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Quality of Wheeler's/CP Gear


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Old October 8th, 2005, 14:32   #1
Sniper Steve
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Quality of Wheeler's/CP Gear

I am looking into buying CADPAT like everyone else that doesn't want to get shot right away and I was wondering if anyone has experience with them. What I mean is, are their product good quality. The last thing I want is CADPAT that sucks.
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Old October 8th, 2005, 14:42   #2
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Let's just say that CP Gear/Wheeler's started life (as I know it) as Canadian Peacekeeper, meaning they set up shop with the intention of providing gear to Canadian soldiers at home and abroad. As such, they made good yet resonably priced gear available to soldiers and civilians alike. While their gear might be as good as say Blackhawk or Eagle (I have neither, so can't compare) for an airsofter, CP Gear is VERY worth the money.
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Old October 8th, 2005, 14:49   #3
Sniper Steve
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Ok thanks for the reply. I guess wheeler is who I will purchase my BDU and vest from than.

Do you mean that they sell real or fake CADPAT because from it sounds like they sell real stuff.
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Old October 8th, 2005, 15:09   #4
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Got me there, not sure if they are able to acquire real cadpat, but safe to assume that they do. Also look into Tiger Tactical (above under the Canadian Retailers scroll down menu) as they are a similar type place, and have heard they use the issue cadpat cordura in their gear (when they have it in stock).
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Old October 8th, 2005, 16:15   #5
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Originally Posted by Sniper Steve
Ok thanks for the reply. I guess wheeler is who I will purchase my BDU and vest from than.

Do you mean that they sell real or fake CADPAT because from it sounds like they sell real stuff.

This is a quote from Wheeler's:

Cadpat Clothing
Description: For hunters, paint ball and military enthusiasts. Made from the real CADPAT patterned fabric. Material is 50/50 poly/cotton. This design differs from the Canadian military issued clothing.

If memory serves me, the reason it differs from CF military issue is because it would be illegal for anyone other than CF members to have this pattern.

Hope this helps.

From experience, Wheelers have very good products as well as their service is hard to beat.
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Old October 8th, 2005, 16:44   #6
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The actual uniform/clothing will not be 'real' in the sense that it is not CF issue, as explained above. But the vests and most everything else will be made with real CADPAT Cordura nylon.

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Old October 8th, 2005, 17:40   #7
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Yep, CP gear is probably the best and cheapest place to get quality CADPAT. Free shipping on orders over $100 too. Don't forget to get nametapes while you are at it
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Old October 8th, 2005, 19:53   #8
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When they say "This design differs from the Canadian military issued clothing.". I think they mean the cut and style, not the fabric.
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Old October 8th, 2005, 19:56   #9
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The cadpat clothing sold at at all Canadian retailers is Frontenac, they don't make their own. Cadpat cordura stuff on the other hand, might be issue type material, but is made differently, yet still very high quality. I prefer CP Gear over Tactical Tiger, but TT tends to offer more variety (such as SMG, pistol mag pouches) where CP doesn't.
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Old October 8th, 2005, 21:55   #10
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There are several manufacturers of CADPAT repro clothing, not just Frontenac.

Also, personally, I have always been completely unimpressed by anything Wheelers made. I have a friend who bought a lot of it. Personally, I don't recommend them. I think the quality is just not there. That said, if you're just buying BDUs, they won't have been made by Wheelers, he just sells them, so they should be as good as any other repro clothes.
Sgt Spleen
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Oh wow, im speechless. Crowbars and shovels... back to lurking then.
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Old October 9th, 2005, 04:34   #11
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The BDU's sold from CPGear is Frontenac...yes. The rest of their gear is made from REAL CADPAT cordura. The reason they can do this is that they are not making anything that resembles the issued items. I only have experience with them from FMP's and nametapes (which are A1) and from my officers, the larger items are excellent (my TrgO has a rucksack from a few years back and it's only got a few scuffs on the bottom).
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Old October 9th, 2005, 07:51   #12
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From what I have, the CADPAT used by CPGear is not real CADPAT, but it is really close to. It is slightly darker but not that much. I have some gear and I compared it to a CF issued Boony hat I got from a surplus and you have to look closely to see the difference. The main difference is the brown, on CF issued CADPAT the brown color is almost pink and on CPGear it is clearly brown.

But francly CPGear are great quality, you feel the quality. I have a backpack and it is sturdy and very comfortable. If you really want the real CF issued CADPAT you'll have to go surplus, if you want something really close to CADPAT CPGear is an excellent choice. I'm planning on getting more gears from them. They offer a good service and if you have questions they answer them quickly and exactly.

Here's a link that explains the difference of all Digital Paterns:
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Old October 13th, 2005, 22:26   #13
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CPGear is authorized by the Department Of National Defence to produce item with the real CADPAT. Like Black Hawk said, they cannot make any item that ressemble to issued one.

When they started making CADPAT stuff the material where darker cause of the dye used to make CADPAT was not completly developed (Like on the helmet cover, wich differ from normal CADPAT Fabric). But at the moment, CPGear have the new material and the dye is the same from the issued one. It as no difference between the two.
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Old October 13th, 2005, 22:47   #14
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Since..... "The last thing I want is CADPAT that sucks."

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Old October 13th, 2005, 23:08   #15
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The CADPAT clothing CP gear sells is made from the same process as the CF issue clothing, the main difference is the style of the clothing. IE: where the pockets are placed, and how it generally sits on a person.

as for other equipment, I have purchased the Alamar #2 rucksack, and am currently in the process of purchasing some modular pockets and possibly a modulat tac vest from them.

I have had no problems with their equipment, but personally, i don't want the fake cadpat clothing. I will stick with british DPM or something else.
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