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VFC g19x bucking/tensionner upgrade?


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Old May 23rd, 2020, 02:35   #1
Join Date: May 2020
Location: Quebec, Canada
Question VFC g19x bucking/tensionner upgrade?

Hi all,

I am looking for a bucking or tensionner upgrade on my Umarex VFC g19x. currently the stock bucking will not hold BBs, i did put a maple bucking in but its the same issue, BBs still fall but with a slight shake now.

Cranking the hop up a bit fixes the issue but id prefer not always having tension on the said bucking all the time. For the moment i placed a small plastic piece of like 1mm under the tensionner to fix the issue. The plastic could fall appart at anytime.

Are there upgrades that would be a permanent fix to that issue?

Thanks in advance.
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Old May 27th, 2020, 13:01   #2
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VFC/Umarex Hop up issues

What tends to happen is the factory hop bar heavily indents the hop rubber depending on it's degree, reducing the amount of sustainable pressure across the top of the hop rubber.

The easiest solution would be to use a maple leaf hop rubber and the "I' key with factory bar. It will provide a solid downward pressure.

A small piece of thicker gas-fitter tape across the top, not wrapped, will also reduce how far the pressure fingers penetrate into the bucking dents, essentially shimming it in a way that still applies the same downward pressure to the same two spots and doesn't deform the rubber. Don't over do it.

You can also try picking up ONLY the "I" key and trying it with the stock rubber as a test platform before buying another bucking.

Set it, shoot it and let us all know how it works for you.
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Old June 1st, 2020, 10:48   #3
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I switched the the Maple leaf decepticon bucking 60 degree bucking. It's doing a lot better on .20's but gas guns like heavier bb's like .25/.28+

Looks like Poseidon released a new hop unit for the VFC Glocks, should do the magic.
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Old August 15th, 2020, 18:58   #4
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Location: Quebec, Canada
Originally Posted by Ratters View Post
What tends to happen is the factory hop bar heavily indents the hop rubber depending on it's degree, reducing the amount of sustainable pressure across the top of the hop rubber.

The easiest solution would be to use a maple leaf hop rubber and the "I' key with factory bar. It will provide a solid downward pressure.

A small piece of thicker gas-fitter tape across the top, not wrapped, will also reduce how far the pressure fingers penetrate into the bucking dents, essentially shimming it in a way that still applies the same downward pressure to the same two spots and doesn't deform the rubber. Don't over do it.

You can also try picking up ONLY the "I" key and trying it with the stock rubber as a test platform before buying another bucking.

Set it, shoot it and let us all know how it works for you.

WHat is the said I-key ? is it a maple product? Originally i have been advised to put a vsr maple bucking in there. It shoots with better consistency. I did shim it with a small plastic piece, but witin a game the plastic shim will move and not be under the Tensionner anymore.

The factory bar is the item that will pull the tensionner right?

Last edited by justasgoodbwoi; August 16th, 2020 at 18:18.. Reason: typo
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Old August 17th, 2020, 19:06   #5
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hop improvement

Maple Leaf may make an improved hop tensioner with included "I" key for that pistol. The "I" key occupies the top space of the hop bar so it evenly distributes the downward pressure. One of the plastic wheels has a decreasing radius cut in it the the tensioner fits into. Turning the hop adjuster turns this cut gear and it pulls the bar down and into the hop rubber.

Another thing to consider is the hardness of the hop rubber used. The harder the rubber the more downward pressure to apply serious hop for heavier weight bb's. I have a VFC HK45CT running .28 KSC bios and it's a straight shooter with stock bucking.

It also uses the new exterior adjustment which (so far in my experience) has been reliable and holds set extremely well. Make sure you add some silicone grease to the gears when it's disassembled and make sure after its reassembled that you can use the hop adjuster tool or similar and gently rotate the adjuster.

Big pita if the teeth sheer off because they're unlubed, a bit of grit or sand in there and it breaks teeth. So check it well like a loved pet.

That being said 've seen them Maple Leaf modified hop bar and key) online for other VFC pistols. The overseas Asian stores like Tiger 111, WGC, Red Wolf, even Den Trinity, Bunny, may have something but shipping could be a problem currently unless they are still shipping with UPS.

So check the details before ordering brother

One final thing worth mentioning is that the "I" key alone may solve your problem with the stock bucking. Most people purchase different degrees of rubbers and test them based on the climate and ambient temperatures they play in.

So in order to keep your costs down I would try the key first with the stock bucking and progress from there if you're not getting satisfactory results
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Last edited by Ratters; August 17th, 2020 at 19:16..
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