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Never EVER look into the loading nozzle when unloading an AEG!!!


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Old April 11th, 2006, 19:55   #1
Official ASC Bladesmith
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Never EVER look into the loading nozzle when unloading an AEG!!!

Disclaimer: Yes I was stupid, and suffered from it. No, no permanent damage occured, left a nice brown blister on my eyelid, swelling has gone down. I will ream your ass if you shit on me for this, it's a warning, not to let people have their way with me.

Ok, Put a new hop up unit into an M16, started shooting on semi, no prob. Went to full, started plugging the barrel for some reason. Pulled out the mag, dumped the excess BBs into my hand and back into the containter, saw one BBs in the chamber waiting to get pushed ahead, chambered and fired. Pulled the trigger while the gun was upside down, the BB shot right out of the loadig tube and into my right eye, about 1/4" from the inside corner. I blinked just before it hit, smacked my eyelid and I saw stars, tears came etc. I could still see out of with right after, amid the tears, but within 10mins, I had a 1" long by 3/16" (no, didn't measure with calipers you bums!) brown slug that had formed on the edge of my eyelid. Been almost two hours now, the swelling has gone done, everything is fine.

Just posting this, even if embarrassing, to either wear eye protection when checking anything related to ammo feeding and mechbox action, or to make sure your magwell is pointed in a safe direction when unloading the last BB from your AEG. Often times guns are declared as on safe and mags removed, eye protection comes off, and people will point their barrels in safe directions, gun upside down, to make perfectly safe the AEG. Be VERY careful about the open mag well!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old April 11th, 2006, 19:58   #2
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Did this happen because the barrel was blocked and a second BB was shot out, or was there only one BB in the chamber?
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Old April 11th, 2006, 20:13   #3
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I always wear eye protection, even when I test shoot in the house...just in case. Thankfully you were alright, but it's a good reminder of how fast an accident happens.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 20:14   #4
Scotty aka harleyb
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Yeah, I've definitely hit myself in the face before exactly like that.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 20:41   #5
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Ah-HA! I'm not the only one!!!!

I think it happened just because the gun was upside down with only one BB in front of the nozzle. Decided to go straight up, shit happened (not as bad as it seemed though, even though I had a large welt on my eyelid, my wife never noticed it to question).

In case you are wondering, which I'm sure you are not, right after I shot my eye out I went to the mirror to see the damage, bloodshot but could see, then grabbed my silicon oil and dumped some in the nozzle, reloaded and tried again. M16 still not working right, even though the barrel/breech is clear. Trooper or fool? Lol
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Old April 11th, 2006, 20:43   #6
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You guys just all like to have it hit you all over your face.

and sometimes in your eye.

I was going to laugh at the predicament of this thread... and then I remembered that I also nailed myself just under the eyebrow the same way before.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 20:43   #7
The Saint
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Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker
Trooper or fool?
Can't you be both?

Anyways, glad you didn't lose an eye. Sounds like a disassemble-reassemble problem.

*looks at ILLusion, one black cat, two black cat...*

Glitch in the Matrix, it seems. Anyone else getting forum troubles?
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Old April 11th, 2006, 20:51   #8
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I'm getting everything online problems, MSN doesn't load fast, ASC, Warmogners, anything. Comes and goes.

Thanks Saint, even though I was sure I'd get made fun of by some means, I felt it important enough to post a warning, because it's not fun to get smacked in the eye with a 6mm peice of plastic. Honestly, I had some black spots in my peripheral, made me wonder if the rest would go, then started sorting out life shooting lefthanded (left eyed). Heard word of life passing before one's eyes when they are dying? Well, airsoft and how I'd adapt without a right eye passed through my head within minutes of this happening! Lol, especially with my rifles!
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Old April 11th, 2006, 20:54   #9
The Saint
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This warning is especially valuable to me, since I'm going to be installing a new barrel soon and *was* going to perform the air seal test looking into the mag well. Now I won't be looking and will probably wear gloves (hit to the finger tip will still hurt!).
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Old April 11th, 2006, 21:01   #10
Raygis LasVegas
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HAHAHA! That is so funny! It had that happened to me while I was fixing Krookedatmosphere's gun.

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Old April 11th, 2006, 21:04   #11
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Originally Posted by The Saint
This warning is especially valuable to me, since I'm going to be installing a new barrel soon and *was* going to perform the air seal test looking into the mag well. Now I won't be looking and will probably wear gloves (hit to the finger tip will still hurt!).
Make sure you put some oil in first, even if you are using the same hop up rubber. It helps a lot (hey, if the manuals say to spray silicon oil spray into the loading nozzle once in a while............... bah, most of us are men and don't read manuals!!! )

Originally Posted by Raygis LasVegas
HAHAHA! That is so funny! It had that happened to me while I was fixing Krookedatmosphere's gun.
Ok, tha's one guy who's name I wouldn't be calling out in a hurry to provide cover fire for me at a game! At least it's pronouncable once remembered. Try calling out to "IM13374shur" (or others who make cool online names that protray their retardedness) in a hurry! Pftt, anyone say chairsofter?
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Old April 11th, 2006, 21:18   #12
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You guys and your Bukkake :lol:
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Old April 11th, 2006, 21:20   #13
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All I can say is that, minus the bruise and such... I felt as bad when I opened up a mechbox for the first time and it predictably "exploded".

I wont laugh, but I cant promise not to smile or tease you about it while handing you a cold beer (to help with the swelling of course).

Jokes aside, I'm curious to find out exactly why this happened. Really, no shit.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 21:50   #14
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I don't think it's funny at all, I'm glad you're alright dude.
I had that thunderbolt moment once I was working on my SD6. No round fired, but I realized a few minutes later that I had been looking right down a loaded barrel (no mag, but one sitting in the hopup). Pretty f**king dumb, got a cold chill down my spine when I realized.

Clear your weapon like you would a real one and/or wear eye protection if you're firing at all in your house. Even if the gun is cleared, broken or loose plastic bits could find their way into your barrel no matter how careful you are.
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Old April 11th, 2006, 22:09   #15
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Thanks guys, glad this is becoming a moment of comical tones and good advice around as well. Guess it's one of th ebest types of threads to happen, no serious injury (Greylocks, it was a large 3D bruise) but jokes help deal with it, and others experiences with bits of flying stuff helps as well. Mechboxes are under pressure, and designed to put out pressure (air pressure). Anything not tied down, so to speak, can become a missile (if yo udon't want to or can't find safety glasses to put on even if all you are doing when taking a mechbox apart or something simple, at least look away for a second or something. I work with a scientist...... ok, chemical engineer..... that puts on safety glasses every time he turns power on an electrical device............ kinda like wearing a welder's mask to "laser tag" games if you ask me.). Am glad I decided to share my embarrassment with all of you, hopefully some (like me) will learn from my expereince and the words of others.
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