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G&G CQB-S Stock dimensions?? Battery connections


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Old January 23rd, 2009, 11:55   #1
pilotguy's Avatar
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Location: Steinbach, MB
Question G&G CQB-S Stock dimensions?? Battery connections

Hey does anyone know the inner tube dimensions on the G&G CQB-S (from mach1airsoft) sliding stock. I'm wanting to order a battery pack from but before I do, I should have an idea of what will or will not fit into the stock.

I would like to use the Elite 4000 cells in a 9.6v 3x2x3 arrangement (3 on each side and 2 down the pipe) with 18g wire and a small female tamiya connector. Are the cells too big? Overkill on MAH? I suppose amperage protection the gun provides is something to consider here too. Anyway, mainly what I would really like to know is if it's going to fit and what are the inner tube dimensions? How many cells deep can I go, max radius of each stick, etc etc.

My next question... Am I correct is assuming the connection type on that particular gun is small tamiya? I've gone through the online manual and for some reason, they seem not to discuss these two topics at all. It's more of a pictorial walk through on breaking down the gun.

Any words of wisdom, greatly appreciated.
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Old January 23rd, 2009, 12:25   #2
m102404's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Toronto
If you're going to build your own...that's one thing, because you can take a 8.4v or 9.6v large battery and setup the cells/wiring/ fit. Describing it to place an online order is another.

In should be able to fit large sub-c sized cells. AA sized cells will fit a lot easier (i.e. G&P crane stock uses those...and they actually drop in as a whole unit).

The stock tube dimension is really tight with Sub-C's...there's no room for round wiring of any guage. I set mine up with a flat strip of conductive metal...pressed along the side of the cell that'll be in the stock tube. As long as the metal strip is insulated (i.e. wrap in shrink wrap or packing tape), it'll be ok. The side tubes of the crane stock usually have enough room for wiring to run down along those "sticks".

As well, the stock tube has to have the little channel running along the inside of the tube, or there won't be room for the wiring. In that case you need to either route a channel in the receiver stub, or cut/grind a way for the wiring to exit the stub.

You can get connectors at're cheap and then you can swap the small connector out for a large one. Mind you...if the mechbox ends in a small connector..and there's an extension piece of wire that lengthens it down the stock's hardly worth it to switch one connector to a large while leaving one small one...

Best of luck,

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