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Why do people always ask about buying cheap equipment?



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Old October 14th, 2007, 22:55   #1
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Why do people always ask about buying cheap equipment?

A valid question if you ask me. I've been randomly searching around these forums, and a couple other sites, and I can't help but notice the number of people who can't seem to work out the whole airsoft + cheap = nonexistant equation. Is it a misconception born from looking around on eBay at the shit for sale there? Or maybe the wrong idea that the guns are simple toys?

Please discuss, maybe someone has an answer...
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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:14   #2
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Combination of both. Airsoft is a game, and toys are used in games. They're typically mass produced with cheap materials, and indeed a customs appeal I have categorized my MP5 trigger group as a part for a toy gun. Therefore it's not a stretch to visualize airsoft guns as toys, especially when compared with their real steel equivalent.

Then there's the demographic - you don't see a lot of people over 30 playing airsoft. There are many but in general it appeals to younger males, who in general don't have lots of money. If they can save a buck they usually will, not realizing that the bitterness of low quality will linger long after the sweetness of low price has faded.

That's my guess.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:15   #3
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It's born from cheap softair shit, as well as some people being about 15 and can't afford more than $100. And yes, all the cheap shit on eBay doesn't help.

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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:28   #4
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Alot of young people don't make alot of money. When I was 16, the minimum wage was $3.25/hr. and you were lucky to get such a good job. Our economy was depressed then, as it is now in other parts of Canada. But with the advent of the internet, media and exposure young people get, some get the idea that the are entitled to what they want, when they want it on their terms. When that means their terms are the $84 they have in the bank, well, this is the result. Mom and Dad might buy them an X-Box, but likely won't spring for a toy gun at $500. So, when they want it and want it now, they have to be cheap.

Maybe that's just how I see it, being an old fart and all.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:49   #5
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Alot of young people don't make alot of money. When I was 16, the minimum wage was $3.25/hr. and you were lucky to get such a good job. Our economy was depressed then, as it is now in other parts of Canada. But with the advent of the internet, media and exposure young people get, some get the idea that the are entitled to what they want, when they want it on their terms. When that means their terms are the $84 they have in the bank, well, this is the result. Mom and Dad might buy them an X-Box, but likely won't spring for a toy gun at $500. So, when they want it and want it now, they have to be cheap.

Maybe that's just how I see it, being an old fart and all.
No, that's actually pretty accurate. And I'm young, so yeah.

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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:50   #6
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Well personally I believe its just the lack of peoples research. If you look around the world, airsoft actually is not that expensive of a sport. A majority of the people who cheap out and then complain about airsoft being expensive also forget that we have a very limited market in Canada due to only 2 viable importers and the nature of airsoft itself in Canada. If people actually did their reseach they would understand that more often than not those prices are justified.

But well why do some people wear agent provocateur underwear? why do people wear armani underwear? Why do some people wear Joe Boxer? Why do some people wear dollar store tighty whities? Everyones gotta do what they can with in there means I guess, and well if thats not a good enough answer, some people are just cheap assholes.

Me? I like my agent provocateur....

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Last edited by TokyoSeven; October 14th, 2007 at 23:53..
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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:54   #7
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alot think what they can get in the us they should be able to get here at about the same price. And alot of new people me included (im in that age group turned 18 in march) dont want to spring up that 500 dollars on airsoft unless they are sure they are going to use it to their full value. Especially when working for 8.25 an hour. like me.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:54   #8
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holy cow, youve gotta be liker a zillion years old brad!! lol. and den dat locknes manster was like "thatll be tree-fitty" and i was like "hey! you get the hell outta hey, you damn lockness monster!"
Age verifier southern Alberta

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a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.
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Old October 14th, 2007, 23:56   #9
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
holy cow, youve gotta be liker a zillion years old brad!! lol. and den dat locknes manster was like "thatll be tree-fitty" and i was like "hey! you get the hell outta hey, you damn lockness monster!"
Lol. Burn. I think?
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Old October 15th, 2007, 00:09   #10
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cheap gear is a quick fix to a large problem, and largely kicks you in the ass in the end. Still compare my $60 SIR mailorder tacvest to my 204 tactical plate carrier... there is almost no comparison.

I find it stems from my paintball/clearsoft generation.

1) what gear is there in paintball besides a crude vest to hold paintballs.
2) when your running about of 2 vs2 with springer clearsoft, a ziplock bag of bbs was sufficient.
3) have you ever tried to find extra mags for some clearsoft?? its impossible!

really, until you get out there into the fight, the need for quality gear isnt apparent to some beginners
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
your right,when it rains the burger joint across the street does have cats for 4.99$ but that doesnt mean that i can just go get all the grape jelly i want
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Old October 15th, 2007, 00:16   #11
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
holy cow, youve gotta be liker a zillion years old brad!! lol. and den dat locknes manster was like "thatll be tree-fitty" and i was like "hey! you get the hell outta hey, you damn lockness monster!"
Hey, lay off the sauce man!!!

And I feel my age some days, let me tell you, and I'm really not all that old. There are real old farts on this forum!!!
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old October 15th, 2007, 00:30   #12
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Originally Posted by swatt13 View Post
holy cow, youve gotta be liker a zillion years old brad!! lol. and den dat locknes manster was like "thatll be tree-fitty" and i was like "hey! you get the hell outta hey, you damn lockness monster!"
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Old October 15th, 2007, 06:09   #13
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Very simple; newbies dont read anything, specially NOT the Newbie Guide or the Information section.
When they do, and when they are under 18, they try to find every possible loophole. Then they get pissy about it, cry about maturity, etc.

We see that almost every day, it never stops.

The only solution would be to lock these forums to a Read Only status until age-verified (with options for out of country members). Then they would have no choice but to read and learn.
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Old October 15th, 2007, 19:35   #14
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I have to agree with Greylocks on that one. People really dont read the information that is there for them. Even when they do, they never swallow it and just accept it. Everyone always believes there is a way around it. But in reality, we wouldnt have the info there in the first place if so many others hadnt tried and failed before.

I can think of two accounts today already relating to this threads topic.

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Old October 15th, 2007, 19:52   #15
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Maybe because noobs are the end result of spluge? Lol
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