIB guns come with 1 hi-cap. That's IMO all you really need. I mean if you're using 400 BB's per match (assuming ~20-25 mins per game) then there's something wrong...

You should be looking at getting mid or low caps that way you won't be limited when playing milsims.

Maybe get 1 or 2 more hi-caps but that's all you should really need.

Kraken. OK starter gun but you should have a local gundoc take a look at it and do some maintenance on it for you. There are other options too such as the G&G guns available at Mach1, VelocityArms, 007 etc. Kraken is cheap but you get what you pay for.
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Old April 20th, 2009, 01:41   #9
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1. Can't answer that. But there is an Atantic area groups here on the forum you can check out.

2. If you're mechanically inclined, the Kraken is a decent starter gun, but it's much better as an upgrade platform than a good field gun. A JG will cost more, but you'll have a far higher quality and more reliable gun that can be games with confidence. A Kraken will be hit or miss, but is fairly easy to upgrade to a good gun.

3. Don't know. PM him and ask.

4. Here's how it works. There are real caps which will hold the same number of rounds as the real steel mag. Low caps are generally 50-75 rounds. Micaps are 100-150 rounds. High caps are generally 150+ rounds and require occasional winding to load the BBs up, whereas the other mags are spring-fed.

Some milsim games will have ammo restritions, and some won't allow high caps. Usually, you can carry unlimited real and low cap, a more limited number of mid cap, and if high caps are allowed, you're usually only allowed to carry 1. You'll find the majority of players tend to use low and mid cap mags.

Hope that helps

Last edited by Crunchmeister; April 20th, 2009 at 15:34..
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Old April 20th, 2009, 15:30   #10
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Prince Edward Island.
Thanks for all the feedback guys!

I think I might save up. and get Av'd and look for a good gun in there.

and I will be looking for games on PEI soon enough.

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