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So you're having problems with your AK5C? : Auroraunit's G&G Ak5C repair guide


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Old January 29th, 2014, 05:20   #1
AuroraUnit117's Avatar
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So you're having problems with your AK5C? : Auroraunit's G&G Ak5C repair guide

Hello! If you are reading this, chances are you have encountered some sort of problem with your G&G Ak5c. This gun is a beautiful gun to hold and shoot, but sadly thanks to a few major oversights by G&G, it has some major design issues, almost all externally. And thanks to this gun not being very popular, there arent many guides on how to fix the problems. But i've tinkered with this gun alot and fixed most of the problems, so ill spread it onto you and in this handy dandy guide ill show you how to fix those problems, and get your ak5c feeling like it should! If you have any questions, feel free to message me, ill probably know how to help you. or if you want better pictures i can provide those too!

PS Sorry about the dirty room in the pictures, i should have cleaned up first!

PROBLEM #1 : My gun wont feed!

I think almost every stock G&G Ak5c has this problem, thanks to them messing up the stock screw hole measurements , when the screw holding the stock in place is tightened all the way, it pushes up on the gearbox, causing it not to feed.

You need to either cut the bolt in half, or buy a new one. I do believe the screw hole size is 4mm. So you'd need a 4mm bolt if you're getting a new one. You then have to get the appropriate nut (4mm again) and screw it on, connecting the stock to the receiver, not the gearbox, and tighten it with a wrench. This fixes the gearbox feeding issues, and is just if not more secure then before.

Here you can see it not being secured into the gearbox, the screw hole can be filled with any old V2 spring guide screw.

Heres it screwed into the nut instead of the gearbox. Problem fixed!

PROBLEM #2: My bolt catch keeps on breaking!

Easily the most poorly designed bolt catch system ive ever seen. The bolt on the AK5C is a heavy piece of steel that gives an amazing sound. But the catch autolocks back, and isnt held in place by anything except a cut in the receiver. So this little 3mm piece of metal is supposed to hold back this steel bolt with alot of pressure. It.Will.Break. Your bolt catch will snap and not function anymore. Replacements can be bought from the G&G shop


One of the problems is the spring in the bolt catch, this makes it so every time you pull back the bolt it snags on the catch, and puts way more pressure on it then is needed. If you take off the spring, it functions like a real catch, and isnt pressed against the bolt all the time, so it isnt being slammed against all the time. this way you only use the catch when you need to, so the wear and tear is alot less, and itll last alot longer.

Here you see the bolt doesnt spring out, in order to activate the bolt catch, pull the bolt back and push the bottom of the bolt catch for it to lock. Alot less stress this way

Another thing you can do is slowly file down the front of the bolt itself, so it isnt doesnt sit as far back when it is pulled back, and it puts less pressure on the catch. I filed down about 2cm's off the front of mine that snags on the bolt, and i havent had one again break yet.

PROBLEM #3 : My handguard is kinda loose!


If you notice your handguard wobbles a bit left to right, this is caused by the pin securing the handguard to the outer barrel being too long( Or a loose front sight, see problem #4). You just have to put a shim on the pin to make it fit tighter, i used a paperclip wrapped around the pin but you could use a washer.As youll see in the pictures, it makes it so the pin cant move unless its off, so it doesnt wobble as much. It might wobble a little bit, but nothing nearly as bad.

Here you can see the space left on the pin

Heres a paperclip wrapped around iot twice, i find it works well.

Here you can see it fits tighter with the shim in

PROBLEM #4 : My handguard or front sight is really loose


Easy fix : you might just need to tighten the set screws found in the bottom of the front sight unit when you take off the handguard. They get loose easily. But if you can't tighten them anymore, you have stripped screw holes...

This one can be a bitch. For some reason the set screws they used do not mix well with the metal on the outer barrel, so they strip incredibly easy, causing it to not stay tight and wobble around, messing with the sights, the handguard, and pretty much everything on the front of the weapon. I tried numerous fixes using different screws, and nothing worked. they all stripped. Then i realized if you screw the set screws on the side of the outer barrel instead of the bottom, they hold alot better. Youll need a drill and a screwdriver, the original set screws work. So i find if you drill two holes on either side of the front sight where it connects to the barrel, and put the screws in there, they hold alot better. Use a drillbit that is slightly smaller then the set screws, so it makes it tighter. Then put some elbow grease and tighten those screws in!

Heres where the set screws come stock, you can see the 3 times i tried fixing it, and it always stripped.

Here is where i put the screws in on either side, fixed her right up!

PROBLEM #5 My sights are off!

This was my biggest complaint about the gun. the sights are machined off center. The rear sight leans to the right downward. And if that wasnt enough, the rail is lined up off center. So when you look down them, you'll see the rail slowly arc to the left and block the sight picture slightly.

I put a sight on it so the curve is easier to see.


Sadly unless you want to re-weld the rear sight on. youll have to use adjust to make it work. This can be done by turning the front sight a little to the right(Make sure the set screws are all the way out first!) so it lines up with the crooked rear sight. Then tightening it on

To fix the rail, i find its easiest to file the screw holes a little so you can move the rail around and tighten it when its straight. so it doesnt always reset into the crooked position. I find turning the rail on the furthest screw forward to the left and the rail by the last screw to the right itll line it up property, it just takes time and patience.

You can see if you look at the rail by the front sight that it blocks a bit of the front sight, messing with aiming

Here is the screw holes opened up, you dont have to do it this much at all, but a enough so you can move the rail left and right and while the screw is in the hole is enough. You can tighten it down and itll stay secure.

Heres the rail once all the tinkering has been done, it lines up right, and now you have working iron sights!

Thanks for reading and hope this helps! You can pm me with any questions!
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Last edited by AuroraUnit117; January 29th, 2014 at 05:41..
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Old February 16th, 2014, 16:53   #2
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I had a feeding issue right out of the box ,no info on the net

Thanks Helped me
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Old February 16th, 2014, 16:54   #3
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You're very welcome sir! I'm glad it helped.
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Old February 18th, 2014, 10:13   #4
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So do all G&G AK5c have its sights off center or is it just some ? If I were to buy one new, is it possible to look and try to find one which its sights are correctly aligned ?

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Old February 18th, 2014, 13:25   #5
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All the first run have this issue, I've heard the fixed it later on, but I'm not sure. I'd take a look at it in person first just to be sure
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Old February 21st, 2014, 09:17   #6
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I have version 2 no problem with my sights
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Old June 8th, 2014, 10:14   #7
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Still having some feeding issue might just be the mag
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Old June 23rd, 2014, 15:18   #8
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I'm interested in this because I have a yet to be fired due to feeding GK5C and everywhere else the information seemed to point to an issue with a hopup lip.

So I guess in theory all i have to do is remove the stock screw and try to fire again and see if it does feed.

Thanks alot.
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Old June 30th, 2014, 09:44   #9
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So I've fixed the issue on mine and the feeding problems were really due to the hopup bucking lip protruding in the feeding hole leaving the BB outside of the hopup chamber.
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Old July 30th, 2014, 17:45   #10
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My barrel wobbles up and down severely but I can't tighten it up any more... Sadly because of this its become a wall hanger..
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Old August 7th, 2014, 18:43   #11
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So after fixing it a while ago I got to the field only to have it not feed. I take it apart today only to find that the air nozzle is protruding in the hopup BB feeding tunnel hence blocking BB feeding. This thing is a nightmare.
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Old August 7th, 2014, 18:47   #12
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This is why i sold mine. It had so much potential, such a great gun to hold, too bad G&G Fucked up on designing it so much
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Old August 7th, 2014, 19:36   #13
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Feeding achieved. This puppy is now up for grabs.
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Old July 11th, 2015, 23:24   #14
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The hop up unit in my ak5c broke, is there a more durable hop up that I can buy that is compatible?
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Old July 11th, 2015, 23:26   #15
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Nope. You'll have to order a new one from g&g
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