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Advice on choosing CIRAS, Mod-II plate carrier or KRUKSPEC Replica. (All Multicam)


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Old October 31st, 2007, 00:06   #1
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Advice on choosing CIRAS, Mod-II plate carrier or KRUKSPEC Replica. (All Multicam)

Right, folks. Basically, I have 3 choices. Budget is £100-120. I ordered a set of Multicam BDUs, and now I need the body armour to go with it. Now, obviously, I am a huge fan of the GRAW series, and would hope to have almost the same loadout as them.

Below are 2 links, one depicting the MOD-II plate carrier and the other putting the CIRAS in detail. And there is also the quite costly Krukspec alternative, which I would dearly love to see, when the website comes up. The only problem with the Krukspec vest is price. If someone can offer me a lower price + shipping, I would be eternally grateful.

MOD-II Tactical Vest (MC)


And of course which seems to be down at the moment.

Honest opinions please, I know they're all the eye of the beholder. I plan to use this vest for both paintball and airsoft as I am a fan of either. Which would be more suitable? Why?

I am a new player in this world of airsofting, so I ask with discretion that you be kind about it.

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Old October 31st, 2007, 02:39   #2
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Well as per your request on the second vest.

Huang has been supplying us with gear and aeg parts and upgrades and is very reliable and a pleasure to do business with. Those who have recieved have stated that they are pleased with the product and very much enjoy it.

As for which vest, honestly I cant make a judgement for you as I do not know your playing style or load out. Honestly if the first vest meets your needs can carry your pouches and any additional gear you may require and is a good fit for your playing style, for its cost. I say go with it. That same comment applys to the second vest and the third listed on krukspec as well.

Perhaps even this may suite your needs.

Although if you have the money...

As for me. My tastes sway this way...

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Old October 31st, 2007, 06:36   #3
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Ah yes. That's what I'm interested in. I tried clicking everywhere but they only seem to provide pictures, not prices. Weird, right?
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Old October 31st, 2007, 08:29   #4
Specwargear is more of a review and general knowledge site, and they don't actually sell everything you see on their site.

For CIRAS (real version) check
For replica CIRAS/RAV etc check out If it's not on the site, email them and ask since some things aren't listed for various reasons.
Huang has all kinds of stuff, they come up and down as they're available. Again, PM him if there's something specific you're looking for.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 08:52   #5
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how big is the difference between 600D and 1000D??? "Constructed of 600D Nylon Materials all weather proof"
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Old October 31st, 2007, 13:14   #6
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I think 1000D is higher quality than 600D
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Old October 31st, 2007, 19:46   #7
Big difference. 600D is the thread count per inch if I recall correctly, so the "tightness" of the weave.

Phantom, at least the newer stuff, is 1000D.
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Old October 31st, 2007, 19:59   #8
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I have the Phantom CIRAS in multicam from 1337tactical, and I love it, there are not enough good things I can say about it. It was also a really good deal as it came with pouches and shipping included, and I've got to say, there must be $100 worth of velcro alone on this thing.

My only suggestion is that if you do go for the CIRAS, unless you are really tall (6'+) or really wide (48" chest +) go for the medium one. I have the large size because I am 6'4 and I have the height set at the second last hole, but the chest set on the tightest hole. So it fits well vertically, and horizontally it fits fine if worn over my bdu's, but the sides wrinkle a little bit becuase it is tightened all the way in.

And as for the pattern being repro multicam, I wear it with my real Crye mulitcam from Seals, and unless you look very closely, there is almost no difference. Of course if you were really concerned about that, you could just cover it in real multicam pouches from Eagle.

So I'm not saying that for you the CIRAS would be the best choice, I'm just telling you what I know about it so you can decide for yourself.

Cheers Mate!

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Old October 31st, 2007, 23:07   #9
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i definatly reccommend the phantom ciras, the color match is very good, material is good, and construction is good (as per phantom) but i was very pleased over all with it, esspecially how well they replicated the multicam. you could barley tell the diff between my crye bdus and the phantom vest. as for the ciras over the mod... both are sweet looking, but i would say go with the ciras. the mod is cut very high and has poor ventilating characteristics. the ciras has low cut (land version), big deltoid openings, and good venting. but in the end those are trivial, depending on your playstyle, that may not matter, so get what you like the looks of more, but stick with phantom!
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Originally Posted by TokyoSeven
a Systema PTW is like KD, where the noodles are plated in gold and the cheese sauce is actually a pool of hot naked women.

Last edited by swatt13; November 1st, 2007 at 00:10..
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Old October 31st, 2007, 23:31   #10
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I have a wasatch replica by Phantom...Sweet friggin vest can fit 10? or 12 M16/M4 mags i was able to fit 10 M14 mags in there ( was a lil tight fit)

I am currently looking into getting a CIRAS currently.
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Old November 8th, 2007, 20:26   #11
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I found this:

Do you think that's a good price for a blackwater multicam plate carrier?
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Old November 8th, 2007, 21:47   #12
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Given that I've only seen them at OpTac, yes. Keep in mind there have been many poor reviews of BW gear (supposedly its just rebranded, cheap uncle Mike's kit).
Maybe you'll find someone else to help you. Maybe black mesa... THAT WAS A JOKE, ha ha, fat chance.

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Old November 9th, 2007, 15:57   #13
It is indeed.

Also, ensure you CALL the store (Op Tactical) before placing any order. Items on the site are not always in stock.
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Old November 9th, 2007, 16:11   #14
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Go with a Phantom CIRAS if you want the most bang for your buck. That BW pate carrier will still require you to buy all the pouches which is really painful in the wallet area. Like many here I got mine from 1337tactical and you can't go wrong, at your door for under $300.00 with more pouches then you will need. I have used a few different vest over the years and last winter I bought my CIRAS and I haven't taking my other vests off the rack. It takes a while to get used to how you want to lay things out and it takes a while to get used to laying prone with it on but the CIRAS have great PROs compared to the small amount of CONS.

Plus when you put on CIRAS you feel (at least I do) like oyu just stepped out of a war film or off the battlefield, I may sound like a gleefull kid but a CIRAS is so cool to wear.

If you ever take a tumble the CIRAS if it fitted right really keeps your shit together.

When the Zombies come my CIRAS is one piece of my AIRSOFT kit that will be transitioned into my lethal force kit, no way those fuckers can punch or bite your body with it on
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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