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cheapest lipo alarm/ TM option


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Old May 2nd, 2010, 12:08   #1
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cheapest lipo alarm/ TM option

I have a TM in my m4, but others I know dont have the 80+ bucks to spend on one of these.

I came across the wolfdragon alarm.w hich looks ideal and fair priced. But for the mosfet trigger controllers..

Has anyone had any experiance with the SW-S off extreme-fire?

Seems realy simple for the cost. Active breaking etc doesnt seem such an issue. The biggest concern is not letting the lipo hurt the trigger.

Or by chance does anyone have diy plans for an sw-s style mosfet? I am very handy and could probably assemble one pretty simply.

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Old May 2nd, 2010, 12:21   #2
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A simple mosfet switch and a wolfdragon PCB would work, but that's still 80$
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 12:27   #3
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a mosfet switch consists of only maybe 4 dollars in parts. and the wolf dragon is 25.

no way that would hit 80 dollars. I'm actually looking for anyone who has made a DIY guide for a mosfet. As I can get the parts and build them rather easy.

Although I may need to go see if I can figure out how to build one myself. I'm pretty hard pressed to pay 30-40 dollars for 5 components on a pcb. I may buy one to reverse engineer it though.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 12:31   #4
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Lol remember what happened last time you tried the "Do it yourself route" with the trigger master wiring?
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 12:55   #5
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
Lol remember what happened last time you tried the "Do it yourself route" with the trigger master wiring?

Don't try to reinvent the wheel unless your prepared to get your hands dirty. There are a million MOSFET Diagrams out there (ok maybe not a million) but frankly the cost of equipment and tools and parts is on par with just buying a high qualitiy unit. And manufacturing a custom piece of electronics with little to know experience is going to result in a few failed attempts, costs add up and when factoring that in you will come to the conclusion quickly that its not cheaper.

Trigger master makes a simple mosfet that is a very very very very damn good price, when used in conjunction with a PCB the total cost is still well within acceptable.

Airsoft sadly isnt cheap, god I wish it was. Im in the same boat as most of you but Im willing to slowly aquire stuff over time and build from the ground up. If you take your time and methodically purchase the best qualitiy you can find in a reasonable price range you will always end up with a better end result then trying to quickly rush together and slapdash something on the cheap.

Remember in life you get three choices when it comes to products and services. But you only get to pick 2.

1. Quick delivery time or fast time table
2. Well Built
3. Affordable

Personally I would rather pick Well built and Affordable and take my time to save up for things.

Just my opinion.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 13:08   #6
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Well I'm not looking to redisign it. I'm looking for someone who already has a schematic dont that I can order pieces and build.

Riley you can kiss my ass. My wiring was fine. The issue was routing since I wasnt able to modify it and had to make it quick so I could get to the game. Sadly It didnt last as long as I had hoped. and the wires got pinched.

I have seen your soldering job on Deans connects Riley, The fact that anyone would allow oyu to touch a soldering iron to there AEG scares me.

I have plenty of training making circuits and soldering. I have direct and easy access to a lab with plenty of quality tools.

I'm basicly looking for the parts for the basic mosfets so I can build the pcb and build some my self for friends who arnt wanting all the fancy crap of a TM. And I have a hard time paying 30 bucks or more for 3 dollars worth of parts.

I can't believe no one has dont a DIY mosfet yet?
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 13:10   #7
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there we go

thats what I was after. Google just failed to give it to me on the first 5 pages.

6th page is the charm i guess
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 15:34   #8
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Originally Posted by takagari View Post
I have seen your soldering job on Deans connects Riley, The fact that anyone would allow oyu to touch a soldering iron to there AEG scares me.
I know right? I just can't seem to solder to save my life

Deans are so tricky, I've never ever been able to get one right

Sorry, that's all I had on hand right now, If you would like I could keep an updated gallery of my "failure to solder deans"
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 16:07   #9
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Originally Posted by takagari View Post
I'm basicly looking for the parts for the basic mosfets so I can build the pcb and build some my self for friends who arnt wanting all the fancy crap of a TM. And I have a hard time paying 30 bucks or more for 3 dollars worth of parts.

I can't believe no one has dont a DIY mosfet yet?

You can buy every single part required there. If you don't know what components to purchase then I cannot help you there. As I am not an electrical engineer nor am I well versed in circuit board construction. You should be fine though because you have a very nice lab ect. Im certain you can figure it out.

I did not realize that you did not know where to buy the components, my mistake.

I already told you that there are tons of DIY single switch Analog mosfets availible online, but apparently your having difficulty finding them. So.. Here you go

Last edited by Rugger_can; May 2nd, 2010 at 16:09..
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 20:45   #10
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Apparently you didnt see my last post. thanks for checking in

I'll be ordering parts off digikey not some reseller.

Really no need for oyu to be such an ass. You attacked me as wasting my time and not knowing what I'm doing. And I said to you why I know what I was doing. I never asked "oh please mr. airofter where do i buy componentses?"
I asked if anyone made a guide. Than I finally found a link after even more googling.

Rugger please never respond with advice to my questions again. It's clear you dont wish tog ive it. there for I don't wish to accept it.

Anyway. All the parts ordered from that diy guide to make a dozen or so. Once I get them in I'll make a pretty simple little pcb. Although the pcb free version does look a lot more appealing.. Not so proper.. But smaller.

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Old May 2nd, 2010, 20:48   #11
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
I know right? I just can't seem to solder to save my life

Deans are so tricky, I've never ever been able to get one right

Sorry, that's all I had on hand right now, If you would like I could keep an updated gallery of my "failure to solder deans"
haha I never said you couldn't solder. I said it was scary. You use a fairly large tip and way to much solder. It gets the job done. Maybe you've gotten better.... I just prefer to do my own soldering.

You never saw my soldering you were commenting on the fact that the wires were routed shitty. which I was aware of before hand and prepared to replace. I had simply hoped they lasted the game.. Which they didn't heh

My skill inside a gearbox still sucks. but working on that
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 21:03   #12
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Originally Posted by takagari View Post
Rugger please never respond with advice to my questions again. It's clear you dont wish tog ive it. there for I don't wish to accept it.
I spent some time sourcing where to purchase all the required components from a local distributor. I tried to add levity because I (as in me) made the mistake of assuming you did not have the knowledge as to how to manufacture such a device. Your mistaking my levity at the situation for something else. Im glad you found the kit your looking for and I hope it works for you.

Your right I did not see your last post, because I was searching for a Canadian electronics distributor that sells parts like Silicon gate switches without limits.

Anyway no hard feelings and if you don't want me to try to help in the future I will gladly do so.

Have a good one.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 21:08   #13
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Really easy to make one.

But if you factor-in the time it takes to manually assemble the units, you better make runs of 100s at the time, and have the PCB acid-etched and isolated already.

Unless you want to make only one for yourself...

PCB-free has one very major flaw... no sinking capacity. I make some PCB-free units, but I add a piece of aluminium as wide and as thick as the FET I am using (Surface-mounted D2PAK), including the wire connections. That phisically protects the thing and helps sinking heat a lot.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 21:43   #14
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Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Really easy to make one.

But if you factor-in the time it takes to manually assemble the units, you better make runs of 100s at the time, and have the PCB acid-etched and isolated already.

Unless you want to make only one for yourself...

PCB-free has one very major flaw... no sinking capacity. I make some PCB-free units, but I add a piece of aluminium as wide and as thick as the FET I am using (Surface-mounted D2PAK), including the wire connections. That phisically protects the thing and helps sinking heat a lot.

Thats a good idea actually. I never thought of adding an additional sink to the fet.

I think I'll build one and do a crap tonne of firing and hit it with a temp gun. see how warmt hey get with and without the heat sink.

I do not plan to mass produce these. as to many people have already covered that

I'm just looking for a cheaper alternative when I have more rifles and for my friends who arn't looking to sink a butt load of money into a mosfet.

Me building a 5 doller option over the 85 dollar TM is abig difference. that 80 can be dumped into a mech box etc.

I have a TM an dlove the little computer. but the main idea of a fet is to save your trigger contacts and for a slightly better response. Even on a standard non lipo battery. Thats hard to sell for 85 dollars. But at 5 dollars I can talk people into it.

Plus send some work my gun techs way. I'm still horrible at mechbox's. heh
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Old May 2nd, 2010, 23:04   #15
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I used to do lead solder with an iron meant for silver soldering. it had a 3/8" head and it was about 120watts
soldered wires onto deans in 1 second flat, never had a connection break! LOL
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