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FAQ for Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa, 2011, 1911, MEU & Detonics type variants


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Old November 7th, 2010, 20:20   #676
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What does lift/drag have to do with this, Mr Engineer? lol I just know that the nozzle doesn't come close to touching it and is gliding just fine.

Speaking of short stroking, my limit is to chamber the BB, while yours is probably to insert the slide stop. I have a 2-piece guide rod too, you can temporarily push the buffers away so you can stick something into the hole, and tighten...Just don't get addicted to short stroking like I did haha.
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Old November 7th, 2010, 20:48   #677
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L/D: Length to Diameter.

I don't like to short stroke anymore that I did. I am still running a uncut Airsoft Surgeon spring, which is pretty stiff already, its a pain in the butt to reinstall the spring as is....

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Old November 7th, 2010, 23:14   #678
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
The only difference is 1 vs 2 grooves like you said, but they are interchangeable.

Got a question regarding the stock BBU. What's the function of the plastic cap located underneath the piston?
Thanks for the reply!

When you say interchangeable, do I still need to cut the groove under the top groove on the nine ball to get it to fit the MEU? Or can I straight drop in the part?

If I need to cut the groove, any recommended ways of cutting it? I was thinking of using a small file to file away the rubber but I'm not so sure if its feasible on the elastic material.

Btw; I think I read a while back thatt the Nine Ball BBU doesn't fit an MEU. It does Straight drop in as well.
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Old November 7th, 2010, 23:32   #679
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You shouldn't have to cut it. It should drop in like a MEU seal. Check out the video at around 4:25.

YouTube - Marui 1911/MEU GBB magazine maintenance and lubrication..
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Old November 8th, 2010, 00:51   #680
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
You shouldn't have to cut it. It should drop in like a MEU seal. Check out the video at around 4:25.

YouTube - Marui 1911/MEU GBB magazine maintenance and lubrication..

btw; is the general consensus that the nine ball purple aero seal rubbers for magazines better than the stock and the guarder ones for MEU?

I've got a bunch of mags with ripped rubber seals and having the best air seal between the mag and the nozzle will complete my SD nozzle + NB Dyna Piston +NB Purple Bucking + NB tightbore air seal for the gas route in the whole MEU assembly.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 01:30   #681
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Yesterday i took some pictures on the local match, when i zoom the image, there are holes on top and side of the outer barrel.

Looks like there's a bolt / screw securing the outer barrel
what type / brand of outer barrel is this ?

thanx :wink:
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Old November 8th, 2010, 01:47   #682
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Nineball makes one.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 06:54   #683
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Hey guys!

So I've taken the plunge and FINALLY decided on a pistol. I've bought a TM 1911 and am loving it. However after seeing all the modified pistols here, the bug to customize it bit me hard.

So I've researched kits and bought myself the Nova MEU Kit.

I'd also like to do some Internal Upgrades and was looking at the Airsoft Surgeon MEU Complete Combo Upgrade Kit

Do I need any other parts get my pistol up and running on Propane?

For future upgrades I'd like to get Silver Nova Externals, mainly the Slide Stop, Grip Safety, Housing Magwell, Magazine Catch, Barrel Bushing and Trigger.

I noticed with the above parts, most of them come in a Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, I'm absolutely baffled as to which set would be compatible with my Nova MEU Kit. Are the differences purely cosmetic?

Last edited by Tsotsi; November 8th, 2010 at 10:16..
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Old November 8th, 2010, 09:03   #684
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
Nineball makes one.
Thank you, at first i think it is a custom made outer barrel
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Old November 8th, 2010, 09:51   #685
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Originally Posted by Tsotsi View Post
Hey guys!

So I've taken the plunge and FINALLY decided on a pistol. I've bought a TM 1911 and am loving it. However after seeing all the modified pistols here, the bug to customize it bit me hard.

So I've researched kits and bought myself the Nova MEU Kity.

I'd also like to do some Internal Upgrades and was looking at the Airsoft Surgeon MEU Complete Combo Upgrade Kit

Do I need any other parts get my pistol up and running on Propane?

For future upgrades I'd like to get Silver Nova Externals, mainly the Slide Stop, Grip Safety, Housing Magwell, Magazine Catch, Barrel Bushing and Trigger.

I noticed with the above parts, most of them come in a Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, I'm absolutely baffled as to which set would be compatible with my Nova MEU Kit. Are the differences purely cosmetic?
Congrats on taking the plunge, its a nice little pistol you got in your hands now.

Through personal experience, I would recommend the Shooters Design POM upgraded nozzle over the Airsoft Surgeon one. fitment isn't too tight and the POM material can take more stress than the harder AS one.

For running propane its nicer to get a stronger hammer spring, and recoil spring for the metal slide. the AS kit comes with it, but you can also get Guarder upgrade springs which work well too.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 15:07   #686
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Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
Am I the only one that's going for low recoil instead of high fps?
Yes, you're the only one playing Laser Tag. LOL

Originally Posted by intinerious View Post
I don't think PDI made 6.03mm barrels at the time? I thought they only sold 6.05mm and 6.01mm TBs. 6.03mm barrels by PDI are out TODAY on UNCompany though, but under the brand name of RAVEN (see here).
The Raven barrels are not .03. They are .01. It's a hardened steel, along the lines of their Palsonite series that I believe is now discontinued. Apparently, the coating used on these is not as smooth as their original stainless steel barrels, but are harder wearing.

As a further note on the discussion of this issue of bore differences, even PDI has marketed the .05 barrels as having greater accuracy than the .01 barrels, whereas .01 would achieve greater power over the .05.

The .08 barrels did not have as high accuracy nor power as either the .01 or .05 in either performance characteristic.

I'm sure the PDI chart is out there somewhere... I'm sure I saw it online before, but I do have a PDI catalogue from '06 sitting in front of me that specifically details these differences.

Originally Posted by StrikeFreedom View Post
Got a question regarding the stock BBU. What's the function of the plastic cap located underneath the piston?
I would imagine it's simply to cover up the cavity that they used to assist in the drilling and tapping of the piston head screw hole as well as the bolt hole at the back that secures the BBU to the slide. It would aid in cleaning out the area after machining, as well as to provide a space for the filings to travel for a full bottom threading.

Originally Posted by intinerious View Post
Btw; I think I read a while back thatt the Nine Ball BBU doesn't fit an MEU. It does Straight drop in as well.
It does fit. The groove is cut out to allow fitment with the rear sight. I believe The first release of this item did not have the groove.
IK BBU's will soon have this part machined out as well.

Originally Posted by intinerious View Post
btw; is the general consensus that the nine ball purple aero seal rubbers for magazines better than the stock and the guarder ones for MEU?

I've got a bunch of mags with ripped rubber seals and having the best air seal between the mag and the nozzle will complete my SD nozzle + NB Dyna Piston +NB Purple Bucking + NB tightbore air seal for the gas route in the whole MEU assembly.
How in the world are you ripping all these seals? I've never seen it happen before.

I have the Guarder rubbers here as well... haven't had a chance to try them yet, but when I do, I'll be sure to compare Guarder vs 9Ball vs TM

Originally Posted by Tsotsi View Post
Hey guys!

So I've taken the plunge and FINALLY decided on a pistol. I've bought a TM 1911 and am loving it. However after seeing all the modified pistols here, the bug to customize it bit me hard.

So I've researched kits and bought myself the Nova MEU Kit.

I'd also like to do some Internal Upgrades and was looking at the Airsoft Surgeon MEU Complete Combo Upgrade Kit

Do I need any other parts get my pistol up and running on Propane?

For future upgrades I'd like to get Silver Nova Externals, mainly the Slide Stop, Grip Safety, Housing Magwell, Magazine Catch, Barrel Bushing and Trigger.

I noticed with the above parts, most of them come in a Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, I'm absolutely baffled as to which set would be compatible with my Nova MEU Kit. Are the differences purely cosmetic?
Unless you have a drill press or mill outfitted with a bottom hole reamer, you're also going to need to purchase an aftermarket spring plug if you want to use the Airsoft Surgeon recoil spring. As it turns out, the Airsoft Surgeon recoil spring has a wider outer diameter than TM's spec for the inner diameter of their M1911A1/MEU spring plugs. The result is the inability to insert the spring in to the spring plug.

Solution 1:
Get a different recoil spring. I recommend Guarder 150%

Solution 2:
Get a different spring plug. I recommend Nova.

Besides that issue, you should be good to go.

Regarding the different "types" descriptions of Nova controls - this is all cosmetic. Some of the differences are very minor, and only the most hardcore enthusiast will notice the difference and be picky about it (like me. LOL.)
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Old November 8th, 2010, 15:27   #687
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The Nineball & 5KU BBUs have the rectangular hole on top, which I later found out is to accommodate the nub underneath the MEU rear sight. Problem occurs when it's used on Hicapas where there's no nub to fill in that hole. Even if I tape down the nozzle return spring, it's easily caught up at that hole. The outcome is a bent spring and stuck nozzle/slide.
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Old November 8th, 2010, 23:54   #688
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
The Raven barrels are not .03. They are .01. It's a hardened steel, along the lines of their Palsonite series that I believe is now discontinued. Apparently, the coating used on these is not as smooth as their original stainless steel barrels, but are harder wearing.

As a further note on the discussion of this issue of bore differences, even PDI has marketed the .05 barrels as having greater accuracy than the .01 barrels, whereas .01 would achieve greater power over the .05.

The .08 barrels did not have as high accuracy nor power as either the .01 or .05 in either performance characteristic.

I'm sure the PDI chart is out there somewhere... I'm sure I saw it online before, but I do have a PDI catalogue from '06 sitting in front of me that specifically details these differences.

How in the world are you ripping all these seals? I've never seen it happen before.

I have the Guarder rubbers here as well... haven't had a chance to try them yet, but when I do, I'll be sure to compare Guarder vs 9Ball vs TM
Ah, UNCo must've tagged them wrong. I had a feeling that they were 6.01 barrels (the picture had 6.01 on the barrels) but I gambled to trust UNCo to have their inventory tagged right

For the ripped stock rubbers; before the game they were fine, after the game they were ripped?

I think its probably due to my lack of maintainence of the rubbers themselves. All the rubber that ripped are from mags that came from a friend of mine and I dunno whether he maintains the rubber seals or not by oiling them once in a while. They looked fine to me before the game (no cracking or anything). The rubbers all ripped from the side thats closest to the bullet valve. The damage looks as if something pulled or pushed the back side of the rubber too much causing it to rip parallel to the direction of the hammer strike.

Another issue could be a loose BBU. If the BBU is too loose, the nozzle will have a tendency to point downards since the BBU is only being held from the back via the firing pin screw and due to gravity. the loading arm on the BBU may have been pressed against the rubber and causing it to shear.
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Old November 9th, 2010, 05:05   #689
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Location: Durban, South Africa / Edmonton, Canada

Thanks everyone for the advice and tips!



I didnt realise it would become THIS addictive, nor that there would be soo many diverse options available. Kinda feel like a kid locked in a Toy Store.

Thank you very much for the advice. Think I'm going to get the Guarder Upgrade Springs for now along with the SD POM nozzle. I've noticed alot of ppl like that one over the AS one.

Cant wait to put everything together!


You know when I first started lurking here, I would not have understood a word you said, but after taking your advice in an earlier thread and reading just about every related post I could get my hands on, I actually learnt something and now understand what you and everyones saying about parts and tools etc.

I'd actually like to thank you for inspiring me to get started with it, else I'd just have thought it impossible for an ordinary guy to do.

I'm going to go with the Guarder internal bits and grab my shiny silver controls at a later stage now that I know the differences are purely cosmetic.
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Old November 9th, 2010, 10:28   #690
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
5) The POM nozzle set is the right one. I would just warn against using the floating valve it comes with, because it will malfunction if you use higher power gas like green gas / top gas / propane.
call me stupid or whatever but can you show me what this parts looks like ??
thanks ILLusion
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