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M224 Mortar - functional - airsoft safe


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Old June 16th, 2014, 12:17   #1
Bearer of the blood Hand
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M224 Mortar - functional - airsoft safe

Good day - Greetings Community.

I just built a close to M224 Mortar.

Double Barrel for safety reason ( 3inch on the inside - pressure barrel ) and the outside visual one is a 4 inch.

there is also a V cone Nozzle at the transition from combustion chamber to Barrel for gas velocity increase ( like a jet Nozzle ) to enhance performance again a bit.

The propellant is Hairspray which is introduced through the small 1 1/2 inch fitting with a sealed cap.

The ignition system is a commercially battery transmorer igniter for BBQ`s - the long electrodes are placed in the middle of the combustion chamber, ensuring a proper ignition of the propellant.

It works like a charm.

A Nerf Vortex Whistler when completely pushed down the barrel and with high elevation angle ( low range ) - still went almost 400 feet far and about 150 to 200 feet high. With a nice real sounding grenade whistle....

watch the movies...

the difficulty I faced is that with multiple shots behind each other - do I have a lot of Missfires... so ventilation from the burned gases is key.

I can overcome that by removing the filler cap before I charge something down the barrel - the airvolume from the barrel which is pushed into the combustion chamber - circulates enough to push out the burned rest gases and introduces again oxygen into the chamber.

I am also planning on different airsoft safe projecttiles all out of foam or even BB`s.

I shot about 2000 BB in the air - which are pushed out by a piston which is tethered to the Barrel ( in order not to to fly right behind the bb into the horizon ) - it looks awesome - a cloud of BB goes with that elevation I had about 150 feet far and falls nicely down like a rain - covering about 10 to 15 spquare feet....

perfect for airsoft.

I will build a few more and introduce real artillery strikes with the proper set of rules - for the acknowledging fair player of course.

a view photos and some test Vids...

Last edited by THE BOSS; June 16th, 2014 at 12:23..
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Old June 16th, 2014, 13:28   #2
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Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
Pretty cool dude. Had a very similar idea but never got around to building it lol. Would love to see these in a game! Although the operators would need to be well versed in ranging for indirect fire! Good job
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Old June 16th, 2014, 13:32   #3
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Haha "HOLY SMOKE". Thats awesome nice job.
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Old June 16th, 2014, 13:33   #4
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You are absolutely right.

We will give a " Artillery course " - IN GAME actually as Isis just allowed us to use the launchers for camp defense .

So this will add quite an element in the 12Hrs Mil SIm ( Vietnam game ).

Full Artillery course. In Game -

And for once on the radio - we will receive a real " Fire Mission - Fire- Mission - Coordinates... request long range howler - 5 shots "

can`t wait to hear that on the radio and then drill them boys in game with all the atmosphere to get the elevation right.... aim for the approximate coordinate - load them - to fuel them - and FIRE FOR EFFECT - FIRE FOR EFFECT - Fire mission OUT.

Cant wait.
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Old June 16th, 2014, 13:47   #5
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Amazing Boss!!!
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Old June 16th, 2014, 13:50   #6
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Gunna be sick to hear those NERF rockets whistling over head. The ONLY concern is the delivery from above system can cause some concern for direct impacts on players. NERF rocket or not, I'm not sure how much force one of those things would carry if someone took one to the noggin.
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Old June 16th, 2014, 14:17   #7
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
Gunna be sick to hear those NERF rockets whistling over head. The ONLY concern is the delivery from above system can cause some concern for direct impacts on players. NERF rocket or not, I'm not sure how much force one of those things would carry if someone took one to the noggin.
That is a valid point - I will attache a 2m long orange band on the tail fin - to slow down velocity and make it also very visual for retrival.

But the arch is high and we are shooting it over the woods - so a lot of deflection ( trees - brenches ) which will interfear with the decend trajectory.. and final impact....

for long range this will do ( as we can see 300 to 400 feet in high arch and the whistle audible.....

We also can determine exit velocity by how deep we put the Nerf in the Barrel.... - like the first video - just beeing pushed an inch - and she flies still 150 to 200 feet but with much less velocity and range...

but here is also another added safety to it. ( I am thankfull for all them hints and triggers )

At the briefing will this be clearly stated - that we have mortars for long range ( Nerf or similar ) fire.
you will hear a loud bang followed by the whistling of the incoming projectile... duc and cover the head with arms ( at this point I will have a show case trooper performing the action infront of the audience. )

the BB`s themself rain only down with its natural free fall velocity according to their weight - it tried it yesterday... totaly harmles but covers a good big patch - this is used for short range camp defense.... high arch - low range but good shrappnel coverage - like a tempered grenade would do - exploding in flight over ground... for maximum infantry effect.

keep them thoughts coming - this is very good points guys.

thanks a lot for the help

Last edited by THE BOSS; June 16th, 2014 at 14:28..
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Old June 16th, 2014, 14:27   #8
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You'd also need to notify the referee about the targeted zone so he can confirm both the impact of the mortar strike as well as dictate the AOE of the strike. Otherwise, people may not know if they were close enough to considered 'dead' from the explosion. So there's another operation needed as well prior to firing.

Ie, you fire a shell thirty feet from a nuetral base and five enemy players are local. The rule is say 10 feet kill radius (just an example) if someone isn't sure if they're within the radius, how do they know? And how would the firing operators confirm the strike? You would for sure need a referee to confirm the strike.
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Old June 16th, 2014, 14:34   #9
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Originally Posted by Reaver_RRTS View Post
You'd also need to notify the referee about the targeted zone so he can confirm both the impact of the mortar strike as well as dictate the AOE of the strike. Otherwise, people may not know if they were close enough to considered 'dead' from the explosion. So there's another operation needed as well prior to firing.

Ie, you fire a shell thirty feet from a nuetral base and five enemy players are local. The rule is say 10 feet kill radius (just an example) if someone isn't sure if they're within the radius, how do they know? And how would the firing operators confirm the strike? You would for sure need a referee to confirm the strike.
Yes you are spot on the issue - but in our games and in the games of Isis ( that from whom I leanrned that ) do we have dedicated ref`s for each fraction which walk in an approachable distance always with their fraction.

We do the same in our games and it pays off big time.

Because each fraction has a dedicated partner for their questions - complaints etc. etc. - and we have a dedicate eyes and ears with each fraction as an admin.

works perfect.

SO when the nerf hits the ground - the admin knows - and checks right away where it lands... kill radios for a 60mm Grenade is about 30 feet ( shrappnel collateral ) - but so far I could over time make clear that in my games is fairplay a must or punishment follows swiftly.

I always see the good in people first - but I am not shy to go after the wicked.

your point is correct if the players would not see it for instance - that`s were our dedicated fraction Ref is coming in.

good point brother.
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Old June 16th, 2014, 14:41   #10
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Then you're good lol. Everything sounds like it works great, and seems well planned out. Aside from perhaps advancing the firing mechanism to a HPA tank powered system or something for faster rate of fire and cleaner emissions and less risk for accidental roasting, all around it sounds great Well done BOSS!
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Old June 16th, 2014, 14:48   #11
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yeah - I might switch as well after the first trial to high pressure air... But its a pain on the field... - too much material and weight you need. since we also think of keepin them mobile as in reality with a two man mortar team.

You can take the legs off already - shoulder her with a strap and off they go....

As in the good Old days...

I am also thinking a TOW Version with the Nerf against Vehicles... I tried a shot Horizontal and let me tell you - That baby screams " I WANNA BE A TOW MISSILE "

beautiful straight fast flight - 150 feet - NO PROBLEM - against hard protected targets only... Vehicles for instance....

But I am not sure yet.
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Old June 16th, 2014, 14:54   #12
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A similar system could always be made for a specific job. You have the mortar already, so you could always make a second one specifically for shoulder fired delivery. That would be a little more tricky for powering, unless you pre-load, but not knowing when you'll fire it could cause issues for clogging. It'd be cool to see though!
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Old June 16th, 2014, 16:40   #13
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Old June 16th, 2014, 17:40   #14
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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i had an idea for a mortar before. It was of simaler design (less complex) but would have been made to use with 40mm airsoft shells, basically fill em with co2 for max power, and have a fireing pin in the bottom, drop the nade in and bang out goes 208 bb's mix up the bb weight for a good spread.
the issue i didnt want to deal with was trying to make a door of some sort at the bottom to drop the empty nade out for repeat shots in fast order. Otherwise youd have to tip it out, re aim and so on. Maybe something you may be able to figure out. I was going to just do it with one of those screw on caps you see in the plumbing section at the home depot but it just didnt seem fast enough, i think just a plate that slides out would be better.
but this is awesome and id welcome them at games. Brings me back to my old potatoe launcher days lol.
speaking of, we used to use aerosol spray on windshield deicer, basically just alcohol in a spray can. Then we upgraded to smoke detector tester, a combo of butane and propane (and some other flameable stuff) also in a spray can. It should burn very clean as well.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper

Last edited by Hectic; June 16th, 2014 at 17:45..
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Old June 16th, 2014, 19:24   #15
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Community service in effect

Love it - thanks a lot for all the tricks and triggers

Question - where would this smoke detector spray be available?

Hate that hairspray gue in the chamber

Thanks mate
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