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Anyone else longing for a shift to real cap mags?



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Old August 16th, 2013, 15:07   #61
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Unless you are American. Then the humvee has ammo everywhere.

I wouldn't mind doing a few realcap games again, they were fun back in the day. I notice more people these days are dirt poor in Mb and tend to just have a few midcaps or a highcap =/
Not enough airsoft culture being spread here, we don't have much contact with Ab or Sk, so we've kind of degenerated back into being a noob community.
Need more big games to show people how awesome milsim is, except nobody has money to go to them lol
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Old August 16th, 2013, 16:07   #62
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If you are going to do low capacity mag loads for games, set the limit per mag as you see fit, but if I am willing to hump the weight of 14 mags in a split rig that should be allowed (420 rounds at the minimum if you do real cap on 14 mags). These same AK mags would normally hold 1400 rounds.

Semi or full auto I don't care but I know many of my guns on semi fire are pretty fast, enough for some people to think that are getting full auto.

To me it is fun to play different games with different parameters, it keeps it interesting and forces you to be adaptable

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Old December 10th, 2013, 11:27   #63
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i used to only have real cap mags. I loved it! the game play was way more intense, and i found myself constently thinking, but i found that i was terrible out gunned in open long range games.

but nothing is more fun then the frantic reloads!

i've always wanted to real load a pistol mag, but never have....
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Old December 10th, 2013, 11:43   #64
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For CQB real cap is perfect. Outdoors its tricky, but can be done. Even just going in with three mids caps filled can be a good alternative.

Outdoors real cap is more than doable when you have plenty of soft and hard cover around like trees and thick brush.

I would love to push for more real cap games, especially now that I'm running a full C3H8 powered kit.

Regardless of being in CQB or semi-open outdoor fields; real cap makes people control ROF much better and forces longer, more strategically implemented games.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 12:26   #65
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Limit everyone, limit everything; that's the way to do it. If you want real caps magazines only, make the game parameters as such, as to match. 30/40 round magazines or less "only" (not including under loading magazines that can hold more), and 8/10 magazine limit. Host a game the way you want, for all the reasons and dynamics you want. Other peoples budgets, gear, and guns, are not everyone else's responsibility.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 12:33   #66
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It was already mentionned and I will mention it again:

Realcap games are not only possible outdoor as well, but they have proven successful over and over again during the past few years around here. Further more, they keep growing in popularity culminating in a 351 players OP last year, which stress out the fact that any drawbacks mentionned in this thread does not seem to bother a great majority of players.

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Old December 10th, 2013, 13:39   #67
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I don't see any problem with real cap. I used to run gas guns only, so I'm limited to 30-40 rounds on my rifles.

Now that I run a gaytona with AEG magazines, I still find that I drop my mag and throw them in my dump pouch after 30-40 shots even though the magazines I use are mid-caps (60 rounds).

I also find the users with AEGS using RealCaps or midcaps give Gas Gun users a more competitive play.

Each to their own play-style. You'll have some that want to have a hi-cap and full auto you, and those who like to keep things more realistic.


I also notice that fields that enforce rules about ammo and mag limits they don't enforce it hard enough, what I mean is they never check. You could have a guy with 10 hi-cap mags go on the field and no one bats an eye.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 13:58   #68
Boris the Blade
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The amount of hi-cap mag use is TOO DAMN HIGH! Can we all agree that the maximum capacity magazine for a rifle or submachine gun is a low cap which is a maximum of 90 rounds, which is already ridiculous? Personally I think everyone should load their guns to real cap. Not only do people play more responsibly and intelligently with a limited ammo capacity, but they should be more accountable and conscious of where they are shooting. All hosts should encourage real cap use.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 14:38   #69
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Originally Posted by Boris the Blade View Post
The amount of hi-cap mag use is TOO DAMN HIGH! Can we all agree that the maximum capacity magazine for a rifle or submachine gun is a low cap which is a maximum of 90 rounds, which is already ridiculous? Personally I think everyone should load their guns to real cap. Not only do people play more responsibly and intelligently with a limited ammo capacity, but they should be more accountable and conscious of where they are shooting. All hosts should encourage real cap use.
Low cap magazines are 90 rounds? Thought they are 30-50. Mid being 60-100, hi cap being 100+?

Anyways new to AEG magazines so whatever. I agree with you. Heh, but even if it's encouraged, I don't think game hosters will check 60 players to see if they are actually running real caps.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 14:55   #70
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Heh, but even if it's encouraged, I don't think game hosters will check 60 players to see if they are actually running real caps.
No, but if everyone watches their teamates, it works very well. That's what we do around here.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 15:31   #71
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Absolutely they can check magazines. Spot checks work well as well. If they know you're randomly looking, it'll discourage players from breaking the rules. We only half load our mags, because they come in 120 round mags. Our philosophy is two BBs per bullet, but we'd follow any rules at any game we attended. More competative play isn't a bad thing. It's usually fairly easy to pin magazines you already own.

Basic rule of thumb is based off of M4/M16 as they are vastly most common.

Real: 30

Low: 60

Mid: 120

High: 300 (or anything above mid)

There are box and barrel magazines as well, that can hold thousands.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 16:59   #72
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Originally Posted by BioRage View Post
Low cap magazines are 90 rounds? Thought they are 30-50. Mid being 60-100, hi cap being 100+?
AFAIK Low Caps refer to the original size of spring fed magazines that TM etc produce.

Typically these are all 40-80 BB's.

AK47 - 70rd
AK74 - 74rd
AUG - 80rd
AR - 68rd
G3 - 70rd
G36 - 50rd
MP5 - 50rd
SIG - 43rd

A few, mainly SMG's and the ones with the fake bullet bodies do end up going to 50ish. But most hover around 70 BB's each.

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Old December 10th, 2013, 18:45   #73
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The PTW's use 120rnd mags, but I know most guys on swatt only load 60-80 rounds a mag, and I've been filling them less and less myself.
Especially after having used a bolt action rifle and knowing first hand that a single well aimed round can have the same effect as 20 rounds with poor accuracy, as long as you have a good rifle you don't need a lot of ammo.

It's easy for us to forget after playing so long and most of us vets having really wicked rifles, but most stock guns, and actually most upgraded guns too just have crap accuracy, and that's really where you need to have more ammo.
Although being able to shoot through brush is a good argument for more ammo, what it REALLY comes down to is accuracy.
I know I can hit a dude at 200ft with any round shot from my PTW. But I also know it might take 200 rounds to hit a guy at 200ft from a different gun.

I really miss having realcap loadout games. If nothing else it really does help you become a better player by forcing you to conserve ammo, use semi, etc.
Even some long time vets have gotten too used to having near unlimited ammo...

And on the subject, fact is the people who can afford better guns are going to be at an advantage and that's that. Indisputable fact that on average a PTW is going to shoot better than a cyma, JG, G&G, marui, etc.
Skill is of course a limiting factor, but most of the people with the expensive toys are usually pretty skilled as well.
So given less competitive games like scrims or mini ops focused on getting new people into the game, get everyone with PTW's (for example) to run realcaps.
The ideal handicap would be to have everyone's primary at the same level, everyone running AEG's or GBBR's or whatever, but let's face it, we didn't buy PTW's to hang them on the shelf....well some of you do lol
So limiting ammo would be a great way to balance things out without really upsetting anyone.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 18:49   #74
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It's funny when you have to worry about how to enforce players to load their mags to the correct amount in a real cap games. I'm glad that I play in Quebec where it's more about having fun than winning at any cost.

Like it has been said, in Quebec, most games are real cap and there's no complains about that. There's enough good cheap mags around that you should be able to afford 10 mags on you.

You just need to start a game with real caps rules and players will follow. They may bitch at first but they'll get use to it. I remember when Poncho had his Capital Thunder games with 300 rounds loadouts. It was a shock to me especially when I had been playing with 10 high caps. I bitch but I went and it was great.
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Old December 10th, 2013, 20:03   #75
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Originally Posted by bruce View Post
There's enough good cheap mags around that you should be able to afford 10 mags on you.

Pfftt. Tell that to a guy like me who runs a GBBR as a primary, old man :P

Also, GBBR users are real-capped anyways haha.

I also run a setup of 6+1 mags on me all the time. That means 200ish BBs during the whole day. Last season I never reloaded during the entire games and had my kills and fun with 210 BBs plus 30ish from my pistol.

But that's my type of play and I have my fun that way

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Last edited by Aper; December 10th, 2013 at 20:06..
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