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WE CQBR Issue - Video Included


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Old July 6th, 2013, 22:45   #1
Zack The Ripper
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WE CQBR Issue - Video Included

I have linked a video I recorded today after getting home from a hot, sunny day of play. It's regarding an issue I am having with my brand new WE CQBR. It's only several days old and this was my first time gaming it. Everything internally on the gun is stock. I have done nothing to it aside from opening the receiver and removing the bolt and charging handle to get a quick look at the hop-up (just to see where exactly the adjustment screw was). I am new to gas blow-back, but as they are much closer to RS than AEGs are, I am very confident in tinkering around with them. Please view the video below which gives a full description of the issues and a demonstration to show what exactly the issue is. I appreciate any and all advice I can get.

NOTE: Aside from the video, I haven't touched the rifle since getting home from the field as I don't want to mess with it until getting some info from the people well versed in these WE platforms.
Guardians of Asgaard
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Old July 6th, 2013, 23:11   #2
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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The trigger issue im not sure about as ive never had that. Is everything lubed well?
The not locking back. I find if i fire full auto itll not lock back on occasion.
I belive its due to cooldown causing the bolt to not cycle fully. Will tue bolt lock back if you manually charge it with an empty mag in?
Could be a worn mag catch or the part on the mag is worn.

Also i think you should lock the bolt back befor inserting the mag just to save stress on the nozzle feed ramp thing.

Hope you figure it out. How ya like it other then the lil issues your having?
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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Old July 6th, 2013, 23:41   #3
Zack The Ripper
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All the mags are brand new and the rifle is brand new too so I doubt anything could be worn out. I've tried with empty mags and full mags, semi and fun auto; no joy. I haven't gone if to the trigger assembly so no idea how lubed it is. The bolt seemed lubed alright, and the charging handle almost seemed to have too much?

Its a fucking laser even without putting my RA Tech rubber in. Adding it will tighten it up at distance though. Its shooting consistently between 385-393fps. Fired a whole mag on semi through a chrono and it never went over or under those numbers. I'm just rather disappointed that I'm having issues with it during my first day of play.
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Old July 7th, 2013, 00:20   #4
Green Synergy
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Problem 1: Either something's catching on your trigger surfaces, or your trigger springs are weaker than spec. I think it's more of the former, the latter I found quite often on Ratech trigger boxes. I wouldn't be surprised if an inspection showed some sharp or ragged edges from sloppy manufacturing near contact surfaces, or foreign bodies in there. Some good insurance would be CWI steel trigger parts, but not necessary.

Problem 2: Bolt not locking back is a typical problem with WE AR-15 GBBRs. You can rectify it by weakening the bolt catch spring, using an AEG shim to tighten up the catch's movements, or most effectively, install an RS magazine catch. I've done all three and I don't have any locking issues. You can also do Turok's mod to the catch to increase the throw of the catch, to prevent cases where the catch is knocked back down by the bolt carrier.

Last edited by MaybeStopCalling; July 7th, 2013 at 00:22..
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Old July 7th, 2013, 00:29   #5
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It'd be nice if you stated your issue outside the videos too. But whatever lol.

So for those of you too lazy to watch the vid
#1. - Sticky trigger
#2. - Bolt not locking back

Stupid question, but could it be that your trigger group is just dirty after a long day of play? Dirty, dust, n grit might b gumming up the works.
As for the bolt locking, does it still lock back from just pulling just the charging handle?
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Old July 7th, 2013, 00:39   #6
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I had the same issue before when I was using a WE m16. The bolt doesn't lock back when the mag is empty. So I ask my buddy what to do because I am new to GBBR too. He gave me ideas on what to do, and ended up shimming the bolt release button with gearbox shims and not it locks but sometimes doesn't but not all the time.

It's hard for me to explain, so here's a picture. the shims can be seen if you really look into it, but it's not noticeable.


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Old July 7th, 2013, 00:39   #7
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Your neighbours are fine with you having guns in your backyard?
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Old July 7th, 2013, 11:04   #8
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Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper View Post
I have linked a video I recorded today after getting home from a hot, sunny day of play. It's regarding an issue I am having with my brand new WE CQBR. It's only several days old and this was my first time gaming it. Everything internally on the gun is stock. I have done nothing to it aside from opening the receiver and removing the bolt and charging handle to get a quick look at the hop-up (just to see where exactly the adjustment screw was). I am new to gas blow-back, but as they are much closer to RS than AEGs are, I am very confident in tinkering around with them. Please view the video below which gives a full description of the issues and a demonstration to show what exactly the issue is. I appreciate any and all advice I can get.

NOTE: Aside from the video, I haven't touched the rifle since getting home from the field as I don't want to mess with it until getting some info from the people well versed in these WE platforms.
Your problems are very easy to solve as I have seen this several times during my gun docing experience.

1. Sticky trigger- This is because the disconnector is catching the hammer either due to poor lubrication or just slight catching. This problem probably doesnt happen on full auto but on semi. What I would do is lube the disconnector and the hammer notch where the engagement occurs. The other thing I would do is get another hammer/disconnector.

2. In terms of the bolt catch not locking back, this is extremely common and can occur for various reasons. 1) the bolt catch is not pushed high enough by the magazine; 2) the bolt catch can not pivot high enough to engage the bolt. There are many tutorials on ASC (i posted some as well) that you can do to modify the bolt catch so that it engages the bolt more consistently when the magazine is empty. Check this out:
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Old July 7th, 2013, 11:58   #9
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The buffer tube might be installed too far in, causing the bolt to short stroke. I found that worked for me after shimming and grinding the bolt catch failed to rectify it, YMMV.

But test firing in your backyard in full view of your neighbours? Dude.
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Old July 7th, 2013, 12:15   #10
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I've installed an Armalite mag catch and I havent seen mine not lock up since. But I havent gamed it yet, but running 3 mags through, it locked all three times.
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Old July 7th, 2013, 12:19   #11
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by -=ArchAngel=- View Post
It'd be nice if you stated your issue outside the videos too. But whatever lol.

So for those of you too lazy to watch the vid
#1. - Sticky trigger
#2. - Bolt not locking back

Stupid question, but could it be that your trigger group is just dirty after a long day of play? Dirty, dust, n grit might b gumming up the works.
As for the bolt locking, does it still lock back from just pulling just the charging handle?
Sorry lol, figured the video is just easier than reading.

That had crosses my mind and has some had mentioned
Here and at the field, it very well could be a poor lube job.

The bolt does not lock back without an empty magazine in the gun OR with an empty magazine in the gun unless I put my finger on the bottom of the bolt catch, in which case it does.

Some mentioned of shimming the bolt catch will likely be one of the many things I will be doing as when the bolt is engaged/closed, the bolt catch has a slight wiggle to it which bothers me simply for esthetics and the odd rattle it makes.

Originally Posted by Sequential View Post
Your neighbours are fine with you having guns in your backyard?

I live on the southeastern boundary of Stouffville off the York/Durham line. Across from my house are ponds, forests and farms. People here are pretty laid back and even come over to try them out themselves, even the cop who lives behind me.

Originally Posted by turok_t View Post
Your problems are very easy to solve as I have seen this several times during my gun docing experience.

1. Sticky trigger- This is because the disconnector is catching the hammer either due to poor lubrication or just slight catching. This problem probably doesnt happen on full auto but on semi. What I would do is lube the disconnector and the hammer notch where the engagement occurs. The other thing I would do is get another hammer/disconnector.

2. In terms of the bolt catch not locking back, this is extremely common and can occur for various reasons. 1) the bolt catch is not pushed high enough by the magazine; 2) the bolt catch can not pivot high enough to engage the bolt. There are many tutorials on ASC (i posted some as well) that you can do to modify the bolt catch so that it engages the bolt more consistently when the magazine is empty. Check this out:
Ahhh yes.. This is all making sense now especially considering the trigger isn't sticky on auto. I was already planning on pulling everything apart and doing a good cleaning/lubing, so that is a check there. If I do change the hammer/disconnecter, what brand/model would you recommend (seeing as you know your shit better than I)?

Hmm. You would think WE would correct common problems.. Oh well. I will take a look at that link later on today when I'm not busy cleaning and doing groceries (Derp).


Another, perhaps silly, question. Should I not be able to switch the rifle to safe without charging the bolt? Its been a few years since using a real steel AR (at a range), but I distinctly remember being able to (and instructed to) fire my magazine, and upon empty, remove the magazine, pull the charging handle to open the bolt and ensure the chamber is clear, release/close, trigger pull down range to finally clear the weapon and flip the selector to safe.

I ask this as I received the rifle in the semi position and without charging the charging handle I can only turn the selector about halfway between semi and safe. Is this yet another problem that will need to be corrected? Or am I just a dumb dumb GBB virgin who doesn't know his GBB functionality?
Guardians of Asgaard

Last edited by Zack The Ripper; July 7th, 2013 at 12:21..
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Old July 7th, 2013, 13:17   #12
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You won't be able to switch it to SAFE mode unless your hammer isn't cocked it's full way down. This is applicable for both GBBRs and RS. If you've pulled the trigger to release the hammer and that you're able to put it on safe, something's wrong with your rifle.

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Old July 7th, 2013, 14:00   #13
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Lol wasn't with my rifle, it was the range's. I guess their safety or selector was broken then. Good to know though though.

Edit: either that or I'm recalling the instance I used it incorrectly. Very possible.
Guardians of Asgaard

Last edited by Zack The Ripper; July 7th, 2013 at 14:12..
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Old July 7th, 2013, 23:45   #14
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It is normal for the safety selector to be unable to switch to safe when the gun isn't cocked. The reason is because the disconnector is elevated, obstructing the selector switch from rotating. DONT force it into safe, always pull the charging handle first.

I'm pretty confident that the issue with the sticky trigger is due to the hammer/disconnector engagement given all the guns I have serviced to date. My suggestion is to replace these parts with stock parts. I wouldn't replace these with steel parts or else you will be putting wear on other internals of the gun. Also, I wouldn't upgrade the gun until you wear out the entire trigger set, since the stock trigger set, albeit made from pot metal, is still pretty durable. If you need these parts, send me a PM, I have a shit load of almost every stock WE parts. The other thing you can do is to send me your trigger box only, and I can make it work flawlessly for you.

However, if you do decide to upgrade to a full steel set in the future, DO NOT get the RAtech trigger box, but purchase the CWI trigger set instead along with the RAtech fire pin and fire pin delay (these parts are good from RAtech).

You can check out my threads here:

In terms of the bolt catch not catching, it's very common, even on cav's gun (which I still have to fix). What you can do is mod the bolt catch. Look at my post #920 in this thread:
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Old July 8th, 2013, 00:14   #15
Zack The Ripper
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Thanks a ton Turok. I may just do that and grab some spare WE parts from you, regardless of it being required for the fix. Always good to have inexpensive spare parts in case something breaks.

So when I get time this week I will open it up and take a look to see how everything meshes and functions: if I notice some imperfections/burs/etc causing the trigger to stick, you're saying the trigger assembly should just be swapped for a normal stock WE one with "good QC"? I would send the trigger box to you, but you sound like a busy soul, plus I want to get well versed with the ins and outs of this rifle, as after using this for the period of good performance, I don't think I'll be buying any more AEGs. Gotta get good with these bad boys. I appreciate the offer though.

I'll take a look through the links you have sent me when I get time this week and if I have any burning questions I guess I'll be messaging you. I'll also probably be messaging you in the future regarding upgrades I want to do seeing as you know quite a bit about part specifics.

Thank you kind sir.
Guardians of Asgaard

Last edited by Zack The Ripper; July 8th, 2013 at 00:16..
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