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Which of these vests suit my needs?


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Old April 2nd, 2006, 21:07   #1
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Which of these vests suit my needs?

I'm a poet, and didn't even know it! Say who? A fool?

Ok, I've sold some things off, worked a bit extra hours, and I now have about $350 to spend on airsoft. Woohoo! Part of that, around $160 will be spent a new vest (and pouches to hold the ammo), the rest will be put into other gear, and gun upgrades.

So, the limit is $160 (including shipping) for a vest, and it needs to hold ammo, so if it doesn't hold ammo already, then it needs to be $80 or less.

The other requirement, is that it needs to fit me, 26" or more inch waist and chest, some of these I'm 99% positive that it'll fit, and I'll post which ones they are, sure, I could return it if it doesn't, but there's sometimes fee's, and it's just a hassle.

The next requirement, is that it doesn't wobble around, and nor do the pouches. My team is a quick reaction force, and we'll be sprinting, and sprinting, and hydrating, and sprinting some more. (It doesn't need MOLLE on the back, I plan on using a Thermobak anyways)

On a note, I do not mind on breathability. Yes, it would be nice, and sure, I'm in Texas, but I'm in Texas, I'm used to 90-100 degree weather running around outside, and besides, No Pain No Game!

The last requirement, is that it looks decent, and is coyote brown/tan. This gear will be on ACU.

So, please post your comments on the vest if you have it, or have heard anything about it, general is accepted, and specific to my requirements are enjoyed. I'm posting an overview of it, just to show you guys where I'm coming from with my thoughts on it, and the sort.

- First on the list, is the SO Tech (Say that fast and it sounds like esoteric ) Hellcat MK1: OpTactical
It's $125, and has the ability to hold 6 magazines already, and ability to add pouches. My concern, is that it'll look bad

- Next on the list, is the Blackhawk Industries STRIKE Commando Recon Vest: OpTactical
It's about $80, and it has the option to even come in ACU. And it's low enough for me to purchase enough magazine pouches I need to make it usable. It also looks nice, but not sure if it will size down.

- Next on the list, is the Blackhawk Industries STRIKE LBE Harness: OpTactical
Pretty much the same deal, cost, colors, and it looks decent, not great, but decent. Someone recomended this to me due to my size, because it's a ALICE mimic, but instead of belt and suspenders, it's belt and suspenders with MOLLE, although I'm skeptical on it sizing down.

- Next on the list, is the Eagle Industries Chest Pouch: RS Tactical
This one is a major plus, but a major problem. The good things, it's $60, probably one of the cheapest, but still high quality, and it's an extremely low-profile, major plus for me. However, at that, it's not MOLLE, and it comes with the bare essientials, two pistol mags, and four single M4 pouches, that's 272 rounds, unless I have one in the gun, and one on a pouch on my gun, which will me 408, not all that great, but only time will tell if it will work. I'm 99% this one will fit me.

- Next two, are Proud brand: WGC Shop and WGC Shop
Their both generally the same. Their next to cheapest I believe, each hold 12 magazines already, which is great, and look decent, and have MOLLE, and a pistol holder. (I'm not sure how these will look with other pouches on them, I'll probably look at the gear picture threads to see what Tomcats, and HellCats, and others like them look with pouches in front of the internal magazine holders) My concern again, is sizing. And their on pre-order right now, and overseas. Otherwise, should be a great investment.

- Next one, is the Guarder MOD Commander Recon Vest: Intruder Shop (Guarder)
It's about $80, FYI, the site doesn't display it, and comes with those pouches. It looks nice, $80, Guarder, which IMO is great for airsoft, and comes with three double M16 pouches, and is MOLLE. (I'll probably sell or trash the other pouches) And the back does look different, but still nice. Concern, is sizing.

- Next one, is the Tactical Tailor MAV 1 Piece: OpTactical
Tactical Tailor, another great company for airsoft, although I believe they support the military actually. This one is actually the cheapest, but can't hold ammo out of the box, it also comes in ACU which is a plus. However, my concern again is with the Hellcat, looks. Your already losing space without a bib, and the extra one makes it even uglier and costs extra money.

- Next one, is the Speciality Defense Sytems Improved RACK: SDS
This one looks nice. It's pretty cheap, $50, although can't hold ammo out of the box. It's got side zippers, so should be easier/faster to put on, and take off, and comes stock with the X harness. My concern, is sizing.

- Last one, is the Spec-Ops MOUT Chest Rig: OpTactical
This one, I would probably leave it as it is. It comes with ability to hold 8 M4 magazines, so that's good, and is low profile, and should allow for quick magazine changes. I'm pretty sure this one will size down too.

To sum it all up: Which of those will size down, which of those will not flop around, which one of those would you use if you were doing lots of sprinting in hot weather, which of those will look kick ass with ACU, and what are your comments about those you've heard about, or have experienced.
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Old April 3rd, 2006, 01:41   #2
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Well let's see, are you using the standard STANAG (M16) mag's? If not, scratch the SO Tech and the Proud rigs.
Do you want to carry more then ammo and bare basics? If not, scratch the Blackhawk LBE and Proud rigs.
Do you want a modular platform? If not,'s obvious which one's to scratch.

IMO, for what you want (fast, light, no back, etc..) I'd say go for the Blackhawk STRIKE Commando Recon Vest in ACU.
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Old April 6th, 2006, 08:27   #3
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Not on your list but the TT riffleman might be something you're looking for. I use the cross draw but the only difference is mag pouches and a lack of a hoster on the rifleman. on the back is a pouch for a hydration pack.
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Old April 10th, 2006, 16:48   #4
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I am noob just like you and i theorize my type of vest and the function of it. Basically, keep everything to a minimum since you'll be running a lot and carrying a heavy aeg (aug for example). you want to something that will be enough to carry your basic needs.

my equipment:

- two aug hi-caps
- one extra battery
- water bottle

this is all I have, since I am no hardcore milsim, i find this to be enough. oh and find a vest thats medium weight. I got a heavy vest and its not the best when you get hot and sweaty but the upside is that it protects you from all the hardcore players with opped up guns.

pew pew.
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Old April 10th, 2006, 17:21   #5
Scotty aka harleyb
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If you guys haven't tried it yet, you should look at webbing. Don't poo-poo it because it's "simple" or anything, it's actually extremely effective if organized to your needs and fitted properly.
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Old April 10th, 2006, 18:18   #6
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True HarleyB. I have a set of webbing. Havent used it in any games at all, but it feels great. Olive drab, 2 dual mag pockets 2 mess tin pockets and the butt pack. i also have a canteen and the holder. The extr bonus is that webbing is usually cheaper from what ive seen.

HeL is another name i go by
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Old April 10th, 2006, 19:06   #7
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Canadian '82 Pattern I presume?
It's damn good kit, for a noob and a veteran. It's modular, subdued, inexpensive, strong as fuck and comfortable. The only problem is that it's becoming harder and harder to find it in good condition nowadays. But as units empty their stores, they'll keep popping up in prestine condition.
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