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MP5 upgrades?


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Old July 8th, 2009, 11:21   #1
Join Date: Jul 2009
MP5 upgrades?

Hi, I'm kinda new to airsoft. I was just wondering what kind of upgrades would be good on a Tokyo Marui MP5 stock.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 11:30   #2
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Depends on what you're trying to accomplish.

FPS / ROF / accuracy / reliability

Can't have 'em all at the same time.

Also depends on where you intend on using it the most....outdoor field games vs. indoor CQB

Also depends on your playing style...hang back and plink at guys from a distance or kick down the door and be the first one through.

Quite frankly...if it's a new stock TM MP5 and you haven't played much...I'd leave it as is and not do anything. Play a bunch of games with it...both indoor and outdoor. You'll figure it out pretty quick what you'd like to improve first....after that it's pretty easy to figure out what parts/work is needed.

Best of luck,

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Old July 8th, 2009, 12:35   #3
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I've run my TM MP5A4 stock for a couple years.
It for sure doesn't have the range when compared to most of the Calgary guys, but get a few games in first to figure out your play style.
Plus, TM's are reliable as heck stock.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 12:49   #4
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off the top of my head if you are using the MP5 for both indoor and outdoor, you will want 350fps. no more. Also, you will want to source a good gundoc on your area to install these parts for you.

Here are some general upgrades that you might want to consider for the internals. externally, that is your business:

Piston: anything by prometheus, modify or guarder

Piston head: anything by prometheus, modify, guarder or ARS. (i recommend the latter)

Cylinder head: anything by prometheus, modify, guarder or ARS. (i recommend the latter)

Tightbore inner barrel: anything by Prometheus, KM, or Madbull (prometheus being generally considered to be the best of the list). I dont like the systema ones. id say stay away from those.

Air nozzle: anything by Prometheus, guarder or modify

Spring: PDI, Laylax/Prometheus etc are all good choices.

Again these are some general upgrades. These will provide accuracy, reliability and longevity. If you want ROF increase, you will need to change the gears as well as buy a new motor. Its up to you in the end. the upgrades i listed are basic ones that will do any gun a world of good and will improve performance tremendously.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 13:55   #5
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Originally Posted by DONSTER 125 View Post
off the top of my head if you are using the MP5 for both indoor and outdoor, you will want 350fps. no more. Also, you will want to source a good gundoc on your area to install these parts for you.

Here are some general upgrades that you might want to consider for the internals. externally, that is your business:

Piston: anything by prometheus, modify or guarder

Piston head: anything by prometheus, modify, guarder or ARS. (i recommend the latter)

Cylinder head: anything by prometheus, modify, guarder or ARS. (i recommend the latter)

Tightbore inner barrel: anything by Prometheus, KM, or Madbull (prometheus being generally considered to be the best of the list). I dont like the systema ones. id say stay away from those.

Air nozzle: anything by Prometheus, guarder or modify

Spring: PDI, Laylax/Prometheus etc are all good choices.

Again these are some general upgrades. These will provide accuracy, reliability and longevity. If you want ROF increase, you will need to change the gears as well as buy a new motor. Its up to you in the end. the upgrades i listed are basic ones that will do any gun a world of good and will improve performance tremendously.
What he said... only for the love of god, Avoid guarder parts like the plague.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 20:46   #6
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Originally Posted by Amos View Post
What he said... only for the love of god, Avoid guarder parts like the plague.
interesting. i was told that they are very good. but i guess i was mistaken. either way, i only buy prometheus. you cant go wrong with prometheus.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 20:54   #7
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Amos is right about a lot of Guarder parts. Some of them are just plain wonky or slightly out of spec. A little filing here and there fixes most of them...but some are not so easy.

However...some of their stuff is just fine and fits the bill nicely.

IMO, Guarder would run 3rd out of three for the parts you listed Mike.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 21:13   #8
asexual lumbricus terrestris
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modify stuff is pretty nice... Most of my mechbox is now modify.
Originally Posted by Deftonius View Post
I'll bet Ronan was the one who sent that email.
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The chinese steal everything. Haven't seen an original idea come out of that country yet.
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Old July 8th, 2009, 21:25   #9
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If you don't know why or what you should be shouldn't be upgrading.

If you don't have a reason it's stupid to upgrade just to say you upgraded, or some crap.

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Old July 8th, 2009, 22:55   #10
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The issue with upgrades is you always seem to be needed one more thing - you end up with a completely different gun and a box of unused parts. Upgrade the gun, oh now got to upgrade the battery to compensate, oh need a full stock for the large battery, oh need a new body now, etc etc etc etc...anybody who started with a stock TM M4 would recall this process.

Actually I take that back about the battery part - back in my day it was NiCad only. These new LiPo's - wow...that changed the rules about AEG's and available power.

Still - having a stock gun in your inventory has plenty of merits - particularly for indoor games with stricter FPS limits. You never have to worry about not passing the chrony. If you really feel the need to upgrade something - get a new barrel before touching the internals. Upgrading from plastic to metal bushings is great advice and common sense - the plastic bushings are prone to cracking and yeild a broken gear in the process.
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Old July 9th, 2009, 08:23   #11
aka coachster
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I fell into the trap of upgrading on my M4 and MP5. Partly because they were slightly damaged albeit cosmetically. Once you upgrade one part, there's always going to be something else you need to get to make it fit or look right or even operate properly.

For the MP5, I was fortunate to have started the upgrade because the internals were crap. The M4 was because it was missing parts and was held together with duct tape when I got it. Since then I've broke the mechbox and hopup unit so it's a totally new gun.
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