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Increasing ROF on a G&G mp5 toptech/do battery brands matter?


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Old May 14th, 2017, 23:29   #1
Join Date: May 2011
Increasing ROF on a G&G mp5 toptech/do battery brands matter?

I have a top tech G&G mp5 a5 RIS with the collapsible stock so my battery is in the handguard. I've watched others videos who have used a 9.6 in their mp5 and it has a much faster ROF, even in the sportline MP5 models... why would my top tech have a low rof compared to others?

it came with this battery:

is there a major difference between this and a different brand 9.6 battery? I havent tried it on a 7.4 but I saw in some videos that they dont seem to respond too well to 7.4 lipos.

Being a top tech I'm not sure what else to do to get the speed up other then maybe adding a mosfet? Any ideas? I dont want like a crazy rof build just maybe another 5-8 rps. I feel its sitting around 15 which seems low to me.

Bear with me, I'm horrible with all the tech side of things, my comprehension is somewhat limited with certain aspects.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 00:09   #2
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do you have access to a multimeter? check the voltage on your batteries to make sure it is indeed 9.6. Lipo tend to be higher than advertise so using lipo may help. You can even try 11.1 to see how it responds.

Aside from battery your only other option to increase ROF is changing gear set.

Mosfet is for controlling electrical flow. The neatest thing it can do for you is protect trigger contact, slow down ROF, pre-cock, and protect your lipo battery.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 00:16   #3
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Try an 11.1v lipo.

And yes there can be different qualities of NiMH batteries, just like there are also different qualities of lipos.

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Old May 15th, 2017, 00:42   #4
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depends how deep you want to go, if you just want to change batteries to increase rof, or if you want to change internals.
there will be an rof difference between difference physical sizes of nimh pack as well, the large cell batteries have more discharge, thus more amperage, resulting in a higher rate of fire.

You can get fast trigger response and/or rate of fire just using a 7.4 lipo as well, but it requires a new motor, gears, and mosfet.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 01:51   #5
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I had assumed that the top tech line would have sufficient internals to support a better battery, aside from maybe a mosfet. Pretty sure its already 16g wire. I dont really have an interest in putting too much more money into the gun, I'd just like to improve improve rof a bit and trigger response.

I think an 11.1 might be overkill I'll try a 7.4... would I really need a new motor and gears in a toptech? mosfet I can see.

im confused because there are videos like this... slow ROF with lipo

and then this... with 7.4 lipo and it just rips. Thats the ideal ROF im going for. mine is slightly faster then the first lipo test with a 9.6 at the moment. Is it just battery? it appears they were both stock aside from that.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 11:39   #6
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Mosfet is a good idea no matter what. Even if it's just a basic switching unit to save your trigger contacts, it's never a bad thing. If you're handy you can pull a schematic and make your own, or they're cheap enough that it's really a 'why wouldn't you' scenario.

As for rate of fire in an MP5, yeah, my kid's stock Top Tech is hitting about 15rps. Is that so bad? I know, I know! Blasphemy!! hahaha. But consider's still 15 BB's per SECOND. That's still a pile of ammo. If the enigmatic airsoft sniper can take a guy out with one BB, and you've got 15 per second, well, you've killed him 15 times by the time he's racked the bolt for another shot. Personally, I'd work on the range and accuracy of the gun over the ROF. Make those BB's really count. My old ground pounder only fires at 12rps, but effective range is well over 200ft. Even if you have awesome ROF, if they're falling short I've still got the range advantage and you're still very hit.

My kid and I had this discussion post game. His MP5 is a great little rifle but if we could get it to stretch another 50ft it would be absolutely epic. Besides, keeping the ROF down means less wear and tear on the internals...and less coin. Cheaper to shoot far and accurate than just dump it on the ground...just putting it out there...
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Old May 15th, 2017, 15:42   #7
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hahaha i know its useable... I'm just being picky.

Not sure what else you could do to increase its range though, aside from maybe compression? its already got a tightbore and I wouldnt want to extend the inner barrel with a silencer as I like it compact.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 17:51   #8
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Nope...just work on the hop. Get a super duper air seal going and r hop that sucker, or even flat hop. Then go to a heavier BB...piece of cake. If it uses the 275mm inner barrel (which I think it does) you can still get some ridiculous range out of that. My Scar-L had a 275mm inner barrel and it got some really nice range once the business end of the gun was all done. You don't need to extend the barrel. may be time to sequester the kid's MP5 just for giggles..or maybe I'll wait for the season to be over and do it over the winter months.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 17:53   #9
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the bore and length of a barrel has absolutely zero effect on range.
You're looking at hop rubber and BB weight to increase range. Get an Rhop and use .28s or .30s

You COULD just slap an 11.1 on it and have faster rof and trigger response. But you might also get a shitload of overspin from the weak motor.
30k motor, 16:1 gears, 11.1 lipo, mosfet, short stroke the piston a bit, great combo for a fast gun.
I've got a btc spectre in my MP5 and my particular setup has made a few people confuse it for a polarstar...
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Old May 16th, 2017, 09:28   #10
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g&g needs sorbo. else you will keep paying for gear box shells.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old May 16th, 2017, 16:42   #11
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
g&g needs sorbo. else you will keep paying for gear box shells.
Now is that depending on the spring? I don't run hefty springs (M110 max) in my rifles and I haven't cracked a gear box yet.
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Old May 16th, 2017, 17:14   #12
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Originally Posted by Zeroroaster View Post
Now is that depending on the spring? I don't run hefty springs (M110 max) in my rifles and I haven't cracked a gear box yet.
G&G just makes crap shells, you can break them on an m100
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
I think that's the direction I should have gone with this one though.
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Old May 16th, 2017, 17:37   #13
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Good to know...I've been extremely lucky, I guess..
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Old May 16th, 2017, 21:12   #14
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
the bore and length of a barrel has absolutely zero effect on range.
You're looking at hop rubber and BB weight to increase range. Get an Rhop and use .28s or .30s

You COULD just slap an 11.1 on it and have faster rof and trigger response. But you might also get a shitload of overspin from the weak motor.
30k motor, 16:1 gears, 11.1 lipo, mosfet, short stroke the piston a bit, great combo for a fast gun.
I've got a btc spectre in my MP5 and my particular setup has made a few people confuse it for a polarstar...
I have always had issues with getting distance with .30's. I used to use them all the time. They're good for cutting down bush outside. I use .25's like I did when I first started and I get stupid range and grouping. I recently bought a VFC Mk18Mod1 and left it stock. Only thing I did was swap the spring for a Prometheus M120. Getting pretty much 400fps flat. Hop Up is stock and inner barrel.

Through my eotech I can group all inside the reticle "circle" perfectly at 100 ft easily! 150ft no pas well. I'm using G&G BB's. Probably the best polish I've seen. $24 a bag. I don't use a mosfet in it but I do just have a nano in my VFC scar L. That's upgraded a little with a madbull python inner and modify Piston but everything else stock. A work horse as well.

I don't rip my guns apart anymore. Only if something breaks I'll change parts but leaving a quality gun stock imo saves the life of the gun and gearbox.

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Last edited by BobbyDangerous; May 16th, 2017 at 21:16..
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Old May 16th, 2017, 21:14   #15
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Originally Posted by BenG View Post
G&G just makes crap shells, you can break them on an m100
Never seen this happen unless someone's done something to is. The Top Tech gearboxes are real nice.

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