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(TM) G36C vs "CA36C"


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Old September 28th, 2005, 11:29   #1
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Question (TM) G36C vs "CA36C"

I've been reading up alot on airsoft here for the past month or so, i'm new to the sport, haven't fired anything but a friend's GBB.

I'm about to plop down the 500$ or so bucks for a G36C, and have been doing my homework. But i'd like a bit more info/opinion.

I was told (and read here many times) that Tokyo Marui makes the higher quality guns. But it seems as if the G36C from Classic Army (CA), who call it a CA36C, might actually rival that quality, from what I read in reviews. Since this is a more recent model for both companies, it seems both have put alot of effort into making it a real nice gun, and supasses many similar models in solidity and accuracy. The reason for this post is to see if I can convince myself of getting a CA (since reviews seem to be better on the CA), contrary to the general view that TM is a better manufacturer.

I'm going to make a point by point comparison, and i'd invite any critisizm of this comparison, as it is only from what i've read. You can slather on all the opinion you want if you've tired either (or hopefully both)

-TM has the (cool) fake rounds in the mag, but the CA mag that comes with the gun is HighCap. (i'd actually prefer not seeing fake rounds). This is a money saver i guess, since one 400+ round high cap, i would think, would be enough. (unless someone has a problem with highcap they'd like to share)

-CA has upgraded internals, and metal bushings. I don't know what is meant by upgraded internals, maybe someone could specify? I was told replacing the bushing is pretty much the first thing i'd fix on my TM.

-CA made their gun of fiber-reinforced plastic, which seems more solid (at least solid-feeling) then the TM's regular ABS plastic. It's also closer to the fiberglass/plastic of the real H&K G36C.

-Consequently, the CA has a nicer finish then the TM. The different parts have a more uniform colour, matching eachother better.

-The top rail. One review says it's made of platic on the TM, and on CA it's the fiber-reinforced platic PLUS a metal backing underneath. Did I get that right? An other bonus for CA?

-Both have a EG1000 motor. But are they of the same quality? (or do they get their motor from the same place?)

-Both have the Type3 gearbox (same as AK47). Same as the motor, are they of similar quality, or is this the part were "upgraded internals" comes into play?

-Both have of course the top rail, and the bottom rail, but only CA includes the sides rails (saves ya like 8$ x2, if I planned on having more then to attachments, which i can't figure i'd need more then 2 of, so moot point for me).

-The ROF selector is apparently somewhat defective on the TM, in the sense that it's design is prone to it coming loose. Any problems with CA ROF switch? Is the TM switch problem only happen to some, or all?

If you can think of a point I forgot to mention, plz be my guest.

Also, how important is the large bettery?
Will a mini battery last through an average day of skirmishing?
Would it be ok to use 2 consecutive mini's, instead of a large? (problems with that?

I saw 2 options for upgrading to a large batt; either the larger handgrip, and recently, the stock that instead of being skeletal is full and contains the batt.
I don't have super-big hands, is the larger grip that large?
I'm not too crazy on the non-skeletal stock, so i'd steer away unless large grip is a no-no and mini's aren'nt enough.

All-in-all, the CA seems the better buy, would someone object?
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Old September 28th, 2005, 12:09   #2
Raygis LasVegas
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This is what I have to say since I've handled both guns before:

Originally Posted by Xalon
-TM has the (cool) fake rounds in the mag, but the CA mag that comes with the gun is HighCap. (i'd actually prefer not seeing fake rounds). This is a money saver i guess, since one 400+ round high cap, i would think, would be enough. (unless someone has a problem with highcap they'd like to share)
You can effectively play a game with 1 hi-cap than with 1 low cap. I own a CA36K and the hi-cap works perfectly.

Originally Posted by Xalon
-CA has upgraded internals, and metal bushings. I don't know what is meant by upgraded internals, maybe someone could specify? I was told replacing the bushing is pretty much the first thing i'd fix on my TM.
According to CA, the gears are constructed from higher quality/stronger metals. Upon inspecting my CA36K's gears, they are heavier than TM's but they don't look/feel as good as Systema's gears. Performance wise... I haven't shot that many rounds yet so I can't comment.

Originally Posted by Xalon
-The top rail. One review says it's made of platic on the TM, and on CA it's the fiber-reinforced platic PLUS a metal backing underneath. Did I get that right? An other bonus for CA?
Both the top rails of the TM G36C and CA36C have a metal underlining insert.

Originally Posted by Xalon
-Both have the Type3 gearbox (same as AK47). Same as the motor, are they of similar quality, or is this the part were "upgraded internals" comes into play?
The motor on the CA36C is of excellent quality... at par with TM EG1000.

Originally Posted by Xalon
-Both have of course the top rail, and the bottom rail, but only CA includes the sides rails (saves ya like 8$ x2, if I planned on having more then to attachments, which i can't figure i'd need more then 2 of, so moot point for me).
CA does save you $$$ by including all 3 handguard rails with the CA36C.

Originally Posted by Xalon
-The ROF selector is apparently somewhat defective on the TM, in the sense that it's design is prone to it coming loose. Any problems with CA ROF switch? Is the TM switch problem only happen to some, or all?
CA's selector switch is more robust than TM's. With TM, the selector switch can easily be pressed against the body causing scratches when it is rotated.

Originally Posted by Xalon
Also, how important is the large bettery?
Will a mini battery last through an average day of skirmishing?
Would it be ok to use 2 consecutive mini's, instead of a large? (problems with that?
2 mini batteries should last a whole day if you don't spray and pray. Currently you can get mini batteries with the longevity of 1100 mah.

Originally Posted by Xalon
I saw 2 options for upgrading to a large batt; either the larger handgrip, and recently, the stock that instead of being skeletal is full and contains the batt.
I don't have super-big hands, is the larger grip that large?
I'm not too crazy on the non-skeletal stock, so i'd steer away unless large grip is a no-no and mini's aren'nt enough.
Large handguards are awkward looking. The current ones for the G36 series are not textured and they stand out from the textured bodies of both TM's and CA's G36C guns.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 13:06   #3
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Something to consider of Hi-Caps is the need to wind them up to keep the rounds flowing. I avoided hi-caps for this reason and use mid-caps, but perhaps someone here will tell you if its really that much of a bother.

FWIW, I originally wanted to get a G36, and handled both the TM and the CA (though not at the same time, nor was I able to fire them). I didn't really come away thinking either was better, the material on both was a lot of plastic either way. I had decided on the CA because I wanted the K instead of the C to mount an AG on later in life. When I went to give it a final look and make a purchase, I ended up handling a TM M4 S-system and there was no turning back. The real difference here was a level of precision and detail the TM stuff seems to exude over other brands. No matter how close I pulled the gun in, it seemed like the realism was down to tiny details and simply put, I had a lot more confidence the S-system would stand-up to abuse. Not to make your choice harder than it is, but I would recommend putting one in your hands next to either G36 and see what you think before plunking down your first big bucks.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 14:02   #4
The Saint
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CA's got my vote, too. I've got a CA36E, dropped the hicap on the ground on my second day of ownership and cracked the bottom, but it never complained and still works fine. If you want the cool looking locaps, you can always invest in them separately, it shouldn't be a factor in deciding which gun you buy. Also, in case you don't already know, CA also makes fake-bullets-locaps for the '36, and their's are just as good as the TM ones but considerably cheaper. I love you, CA. :tup:

Finally, if you haven't read Arnie's CA36C review, you really should. It compares CA and TM's version, too.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 16:13   #5
Rumpel Felt
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The specs of the CA are mostly better and some the same as TM. The only difference on this gun is that instead of HK on the side, it says CA.

I would go with any company but TM if they make it because all other companies make theres full metal (in this case fibre glass), usually upgraded and more sturdy right out of the box. The CA36 is a much better value and will save you more and generally be cooler in the long run.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 17:34   #6
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Thanks for the reply guys, it's pretty much what I wanted to hear.

Only thing left to contemplate is if i'm going for 2 mini batt, or the full stock.
(changed my mind, the stock is not that bad after all, at least it'll balance the gun more, and the grip wont suit my needs/stlye)

In the thread reffering to the full stock to hide the large batt, it says rewiring is easy. I've read that the moment you open your AEG, your reliability goes down. I'm pretty technically inclined, but have'nt opened an AEG yet. Would I need to make any modifications to the gun's insides to send that wire to the stock instead of grip? Or rather, is this idiot proof, and just a matter of opening it, threading the wire through a few holes, and slapping it back together? You can understand the hesitation of not wanting to open a brand new AEG (a first one too, mind you), for something that I could avoid by just using mini batts.

Anyways, any relevant G36C (or CA36C hah.) info is nice, im just gobbling this info up.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 18:24   #7
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i love my ca36c, but i do wish i could get a large bat in. a fully charged 9.6 800mah last me a day. (as long as i have my elimator and charger on hand) im hoping once work picks up again im going to get the ca36 (long version). i was thinking of just upgrading my 36c to that style, but relized that it will cost the same (or little less) then a new aeg.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 19:06   #8
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Xalon
Only thing left to contemplate is if i'm going for 2 mini batt, or the full stock.
(changed my mind, the stock is not that bad after all, at least it'll balance the gun more, and the grip wont suit my needs/stlye)
You mean the new G&P G36KV stock?
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Old September 28th, 2005, 19:09   #9
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does any one have a price on that stock yet? it would be nice to get for my 36c
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Old October 31st, 2006, 20:41   #10
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Talk to Shagg.. they are about 97$
No Comment.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 22:20   #11
Amazing KG3
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i had a a tm one, but quickly stuffed it with CA parts. go CA and save yourself the trouble. Also i used CA locaps, they have fake rounds too! there just a little darker.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 22:33   #12
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CA have their terrible piston/piston head quality...

Have a CA36 and dropped it last game barrel first, it landed in the mud, packed the flash hider full, did a complete flip and ended barrel pointing at me and it landed on some rocks. Picked it up, fired two rounds and it blew most of the mud out, and it still worked great, not a single thing even scratched after I had the flashhider washed out.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 22:34   #13
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Originally Posted by LUTNIT View Post
CA have their terrible piston/piston head quality...

Have a CA36 and dropped it last game barrel first, it landed in the mud, packed the flash hider full, did a complete flip and ended barrel pointing at me and it landed on some rocks. Picked it up, fired two rounds and it blew most of the mud out, and it still worked great, not a single thing even scratched after I had the flashhider washed out.
which reminds me, i really like the 3 sling mounting points on the g36.
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Old October 31st, 2006, 23:43   #14
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mmm... my bud had a brand new CA36 long, and the very second day he had it (first game though) out in an acrage, he removed the flashhider and the barrel loosened itself out, causing the pressure to escape out of the sides.. i was fixable, but it sure was annoying to have a gun "break" on the first day of use.....

also, later on he was winding the hi-cap up, and an internal spring, gear, or something (i didn't look when he was trying to fix it), Just snapped, and the bottom gear would wind freely up bolth ways.. not pushing any bb's up with it

but other than that, CA's ROF is pretty insane.. he pegged me right in the nose.......
but anyway, i think that it was just a freak of nature that those problems occured..

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Old November 1st, 2006, 18:04   #15
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my CA36K was used and she hasn't failed me yet. I've fired about 3000 rounds through it (I'm a trigger happy whore with large capacity mini-batts) and the only feeding/jamming problem i had was when the battery finally started dying lol.

My only complaints are the handle scope (which shouldn't matter to you since you're getting a rail) being too tiny to use and the selector switch. make sure you tighten each side a lot and use loctite or equiv cuz you'll lose one of them one day.

i've handled the TM version of the G36C, felt a little too light in my hands, but maybe that's because I had the K's weight to judge off of, so i can't be sure. looked hella plasticky too. just go with CA, you won't regret it.
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