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Canadian Gun Ban - May 1st



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Old May 6th, 2020, 09:54   #1
Sash's Avatar
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Exclamation Canadian Gun Ban - May 1st

As the team where firearms license is almost a must to join, we (KGB Network) are outraged by the recent ban imposed on firearms community by a liberal government. This ban was carefully implemented to circumvent the democratic process that all of us petitioned for and turned hundreds of thousands of law-abiding gun owners into criminals, as well as allowed the government to take away private property.

On behalf of the KGB Network team, I'd like to ask everyone, who shares our passion for firearms, whether it's airsoft or real steel, or just wants to support the firearms community, to follow few simple steps that were sent to me by

It is the time to step up and make a difference, no one is exempt.

The First step is to sign Petition E-2574.

The Second step is to get everyone you know to sign Petition E-2574.

The Third Step is to join a firearms organization; I personally recommend either the CCFR or the CSSA.

The Fourth step is to overwhelm Parliament with written letters, emails and phone calls.

First they came for the automatic rifles, and I did not speak out
Because I did not have an automatic rifle.

Then they came for the "military" rifles (semi-autos), and I did not speak out
Because I did not have a "military" rifle.

Then they came for the handguns, and I did not speak out
Because I did not have a handgun.

Then they came for my hunting rifle and there was no one left to speak for me.
This ban has only a political agenda and has absolutely no influence on how criminals obtain firearms to kill people.

Why it is important for Airsofters to react?
As we witness the ban that wen in effect purely based on the knee-jerk reaction to NS shooting; how do you think Liberal will react when some idiot decides to threaten someone with an airsoft rifle? Yeah, likely we'll get a ban on airsoft guns because they look scary. So we'll end up running with clear plastic ones...

Related Links
Complete list of firearms that are now prohibited
NFA Talks - Law and Guns
Contact information of your local MP if you wish to contact them directly and ask questions.
Canadian Gun Nutz - good topics to read and take action upon

Last edited by Sash; May 7th, 2020 at 10:28..
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Old May 6th, 2020, 12:23   #2
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Very important that people voice their displeasure with this, I've written to my two local Liberal MP's about how bullshit all of this is (There are no conservative MP's in my immediate area). Something has to be done, and soon.
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Old May 6th, 2020, 13:09   #3
cranky old man
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Sock boy or his cronies in Ottawa won't care.

His agenda is to ban all firearms, hence the Draconian Dictator move May 1.
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Old May 6th, 2020, 13:23   #4
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Trudno will stop at nothing
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Old May 6th, 2020, 13:56   #5
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Signed that petition. Below is my two cents, ignore if you don't want to read my drivel.

The thing that irks me isn't the ban itself, it's the number of issues with it:

a) The ban circumventing the parliament process
b) The fact that it was used as a political tool in order to garner votes
c) The fact that this is misrepresented to the public as a way to "decrease firearms related crimes" when in fact it doesn't help as it doesn't address any of the illegal firearms
d) The fact that this costs the economy a large amount of GDP (something $X billions of firearms industry will be lost)

Trudeau took the pandemic as an opportunity to "pacify the public's concerns" but failed to see that at the end of the day, it has many more cons than pros and doesn't do anything to actually resolve the issues surrounding gun violence.
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Old May 6th, 2020, 18:22   #6
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Originally Posted by Freeze View Post
Signed that petition. Below is my two cents, ignore if you don't want to read my drivel.

The thing that irks me isn't the ban itself, it's the number of issues with it:

a) The ban circumventing the parliament process
b) The fact that it was used as a political tool in order to garner votes
c) The fact that this is misrepresented to the public as a way to "decrease firearms related crimes" when in fact it doesn't help as it doesn't address any of the illegal firearms
d) The fact that this costs the economy a large amount of GDP (something $X billions of firearms industry will be lost)

Trudeau took the pandemic as an opportunity to "pacify the public's concerns" but failed to see that at the end of the day, it has many more cons than pros and doesn't do anything to actually resolve the issues surrounding gun violence.

Very well said . I totally agree with you
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Old May 7th, 2020, 01:50   #7
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One thing that is especially worrying is apparently the Blackwater BW15 is on the list...

There are only like 4 real steel models in existence
So, this almost seems like they are trying to put airsoft on the list too.

Haven't seen any other airsoft on the list...yet.

Still, this is concerning.
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Old May 7th, 2020, 09:25   #8
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Originally Posted by Freeze View Post
Signed that petition. Below is my two cents, ignore if you don't want to read my drivel.

The thing that irks me isn't the ban itself, it's the number of issues with it:

a) The ban circumventing the parliament process
b) The fact that it was used as a political tool in order to garner votes
c) The fact that this is misrepresented to the public as a way to "decrease firearms related crimes" when in fact it doesn't help as it doesn't address any of the illegal firearms
d) The fact that this costs the economy a large amount of GDP (something $X billions of firearms industry will be lost)

Trudeau took the pandemic as an opportunity to "pacify the public's concerns" but failed to see that at the end of the day, it has many more cons than pros and doesn't do anything to actually resolve the issues surrounding gun violence.
Nicely said

you can, probably, add (e) there - liberals will use billions of $ of OUR money to buy our own guns from us. Furthermore, that is not included in this year's budget. I'm not talking about the problem associated with the implementation of the buyback program across Canada.

and adding (f) there is no exact knowledge of how many unrestricted guns out there, so the number in (e) can climb through the room if all of a sudden all the gun owners decide to turn in all their prohibited firearms.

As I mentioned in my original post, they will soon prohibit our airsoft guns. Well, I did not realize that nonsense had started already before I even wrote that. Canadian police took down a girl in a stormtrooper outfit who carried plastic blaster to advertise the local business on May 4th. Apparently someone called police and complained that she was carrying long gun in public

Also, as per URLs I posted at the bottom of the original post, the sad part of this is - we cannot do anything legally. Liberals did it so well that there is no way for us to turn this around besides voting them out of parliament and stand behind the party who will repeal this ban.
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Old May 9th, 2020, 10:21   #9
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Yes we can do something legally.

It is a violation of section 7 of the charter.

The CCFR is suing the Liberal Government.

Join the CCFR, and sign petitions e-2576 and e-2574.

This a tyrannical MINORITY government that banned an airsoft gun, a website, a coffee brand and 1500 models from Law Abiding PAL holders.
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Old May 10th, 2020, 18:34   #10
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The most telling thing about this ban is that it's all lip-service. Legally, my SKS is 100% not an "assault weapon" apparently. Semi-auto, 5 rounds of centrefire, same as an AR if you aren't breaking the law.

And yet, they never touched the SKS. Nor the Type-81, Type-97, TAR-21, AG M/42B, Remington 81, etc, etc. Those guns aren't "infamous" yet, so they aren't touched by this bullshit.

Also, the new joule limit. My buddy bought himself a new moose-rifle a few weeks before this shit. It's a .300 Win Mag with a 3-shot internal magazine. It's now a "prohibited device." Half of his shotguns are now "assault weapons" because they have a removable choke. That puts the bore at the muzzle above 20mm. But they said they weren't going to take away our hunting rifles. NOTHING about this ban is logical. It only sounds good to people who know jack shit about firearms, and only hear what's shouted at them the loudest. So in this situation, be need to be louder.

Join the CCFR. Support their case against this borderline tyrannical OIC. If you think Trudeau's government won't come for airsoft next, you're a fool. We're already on thin ice, the only reason we can have airsoft is because they "have utility as pest control devices." We already cannot own "replica firearms," including ones *THAT CAN'T EVEN SHOOT ANY PROJECTILES.*

When COVID regulations are relaxed where you live, begin protesting. Be professional, do not be violent. Show these fools in parliament that we are more intelligent and more civilized than they ever could be. Educate everyone you know. Tell them the truths that the Trudeau government want to hide. Demand that our government cease attempting to arrest the law-abiding while they ignore the true issues. Demand that our government improve mental healthcare resources. Demand that our government improve anti-gang and anti-smuggling operations. Those are the true issues, but they require effort, and we all know how politicians are when we ask them to work.
I own more GBB guns than AEGs, because I'm a stubborn bastard who hates doing things the easy way.
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Old May 12th, 2020, 14:00   #11
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I have had a conversation yesterday with my local Liberal MP. Just sharing my experience from that interaction:
Seems that they got a load of pre-made answers to a number of questions about this ban. The one question he could not give a definite answer was about the fact that first nations are more equal than the rest of Canadians since they can use prohibited firearms during the amnesty period for hunting.

Also, their major argument is that all guns start from being legal and then go illegal. To generalize, they are using term "North America" instead of Canada. When talking to them use stats from Canada, especially about arms stollen from Canadians vs from the US.

It seems that my MP supports police to have the right to "kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time"; on the other hand, he feels his family is unsafe in the country where law-abiding gun owner users firearms for sports.

Guy also said that this ban was democratically debated in parliament; however, when I asked him how is OiC reflects that debate, he answered that BQ and NDP supported them on this ban.

As per post above by (Full-Auto-Seer), get involved in Firearms politics if you want to enjoy Airsoft; educate people around you. Politicians are always taking advantage of people's fears and emotions. Thir job to manipulate public opinion to stay longer in the seat.
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Old May 12th, 2020, 14:17   #12
cranky old man
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Originally Posted by Sash View Post
I have had a conversation yesterday with my local Liberal MP. Just sharing my experience from that interaction:
Seems that they got a load of pre-made answers to a number of questions about this ban. The one question he could not give a definite answer was about the fact that first nations are more equal than the rest of Canadians since they can use prohibited firearms during the amnesty period for hunting.

Also, their major argument is that all guns start from being legal and then go illegal. To generalize, they are using term "North America" instead of Canada. When talking to them use stats from Canada, especially about arms stollen from Canadians vs from the US.

It seems that my MP supports police to have the right to "kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time"; on the other hand, he feels his family is unsafe in the country where law-abiding gun owner users firearms for sports.

Guy also said that this ban was democratically debated in parliament; however, when I asked him how is OiC reflects that debate, he answered that BQ and NDP supported them on this ban.

As per post above by (Full-Auto-Seer), get involved in Firearms politics if you want to enjoy Airsoft; educate people around you. Politicians are always taking advantage of people's fears and emotions. Thir job to manipulate public opinion to stay longer in the seat.
We are pretty much screwed,... the sheeple love that idiot in Ottawa
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Old May 12th, 2020, 18:21   #13
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Originally Posted by Full-Auto-Seer View Post
Also, the new joule limit. My buddy bought himself a new moose-rifle a few weeks before this shit. It's a .300 Win Mag with a 3-shot internal magazine. It's now a "prohibited device."
300 Win Mag is way under the limit of 10,000 joules, its about 5400 joules at the muzzle.

Its the really big stuff that got affected: 50 BMG, 416 Barrett, 375 Cheytac and the likes
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Old May 14th, 2020, 13:52   #14
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Originally Posted by Mister16V View Post
300 Win Mag is way under the limit of 10,000 joules, its about 5400 joules at the muzzle.

Its the really big stuff that got affected: 50 BMG, 416 Barrett, 375 Cheytac and the likes
I suppose he messed up his math then. However, this ban has still made many "large-game" cartridges prohibited. I'd hazard a guess that this ban has prohibited more hunting rifles and shotguns than "assault weapons." (read: anything that has modern ergonomics)
I own more GBB guns than AEGs, because I'm a stubborn bastard who hates doing things the easy way.
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Old May 14th, 2020, 20:17   #15
a.k.a. mak11
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as an ex-airsofter and current legal firearm owner, I was thinking if the airsoft community is on-board with our fight, which to be honest, shares many similarities with airsoft.. and I am glad this thread is here. Thank you for the folks here that have made it public for all to be educated on the subject.
Conquer The Hill @
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