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Mortar Ammunition.


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Old December 18th, 2005, 15:55   #1
Coma Black
Mortar Ammunition.

Since I'm making serious attempts to build some marketable airsoft mortars, I'd like some imput from the airsoft community in general on what type of ammo to use. My options thus far are:

1- Tennis balls, since they are basically bigger BBs. Only they show no splash damage and thus we would have to really strech a player's patience with the honor rule.
2- Carved mortar shells or Nerf footballs. Same downside as above.
3- Bags of marking chalk. Bursts into a nice big cloud when it hits, but I'm concerned about it getting into people's guns and all over the gear they spent so much money on.

I know that everyone else suggests those Nerf balls that make noise but they seem to be impossible to find. Anyone have any ideas?
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Old December 18th, 2005, 16:06   #2
Bob the Angry Potato
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Hmm... I've seen some 40mm grenades before, which simply send out a concentrated BB shower... that doesn't seem too bad. Also, perhaps foam rounds would be nice, or something that makes noise when it hits the ground?
Actually, marking chalk's a great idea. Go for it.
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Old December 18th, 2005, 16:10   #3
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Use these... :mrgreen:

The chalk dust sounds like a good idea except for the fact that it get's all over your stuff and is not so nice to breath.

Idealy you would want an airburst round that showers the imediate area with BBs but still be non leathal / injurious (is that even a word?) if it bursts on the ground and / or you get it in the head.

New rule you must have ballistic goggles, Kevlar helmets and LVL III vests to play. 8O
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Old December 18th, 2005, 16:22   #4
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use foam "wadding" with about 2000 bb's per shot (use worst possible quality). makes a very large shower, but range is limited to about 100-150 yds max from the bb's and sometimes up to 300 yds for the foam wadding. we built several mortars like this using either nitrogen at 300 psi or ether ignited in the hand-held version. the ether one makes a big BANG as well.
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Old December 18th, 2005, 17:08   #5
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This is an Honor sport after all. I would think cheep and simple. Tennis balls with a streamer to mark kill zones would be fine. If i got hit with a barrage of chalk and it got all over my kit radio, heaven forbid some ones NVG. "star bursts" with 'chutes and glow sticks would be fun. Nerf rounds would be cool but i imagine alot would go missing and the "howlers" from what i understand are hard to replace.

Keep me/us posted on your development i was t hinking of doing the same last year but like so many projects nevr got completed.
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Old December 18th, 2005, 17:38   #6
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Really think balloons filled with BBs and some baby powder...?
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Old December 18th, 2005, 18:22   #7
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I have to agree with those against powder of any sort. I'd stick to the honour system, and something a little more solid but non-painful when it hits you (read: tennis ball, nerf howler, something like that). Something to keep in mind, a tennis ball will only fly about 80 or so yards. No matter how hard you throw it. We discovered this when we built our catapult. We used tennisballs and golf balls, we had it heaving a tennis ball about 80 yards, tried a golf ball, 120 yards. Then we cranked up the power and had the golf ball going about 200 yards, tennis ball still only went 80 yards.

WRT howlers being difficult to replace, you could always just have the person who gets "killed" by the mortar fire pick it up, and they make noise, so you could always try and track them down later. Paint them hunter orange, they'll be pretty visable at that point, and they sound more realistic as mortar rounds anyway. Plus they look kinda like'em too
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Old December 18th, 2005, 19:20   #8
Canadian Psycho
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I have an idea for a mortor round, this is not tested or anything, just an idea. what you do is you take alot of bb's, and find a glue that is really brittle, and glue the bb's together, so when it hits the ground it "explodes" fireing bb's everywhere.
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Old December 18th, 2005, 19:23   #9
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If it was too brittle... it would break apon launch.
But the thing is, that would weigh a hell of alot.

If you get his by a gian BB ball, or golf ball, god forbid, then that could really cause some damage...
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Old December 18th, 2005, 20:09   #10
Canadian Psycho
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like i said, it was just an idea, im gona be doin some testing as soon as i make something to launch it out of.
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Old December 18th, 2005, 20:31   #11
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cans of pop..... shake them first......
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Old December 18th, 2005, 20:43   #12
zero delay
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Not to whiz on you parade or nothing but "Marketable Mortars" are a reality, as well as safe rounds that leave clear obvious impact radius.
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Old December 18th, 2005, 20:49   #13
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This would take some serious work, but what if you could make a system similar to the gas powered grenade launchers but so that it shoots in multiple directions. You could rig it up to a tennis ball or similar sphere (even a football would work). Then put a trigger or pressure sensor so that when it hits the ground the BB's fire out of holes in the sides of the projectile.

I have no idea how you'd manage something like that but I thought it'd be most effective. Probably still have a problem with losing the projectiles.
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Old December 19th, 2005, 10:32   #14
Coma Black
First off, I'm surprised at all the positive ideas here.

Next, we though about just loading in shitloads of BBs, but that just gives us a huge shotgun and not a mortar. The alternative is a shower-idea, where you load a steyro-foam cup with BBs, then tape another cup over top.

Digital_Assasin, I like the way you think!

Zero delay, I can't see that forum as I have not been veriffied (possibly). Maybe you can give us some more info?

The main idea here is simplicity in all matters.
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Old December 19th, 2005, 11:46   #15
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bb handgranades would be an alternative... but not very effective...
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