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Search: Posts Made By: Old School Punk
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications March 8th, 2012, 15:58
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
So I just completed putting the Echo1 Upgrade kit...

So I just completed putting the Echo1 Upgrade kit into my ASR and I thought that I would share the results with ya.

First off I couldn't believe how easy the kit was to install. I have never...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 21st, 2012, 13:43
Replies: 17
Views: 19,888
Posted By Old School Punk
My PCG slide came with a seperate little...

My PCG slide came with a seperate little extractor piece that you need to fit into the space on the side of the slide before you reassemble it.
I found the if you put a little grease on it before...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 10th, 2012, 16:13
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
Sorry I'm no help to you there. I'm just a...

Sorry I'm no help to you there. I'm just a plinker, and I haven't done any performance upgrades to my gun yet.

I am consistantly able to hit pop cans at 100 feet with ease. I have heard of guys...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 10th, 2012, 12:38
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
I would say go for it! As far as my little...

I would say go for it!

As far as my little white lie goes... guilty :rolleyes:
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 18th, 2012, 16:46
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
I ended up taking your advice, and I went to...

I ended up taking your advice, and I went to Cabelas and bought a little better quality scope insted of just getting a $50 "knock off" one on Ebay.

I got a 3-9x40 scope and it looks a heck of...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 18th, 2012, 16:21
Replies: 17
Views: 15,243
Posted By Old School Punk
Can you say Can of Worms...

I own an Echo ASR and I love it. It does everything that I want it to do at a modest entry level price.

I am not exactly sure what some guys want their "sniper rifle" to do, but every time that...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 14th, 2012, 20:40
Replies: 12
Views: 11,014
Posted By Old School Punk
Oh I get it, but it' just plain STUPID! Every...

Oh I get it, but it' just plain STUPID! Every airsoft gun out there looks like a real gun, why one is restricted and the other is not is the silly part.

Anyway it's also a bit frustrating that...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 13th, 2012, 16:04
Replies: 12
Views: 11,014
Posted By Old School Punk
Really, WTF??? What is the reasoning...

Really, WTF???

What is the reasoning behind this I wonder. That is the stupidest thing that I have heard in a long time. Arghhh! :mad:

So I guess this just got a bit more complicated Eh....
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 13th, 2012, 15:35
Replies: 12
Views: 11,014
Posted By Old School Punk
So I got a quick question for you guys. I...

So I got a quick question for you guys.

I have found a PGC full metal kit for a TM - MEU 1911 for sale over in Hong Kong ($200.00 US).

I am strongly thinking about ordering it, but I...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 8th, 2012, 21:20
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
Bipod arrived and it's awesome. It fits on the...

Bipod arrived and it's awesome. It fits on the gun nicely and it is way more sturdy that the stock one. I did a little bit of tweaking to tighten up a tiny bit of looseness in the fitment, but for...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 5th, 2012, 10:27
Replies: 17
Views: 11,040
Posted By Old School Punk
Hey thanks to all the great responses guys! You...

Hey thanks to all the great responses guys! You all Rock!

I am going to do some homework now and I will let you know which way I end up going.


Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 4th, 2012, 18:02
Replies: 17
Views: 11,040
Posted By Old School Punk
Awesome, thanks for the tip! I will check it out.

Awesome, thanks for the tip! I will check it out.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 4th, 2012, 16:54
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
I have had a few enquiries about how I got the...

I have had a few enquiries about how I got the Magpul - PRS Butt Stock to fit onto my Echo1 ASR Riffle, so I figured that I would post my response here so that everyone could read it.

The problem...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 4th, 2012, 16:37
Replies: 17
Views: 11,040
Posted By Old School Punk
Hey Thanks for the responses Gents, much...

Hey Thanks for the responses Gents, much appreciated. :)

Now Takagari, you have caught my interest with this "Cheetah" device. What is it? Who sells it? and, How hard is it to install?

Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 4th, 2012, 13:31
Replies: 17
Views: 11,040
Posted By Old School Punk
3 Shot Burst

Hey Guys, I am sure that this has been discussed to death somwhere around here, but I did a couple searches and could find anything obvious, so I thought that I would post this question here anyway....
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 3rd, 2012, 17:42
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
This is the bipod that I ordered. ...

This is the bipod that I ordered.

I had the same one on my L96 sniper...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 3rd, 2012, 17:14
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
I do agree with you that the Bipod that comes...

I do agree with you that the Bipod that comes with the gun is a real piece of shit.

I think that the biggest problem with it is that the legs don't posativly lock into position when they are...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 3rd, 2012, 14:58
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
Fuck Ya! I love that shirt! Gotta get me one! ...

Fuck Ya! I love that shirt! Gotta get me one!
Ha Ha
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 3rd, 2012, 13:57
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
Really good actually. The only internal work...

Really good actually. The only internal work that I have done so far is that I replaced the foam barrel spacers with some hard rubber ones.

I was dong some target shooting in my shop over the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications January 3rd, 2012, 10:58
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
Sorry I missed seeing your post till just now. ...

Sorry I missed seeing your post till just now.

Basically you have to use the plastic tube that comes on the gun, not the metal tube that comes with the PRS.

When you remove the stock butt...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 20th, 2011, 17:36
Replies: 3
Views: 4,097
Posted By Old School Punk
Anyone Ever Try One Of These Twist Barrels?

Hey Guys; I saw this wierd barrel on Ehobby Asia, and I was curious if anyone here has ever tried one, or has heard anything about them?...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 19th, 2011, 18:39
Replies: 9
Views: 14,807
Posted By Old School Punk
So I completed installing a PGC Metal slide on my...

So I completed installing a PGC Metal slide on my TM Glock G18C last night and it worked out Great!

I installed the slide, which is really nicely made BTW, with absolutely no modifications...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 11th, 2011, 13:44
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
WOW you must be a Marine "One Of The Few, The...

WOW you must be a Marine "One Of The Few, The Brave", or you just have a slightly warped sense of humor, like me.
Thanks for the nice response!

Apparently it's not to everyones taste, but...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 9th, 2011, 15:40
Replies: 20
Views: 17,857
Posted By Old School Punk
Okay so last night I went out and smashed my Echo...

Okay so last night I went out and smashed my Echo ASR Piece Of Shit into a million pieces. God I am so glad that I am rid of that thing!!!

Now I got a brand new Tokyo Marui - VSR 10 that I want...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 7th, 2011, 11:04
Replies: 20
Views: 17,857
Posted By Old School Punk
Thanks for the response Amos, mucho gracia. ...

Thanks for the response Amos, mucho gracia.

One question for ya though, what does this mean, you totaly lost me???

"Don't mix W hold rubbers with a SCS, it makes the W into a V which doesn't...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 6th, 2011, 13:31
Replies: 20
Views: 17,857
Posted By Old School Punk
Thanks for the response, I think. So...

Thanks for the response, I think.

So understand that this is sort of a lower end gun, but honestly it's not as bad as it is sometimes made out to be on these message boards.

Like I say I...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 5th, 2011, 13:53
Replies: 20
Views: 17,857
Posted By Old School Punk
Sniper Riffle Ugrades - Biggest Bang For The Buck?

Hey Guys; So I want to increase the acuracy of my Echo1 - ASR Sniper Riffle. To the best of my knowledge, most of the mechanical upgrades that you can do to a L96 style riffle, you can do to an ASR...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 5th, 2011, 12:05
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
Okay, everything written in the above post is...

Okay, everything written in the above post is pure Horse Shit, but because of the nature of this project and this gun, I had no problem spinning this tale.

The gun started life as an Echo1 - ARS...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications December 5th, 2011, 11:11
Replies: 30
Views: 19,744
Posted By Old School Punk
Ulikey 6 - Echo1 ASR Sniper Riffle Project

No doubt you have heard of the Cuban Missile Crisis, but have you ever heard of the Cuban Riffle Crisis? :cool: I didn’t think so, so here goes.

After years of hearing rumors and hushed...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 29th, 2011, 17:12
Replies: 62
Views: 56,936
Posted By Old School Punk
...still no mention of WE Pistols??? ...

...still no mention of WE Pistols???

They can't be that bad, can they??
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 26th, 2011, 23:00
Replies: 62
Views: 56,936
Posted By Old School Punk
So I know that you started out with a few...

So I know that you started out with a few particular Brands that you were looking at, but I need to ask the question, what about WE (Socom)?
No one ever seems to mention this brand, but they seem to...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 26th, 2011, 17:35
Replies: 12
Views: 11,014
Posted By Old School Punk
Full Metal - MEU 1911 - Advice Needed

Hey Guys, I have been reading another thread here on ASC about the best metal pistol to buy, and this has prompted me to do my own thread.

I own a Tokyo Marui MEU 1911 pistol and it is a great...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications November 18th, 2011, 17:44
Replies: 9
Views: 14,807
Posted By Old School Punk
Hey Cellulose WOW that is quite the response...

Hey Cellulose WOW that is quite the response thanks for taking the time! Much appreciated.

Mr. Bond and the rest, thank you for your replies too, you guys Rock!

I am taking all this in,...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications November 18th, 2011, 11:16
Replies: 9
Views: 14,807
Posted By Old School Punk
Tokyo Marui G18C - Metal Slide Upgrade

Hey guys; I have a TM - G18C that I am considering putting a metal slide on. I have never done this sort of thing before, so I am a bit hesitant to just jump in with both feet.

I would be...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 25th, 2011, 14:57
Replies: 5
Views: 7,127
Posted By Old School Punk
Ah sorry Strelok, I missed your second sentence....

Ah sorry Strelok, I missed your second sentence. ;)

As far as the gun looking like ass, whats wrong with Ass? I like Asses! (except for those nasty late night Walmart chicks Asses, they're...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 25th, 2011, 13:49
Replies: 5
Views: 7,127
Posted By Old School Punk
So is Maurzen's A.S.R. (Advanced System Rifle)...

So is Maurzen's A.S.R. (Advanced System Rifle) based on a "real" Fire Arm? If so which make and model?

It has a grip and butt stock from a M4 carbine, so I was thinking maybe it's a Colt...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 25th, 2011, 12:02
Replies: 5
Views: 7,127
Posted By Old School Punk
Echo1 - A.S.R. - Sniper Rifle

Hi guys; I recently bought an Echo1 A.S.R. Sniper Rifle, and I was just wondering if anyone knows if this airsoft gun is based on a "real steel" gun, or is it just something that the airsoft...
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 22nd, 2011, 17:23
Replies: 5
Views: 5,898
Posted By Old School Punk
I don't actually play, I'm just a "gear guy". ...

I don't actually play, I'm just a "gear guy".

As far as the power situation goes, each system has it's own batteries, if they shared a power source you would have a good point though.
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 22nd, 2011, 16:05
Replies: 5
Views: 5,898
Posted By Old School Punk
Anyone have one of these?

Hey Guys; I am looking for a new red dot scope and a green laser for my M4 AEG, and I have come across a product that has both items I want in one convenient package.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 27th, 2011, 13:20
Replies: 199
Views: 190,840
Posted By Old School Punk
Just incase anyone is looking at buying one of...

Just incase anyone is looking at buying one of these Canadian Tire Shotty's, here is what they can look like if you put a little time and effort into them.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 24th, 2011, 10:09
Replies: 14
Views: 18,785
Posted By Old School Punk
Thank you for all your responses gents, you guys...

Thank you for all your responses gents, you guys Rock!

Much appreciated

Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 23rd, 2011, 20:48
Replies: 14
Views: 18,785
Posted By Old School Punk
Very nice pics guys! They look like proffesional...

Very nice pics guys! They look like proffesional pictures!

The engraving on the Shooter Design looks awesome in the pics, thats whats got me stoked so far.

Would love to see some pics of the...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 23rd, 2011, 18:03
Replies: 14
Views: 18,785
Posted By Old School Punk
WOW Turok, Thats looks sweet! Great pics, thanks...

WOW Turok, Thats looks sweet! Great pics, thanks for posting them!

So I am curious, what kind of spring and high flo valve did you go with?

Also did you find this Shooter Design kit in...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 23rd, 2011, 16:59
Replies: 14
Views: 18,785
Posted By Old School Punk
Yes please on the photos! That applies to...

Yes please on the photos! That applies to everyone who has done a metal slide upgrade on their TM - G18C :D

Thanks for the responses so far, I hope to hear from a few more folks before I make my...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications February 23rd, 2011, 15:37
Replies: 14
Views: 18,785
Posted By Old School Punk
TM - G18C Metal Slide Advice Needed

Hi Guys; I am looking at possibly getting a metal slide for my
TM - Glock G18C GBB Pistol.

From what I am seeing online, there are currently at least 3 companys making metal slides for this...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 17th, 2011, 17:58
Replies: 94
Views: 79,942
Posted By Old School Punk
Hey Qlong, GREAT VIDEOS!!! Thanks for sharing...

Hey Qlong, GREAT VIDEOS!!! Thanks for sharing those with us.

Any chance that you would consider doing a disassembly or reassembly video for the slide on a Tokyo Marui G18C ?? :D

It would sure...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 17th, 2011, 13:28
Replies: 94
Views: 79,942
Posted By Old School Punk
TM - G18C Threaded Barrell

Check out this post for more info;

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 12th, 2011, 13:32
Replies: 94
Views: 79,942
Posted By Old School Punk
WOW Thanks for taking the time to write out this...

WOW Thanks for taking the time to write out this detailed description! You Rock!

I will print it off and use it as a guide when I go to do the upgrade.

Thnaks again

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 11th, 2011, 13:52
Replies: 94
Views: 79,942
Posted By Old School Punk
Does anyone know of a video showing the proper...

Does anyone know of a video showing the proper disassembly of a Tokyo Marui G18C slide ?

I am thinking about upgrading mine to a metal slide, but I would like to see what I am getting into before...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion February 9th, 2011, 16:10
Replies: 20
Views: 29,567
Posted By Old School Punk
My favorite movie scene involving a Mauser C96...

My favorite movie scene involving a Mauser C96 was from the James Bond film From Russia With Love.

Red Grant uses it...
Showing results 1 to 50 of 207

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